Afterlife AU- Demon Sun x Corrupted x Demon Moon

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Corrupted's pov:

I had been a bit paranoid as of lately... It feels like there are eyes on me constantly ever since I escaped the pizzaplex... I wasn't close to many but I was with Sun and Moon... They got caught in the fire though... I was scared of what was stalking me nonstop...

I was laying against my arcade game when I could of swore I saw 2 pairs of eyes.... They.... Remind me of them... I shook my head. Assuming it was a mind trick... They didn't survive... it's not them... It CAN'T be... Can it?...

Sun's pov:

After the fire me and Moon were unsalvageable so we were nothing but ghosts. Demons to be exact when we looked to ourselves. We were confused and worried... Did anyone survive? Will they be here? Are we alone? What do we do now?...

We found a way to the living world and started getting ahold of the abilities that came with death... They were mainly that we have to let people see us, we could fly, we had tails that we could somewhat control, and we were feeling things that felt.... Odd...

It felt almost like we could control these new thing almost... well... almost immediately... I noticed Moon seemed more defensive and I felt more agitated than when I was alive... What happened?... What changed so much?... We desided to look for the pizza plex after sneaking to the living world.

It was beautiful! And... Terrifying.. There were so many things different... So much to take in... I started wandering and looking for any signs of where we died while Moon glared at anyone around us but we learned quickly they didn't see us... That was probably for the best...

We eventually did find the ashy remains of the pizza plex from there being that Gregory kid standing outside of it... I felt such strong anger towards him... But I ignored it and we tried to see if anyone else was around that lived. That was when we found him...

Our friend Corrupted! I felt all new overwhelming feeling at seeing him alive! I was relieved he didn't face the same nightmare as me and Moon but... What was this other feeling... It feels familiar... I looked to Moon, trying to get him to see, "Moon! Moon! Look! He survived! One of our friends survived!"

Moon looked to me puzzled and joined me, "You have heart eyes.. And... Who-... Corrupted?"

I was too happy that Corrupted lived to care for him saying I had heart eyes. When I turned to him while we watched our friend he had heart eyes too! I wonder why? What does it mean?... Hmmm... No matter! We can stay with our friend again now! Like the fire never happened~

Corrupted's pov:

I had taken a nap in my game but felt something interacting with it... I woke up confused and looked through the screen immediately. I froze and covered my mouth at what I saw... Sun and Moon? Sun seemed to be pushing the button like he used to when he wanted to talk and Moon seemed to look around as if watching for something to catch them both.

They looked.... Different?... Not in a bad way! No not at all bad... But... they had horns and... Tails... And little folded bat-like wings... Were they... demons? I shook my head, not caring what they became and only caring about if they were ok.

I went through the screen and they both looked to me with their mischievous smiles and loving eyes, "Y-you're ok! W-where did you go!? I... I though I lost you both?..."

Their smiles faltered and Sun took my hand in his, "You did... We.... Died... But w-we couldn't leave everyone! Did anyone else make it out?"

Moon then snapped, "We saw the one that started it but hoped that there were others that were ok..."

I felt like crying... How do I say it... "They didn't.... Only me and Freddy..."

They nodded as we all looked down, seemingly to give a moment of silence... It only broke when I spoke up, "Are you two.... Demons?.."

They looked to one another and Moon had one of his usual blank expressions as Sun bit his lip worriedly. Moon was the first to answer, "Yes but we aren't sure why.."

I nodded slowly, trying to get control of my thoughts... They died... And now they're demons?.... I know they were mischievous and Sun stole things left behind while Moon had scared most of them but damn... I didn't think it was that bad?...

It was then that I noticed they had little hearts in their eyes and I tilted my head, "Why are your eyes like that?.."

They both seemed to shy away, answering in their own way, "W-well... It just started and... W-we haven't the slightest clue..."

Moon nods, agreeing with sun, "The second we saw you made it..~"

I blushed as I noticed them acting funny with their tones... Moon wasn't normally this flirty... And Sun normally would be made shy of topics of himself. The seem more... Forward...

Moon's pov:

I had been trying to resist pulling corrupted to me, instead flirting with him. I feel like... I have a new sence of confidence since death... Felt... Good~ Like I could do anything I want..~ I could tell Sun also seemed more confident... Maybe this can help us now? Do things we never could?...

For now I focused my attention to Corrupted. I craved his touch as if he would vanish if I didn't... Like... I had to prove that he wasn't fake... Without thinking I put my hand on his shoulder, smiling warmly at the feeling.

It felt like it was so long since I touched anyone alive... But it was hardly a few minutes most likely... When me and Sun held eachother... I looked to Sun... Almost Hopeing for all this to be some dream... But... It felt real... Felt so good... Like an upside down wonderland...

We talked the rest of the time till Corrupted said he needed to charge in the game... We nodded and left outside of the cave, "Do... do you feel differently?... Or is it just me?..."

I nod to Sun, "Very... But it feels... Good..~"

He smiled and nods, "I got an idea Moony!"

"Let's hear it~"

He then explained how we could stay and protect Corrupted. Guardians so to speak... The idea of keeping him safe from trespassers... Sounds good~ I agreed and ever since we continued this plan. Nobody comes in... Nobody comes out..~

Sun X Moon AU OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now