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His tongue licks my bottom lip and he slips it expertly into my mouth tasting every inch of it. He breaks away and I watch his intense eyes. "I guess you're not drunk" I roll my eyes and push his shoulder as he laughs.

"It took you an entire night to figure that?" I scoff. He smiles lazily at me and grabs my waist pulling me against his bare chest. "Say it again" he says as he brushes his hand against my lower back inducing goosebumps all over. "Say what?" I tease him.

I gasp as he flips us over pining me against his bed. "So we're playing dirty huh? I can play dirty" he purrs as he kisses my neck. I laugh as I struggle against his hold. "Alright, alright no need to go horny on me" I say making him groan. He nibbles my neck but stops when I start talking albeit a little too breathlessly "I don't understand how you did it but this moron of a girl is completely fallen under your spell" he gazes at me. "I'm in love with you Nico" I whisper and he kisses me deeply and slowly like we have all the time in the world.

"I'm in love with you too Heids" I smile and caress his head that now lies on my chest and his legs entangled with mine.

We had talked all night with a make out session here and there. I eventually woke up in his arms and with the TV still on. It was honestly the best feeling as I just lay there watching him sleep. He is so beautiful. I can watch him all day and I would never get sick. He spoons me again and I snuggle up to him as he whispers sweet things into my ears making me feel at ease.

"Did I tell you I got a job?" he kisses my ear making me quiver. "No, you didn't" I feel his chest vibrate with his low voice. It makes a delicious shiver arise from my spine up. "Well it's a funny story but I ended up signing a contract to do these commercials. Mr. Jochlein's is a real snake you know" he laughs and I feel tickled by his vibrating chest. I squirm and he let's me turn back around. "There's a reason I'm related to that man" his eyes twinkle as I stare at him.
"You planned everything didn't you!" I exclaim. He sobers up a little and twirls a strand of my hair.

"Well I didn't expect you to get a photoshoot so fast but Mr. Jochlein who's my uncle by the way did tell me he would get you a job." I relax a little at that. I really should give up and drop my guard. I can trust Nico. I know I can but I have always been someone to keep my guard up against the world, but with Nico I know I don't stand a chance. He has so much control over me and I bet he doesn't even know.

"But why did you guys pretend not to know each other?"

"Because you'd get suspicious if you got a job just like that."

"You got to be a frickin' businessman with your scheming brain" I poke his dimples. He scrunches up his nose giving me that look, the disapproving one and it makes me kiss his lips. He responds immediately by pulling my face closer.

"What about school?" I ask him when I pull away slightly out of breath. "I can get us into NYU or maybe Columbia whichever you like" he shrugs like its no big deal. I gape at him. "Okay well maybe not me but my father sure can. He has friends and one of his brothers is on the board of directors for Colombia."

"You rich kids" I mumble.

"What was that?" he asks as he grins wickedly making my heart race.

"I think you heard me" I regret those words as soon as they came out. Tears stream down my face as he tickles me. "Stop!" I scream and squirm hitting every part of his body I can touch. My knee swerves and hits something soft. He groans and and drops his hands to his crotch. "Shit! I'm sorry!" I say anything but sorry as I start giggling when he rolls around on his bed. "I think I'm never going to have children" he moans. I stop laughing and hit his head. "No way don't say that. I didn't even hit that hard and I want children so don't you...." I stop as I realize my slip up. Fuck.

He stops rolling and looks up at me mischievously all signs of pain gone from his face.

"You want to make babies with me? Let's make one here and now" he says and jumps on me seeming a little too over enthusiastic.

"I swear Nicolas don't make me hit you in the balls again because you know I will" he let's go and covers his crotch carefully. "Then we won't be able to make babies" he pouts making me smack his arm. He laughs and I grin at his carefree expression. "I hope you'll be the mother of my kids one day" he says seriously, making me blush. "I think it's too soon" I mumble. He chuckles and puts his arms around me. "We have all the time in the world" he sighs and I kiss his chest. "Yes we do you and I."


*laughs awkwardly* was that the cheesiest chapter or what? but I love my babies Heidi and Nico. okay so there is one last chapter left and maybe an epilogue who knows? or maybe I'll combine the last chapter and the epilogue. don't know. I guess we'll have to find out.

hanabi x


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