Midevil AU- King Moon x Servant Sun

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Sun's pov:

I have worked for my wondrous king for but a few months, and already I am to stay as close as possible to him! I've gotten so far to get here... I'm proud to earn such a high position! Even if it seemed odd... They would always watch me... But I suppose a peasant boy was the last expected thing to be by his highness!

I was to write notes and plans For King Moon! Therefore... I will! It pays well and wasn't very difficult for me. I would just follow him around and write notes until told otherwise! It was odd though with other workers of his... They gave me odd looks and made me worry of opinions...

The king was surprisingly comforting of it as well! Ah... King Moon is the best! He always knows what to say!

Moon's pov:

I was on my throne, waiting for my favorite servant to come back over to my side. He makes the least mistakes and does the most work here. So I settled on having him as my right hand man. Having a... Great likeing... To his cheerful personality and eagerness to offer help to others.

That being said... All good things get backfire... My poor servant has to deal with jealousy of the other older workers. He plays it off but I try to comfort him so he stays... Wouldn't want my little Sunny to leave yet.

He ment so much to me... Staying by my side despite his discomfort... I plan to make him my lover possibly... Just trying to find out how... I can always make him... But I want his genuine love.

This felt so... So complicated... That and they expected me to get a QUEEN. Never was interested in females... They all have similar issues of caring of how people see them that they snap at slight issues. I sighed as I leaned my head on my hand, watching Sun help the maids clean up... God I hardly deserve such a sweet boy...

I went back to my thoughts that wander in possible ways of getting his heart... I've technically tried... He just didn't seem to notice! Assuming I was just complimenting him and nothing more! I mean... I suppose I could of worded things better... Compliments alone clearly not working...

I sighed and ponder of possible ways to woo him and win his heart... I don't even know if he likes anyone.. My thoughts finally got interrupted as another of my servants cleared their throats.

"Your highness! It is noticeable you seem... Distressed? And as a loyal servant I ask what troubles you so!" ,she questioned, clearly wanting gossip for the other workers.

I sighed, knowing she wouldn't leave empty-handed, "Where it doesn't trouble you, I am having issues of getting a lover."

She gasped and approached, "Love troubles? But the girls throughout the kingdom adore you! Every last one! Who could possibly be such trouble to get to love you?"

I scoffed and look away, eyeing sun threw a window again, "I do not wish for any woman. There will be no queen. I desire a worker here... Yet he slips my hold."

She seemed disturbed and disappointed in my words, "You look for a boy? But you are a KING, Sire! And I assure that there are plenty a women to please you-"

"I STATE MY MIND. You will not disturb me if you plan to sway my heart. Now leave to your gossip. It's what you do instead of work." ,I hissed as she bows.

"Y-yes, King Moon... Apologies, Sire...." ,she muttered before scrambling away to tell the others.

Not that I care if others know... Perhaps then the girls will cease their feeble attempts... And my mind drifts back to possible ways to make my Sunny prince be mine...

Sun's pov:

I finished helping with some maids that were struggling with their work. It wasn't too much trouble! Now back to helping the king. I wander threw the halls, humming as I noticed the usual gossips be muttered...

Wait... They mutter of king Moon? I over heard a girl speaking of him being interested in a boy here in the castle... To be his lover? She appears to have ran from wherever she heard such thoughts. I sighed and chuckled. Rumors will be nothing but trouble for them.. Especially if the king hears!

I shook my head and continued to the throne room, bowing before him, "I've returned your highness! Is there anything needed to aid you?"

He seemed to snap pit of his thoughts to look at me with a soft smile I hardly saw him with, less we were alone, "Ah... My loyal servant. You return! I gave a request of tonight."

I smiled and nodded, "Of course! Anything you wish, Sire."

"You will join me for dinner. Then we will see how the night takes us. Understood?" ,he stated with a calm face.

I tilt my head, "You talk like you're asking me for dinner, your majesty-"

"I am." ,he smiled to me, "Glad you noticed."

I blushed faintly. Me? A mere peasant... Going to dinner with the king?... M-maybe that is why that girl thinks the king liked a boy here? But i-it couldn't be me! I-I don't do that much- Either way though... Seems like I have a date with his highness!

Cliffhanger again! owo mwahahahahahahaha!

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