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I groan as I peel open my eyes. My head feels like it's about to explode. My throat feels dry and I almost choke. I cough as I slowly get up. I put my hand on my head as I blink my eyes several times. I suddenly jolt when I realize I'm not in my room. I look around to see it's a large room with long dark curtains covering the floor to ceiling windows.

I grip the soft fluffy quilt as I slowly peer underneath it. I breathe a sigh of relief to see I'm still wearing my dress. I wonder how I slept in the uncomfortable thing. I freeze when yesterday's events flash before my eyes. "No" I whisper as my heart thumps painfully. I just want to believe it was a bad dream but I know otherwise. I bury my face in the soft white quilt. I can't seem to cry though. I think my body is dehydrated.

I stay in that position for five minutes but I eventually get out of bed in search of water. I didn't wander for long. I found a tall glass of water and an Advil on the dresser near the bed. I swallow the pill and gulp down the rest of the water. I breathe out in relief but my head is still throbbing. I look around to see that the room is quite bare and roomy.

I discover an ensuite and I take the liberty to wash up and do my business. I stare at my face in the mirror. It looks better now without my raccoon eyes but my eyes look dull and lifeless.

Someone must have helped me last night. I don't remember much after they left me. My stomach burns and I feel the hurt in my heart. I pick up my shoes as I slowly move towards a door across the room. I twist the knob only to find myself in a walk in closet. It had a few clothes in them and they all belong to a man. I inhale the musky cologne that dominates the closet. It wasn't a bad smell. I quite liked it and it did feel familiar and comforting. I quickly exit the closet before I get high on that male scent if that can even happen.

I look around when I finally spot a door beside the queen sized bed. I twist the knob and this time I find myself in a short corridor. I quickly make my way down the corridor. I walk down the wooden stairs at the end of the corridor.

I stare at the abstract paintings on the wall in awe. It looks like a modern house with futuristic but minimalistic designs. I find myself in a large living area with the kitchen in it as well. I walk towards the leather couches to see a dark head resting on the backrest of one of the couches. From where I stand I can only see the back of the seats in the room. I clear my throat as I near the couch. The head immediately turns towards my me and I gasp.

I find myself staring at two orbs of silver. I stare with my mouth open at my English Professor. "Mr. Hale?!" I almost scream. He gives me an equally confused look but without the tinge of embarrassment that I seem to sport. "Heidi? Right?" he says in his deep tone as he stands up to his height. I try not to blush when I see that he is shirtless with only some grey sweatpants on.

A/n : our shirtless Mr. Hale *evil grin*

"So you're the girl he brought home yesterday" he says shaking his head as if disappointed. "Excuse me what?!" I exclaim embarrassed to the core.

"Nick.... Nick brought you here right" he says like he's talking to a child. I try to remember who this Nick is when my eyes automatically move down to his torso. I see Henley was right. He certainly has abs. Very nice ones at that.

"I'm not really a fan of forbidden love" he states in a joking tone. I feel my cheeks heat up and I stutter. "N-no s-sir I-I wasn't....." I stop talking when Mr. Hale starts laughing so loudly that I am certain it shook the walls. I want to dig a grave and bury me alive. I have never been this embarrassed in my short, miserable life ever before.

I am about to just run for the hills when I hear a different voice cut through the laughter. "What's going on?" this deep voice says. I turn around and almost get another heart attack. I now know who this Nick guy is. Of course it would be none other than Nicolas Gray. I make a sound that sounds like cross between a shriek and a groan. I grimace at the horrible sound that came out from my throat.

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