Naga AU- Yandere Naga Corrupted x Moon

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Corrupted's pov:

There was a village near my domain where I stalked one boy who lived there. He found me one day and started bringing me gifts. I haven't the slightest clue as to why but I figured I would repay him some day.. His name was Moon and I made sure no people were causing him harm... Or taking him from me~

He was making his way to my cave like his usual habits and I saw him bringing a gator boy... Great... Someone else to take his attention away...

I layed lazily on a rock that was angled in the sun so I could warm myself. It was right outside of my cave and they both walked over to me, my sweet Moony speaking first, "Hello again Corrupted. I hope you don't mind that I brought a friend?"

I yawned faintly, stretching slightly, "Who's that with you Moon?.."

The gator smiled to me and held out his hand, "The name's Montgomery!"

I blinked to him, and sat up, reluctantly shaking his hand, "Hello there?..."

Moon smiled and gave me a hug. I melted into his touch, "Sorry for disturbing you buddy.. Figured you would want to meet him so we could all head towards the river?"

I sighed softly, "I suppose I wouldn't mind joining you~ But next time warn me of extra.... Guests..."

He nods and we start towards the river. Hopefully that gator doesn't try anything... ESPECIALLY with MY Moony....

Moon's pov:

We were making our way towards the river. I really liked hanging out with Corrupted and my buddy Monty asked to join. I figured the more the merrier and he tagged along. I'm not sure if Corrupted likes him though... He isn't the best with newer people. I should know! Our first meeting wasn't exactly... Pleasant...

But he warmed up to me and even helps me on stressful days. It was definitely worth befriending him... And hopefully we could be more some day... Maybe... I was still figuring things out with how I feel about him... But I really do care for him..~

When we made it to the river Monty dove in right away and I rolled my eyes at him, "Dude- Your gonna scare all the fish away!"

He popped his head up from under the water, "We planned on fishing? Thought we were just goofing around?"

I chucked slightly as Corrupted went in a tree, likely to continue sunbathing, "Yeah we're just goofing off but still don't gotta spook them too much!"

Corrupted looked to be snapping in the tree he climbed and joined Monty. We were splashing when suddenly I heard a loud splash from where Corrupted was laying. I turned there and saw him gone. Me and Monty looked to eachother when suddenly he rose from the water splashing us both. We all laughed and had fun for a little while longer till I said I had to go.

Monty and Corrupted desided to stay a bit longer and I told them I would see them later. This was fun! Corrupted looked to be having fun with Monty as well! Perhaps we can do this again some time! For now I headed home to rest for tomorrow.

Corrupted's pov:

After moon left it was just me and... Monty.... I still don't like him... He might take MY Moony... I can't have that... So I'll just make a little.... Accident~

I swam over towards him as he chuckled to me, "Whatcha doing Corrupted? Wanna do another round?"

I hummed and narrowed my eyes to him, smirking slightly, "Sure! But how strong are you?"

He tilted his head, "A strength challenge? Damn! I'm game!"

I smiled wider, "So challenge accepted?~"

He nods, preparing for me to charge him, "Your on!"

I dove under the water and swam around him, tightening my coils around him. He gasped as I pulled him under, trying to get air as I held him under, tightening more and more... Little... By little..~ Eventually I saw him pass out, suffocating as I finally released my hold.

When I finished, I went up for air and looked for any witnesses before making it seem like he got tangled in some underwater vegetation. My work was done and I grabbed a fish to eat when I got home, starting my way back. I smirked as I looked back to where the body was, "See you NEVER alligator~"

When I got home I put the fish down, drying myself with one of the pelts from my prey. I collected them to soften my best and it worked to also dry me off as I tossed it somewhere to dry. Hopefully Moon doesn't find him... Even if he does I'm a good actor... But I would rather not see him sad..

For now I focused on rest and food. I ate my fresh fish whole and layed down. I'll worry about it tommorow... For now... Sleep~

*time skip, brought to you by me not doing these in like.... since one of the first few chapters owo*

It was finally morning and I was debating doing more sunbathing when Moon came in, calling for me, "Corrupted! Corrupted? You awake?"

I stretched and looked to him, "Wha... Yeah? What's the matter?"

He looked around for a bit seeming worried, "Monty never came back last night and I was wondering if he stayed with you?"

I knew where this was going and already planned how to answer, "Oh! Him... Nah... I left him in the river... was getting hungry and tired so I got a fish and left him to keep swimming. Maybe he fell asleep there?"

He hummed slightly, "Hmmm... M-maybe?... Would.. Would you come with me just in case?.."

I smiled warmly to him, "Of course! I don't mind~"

With that we headed to the river and began to look for him. I made it take a bit longer so it wouldn't be suspicious if I found him and went in the water to "look". After a few minutes I saw him still where I left him, seemingly loosened from the spot by fish that swam by. I went to the surface, making myself appear as sad as I could muster.

Moon looked to me and looked conserned, "What's wrong?.. You seem upset... Is he ok?"

I avoided eye contact, "I don't think your... Friend... is with us anymore... Looks like he got stuck under water..."

I heard him gasp as he dove under and I reluctantly showed his friend to him as he tried to untangle him and I helped drag Monty from the water. Moon checked his pulse before starting to cry, covered his mouth with his hand. I shushed him gently, trying to soothe him so he would calm down.

He cried to me as he clung to my chest, "H-he's dead! Oh god... He didn't deserve this!..."

I frowned in slight agitation of the topic but chose to pretend to care for Monty's death, "I saw you both seemed close... I'm sorry for your loss my dear...."

He whimpered as I held onto him before he said he had to inform the village. I nodded in understanding and said to come by after so we could try to recover from the grim topic. He accepted and went with Monty to the village for burial. I hated seeing him so sad... But then again... Maybe I can use it to have him closer to me~

Later that day he came back with supplies to stay for a while. I welcomed him warmly and held him close as he  clung to me desperately. We stayed like that as I felt like I was in heaven~ I hated that he only did this because of sadness... But perhaps now I can keep him! Yes..~ Keep him here... Safe.... Happy~ Alone with me and nobody strong enough to stop me~

With these thoughts I looked to his now sleeping form. He fell asleep while crying as I whispered to him, "Don't worry my sweet..~ I'll be here as long as I can~ Nobody will hurt you again..~ I promise~"

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