Mermaid AU- Mermaid Sun x Sailor Moon

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Moon's pov:

I was the only sailor who sailed at only night. Sometimes during my nightly deliveries I noticed a tail or glimmer of gold or orange nearby. I wanted to find what it was so when I was free one night I sailed to where I noticed it would start and released my anchor. I watched the water and waited, making myself something to eat with my packed supplies.

I made a simple sandwich and started eating when I heard movement. I turned to it and saw whatever it was peeking back from the water. I jumped slightly, "Who's there!?"

I heard a faint yep as it swam away. I panicked, "Wait- I didn't mean to scare you-"

I didn't hear anything and sighed. I went back to eating in silence, debating taking a nap. After finishing my meal and still no signs of the golden sea creature's return I layed down on my small boat. It's so quiet... A small nap won't hurt I'm sure... I closed my eyes gently, falling asleep almost immediately.

Sun's pov:

I don't know if he saw me... I've been following a strange sailor that comes out at night only! It's very odd... He's the only one I've never seen at day. I got in the habit of following his boat as well. I think he noticed because now he's staying here!

I swam deeper so he couldn't see me. I heard him say something but I'm not sure what it was. After a bit later he went quiet. I desided to peek again and saw him laying back. Was he asleep?.. Carefully, I climbed into the boat with him, looking to his face closely. I blushed slightly, he looks cute when he sleeps... I was about to leave when he pulled me to his chest. I blushed brightly as he cuddled me.

I wasn't sure what he was doing and didn't want to wake him up. I blushed as he nuzzled me in his sleep. It was so c-cute but what was he doing? I got flustered and wanted to get in the water before this got any more embarrassing. Oh... D-do I wake him or wait..

Moon's pov:

I started to wake up, seemingly holding something onto me. Confused, I opened my eyes slightly to see the face from before but they were blushing. We looked to eachother a moment and I also started blushing before we both pulled away from eachother.

I looked to him as I realized the front of my body was soaked from holding him. I looked to him and he had a beautiful body that had one similar to a fish as his lower half. It was.... beautiful... I looked to his face as he seemed to try and hide himself, seemingly not able to get out of the boat.

I carefully made my way over to him, noticing that he curled into himself slightly more. I was only a foot away from touching him, stopping there so he didn't feel threatened, "Who.... Are you?..."

He peeked between his fingers before hesitantly lowering his hands from his face, "I-I'm Sun... A-and you?..."

I chucked, "Surprised you followed my boat for a while yet don't know who you follow! Heh... The name's Moondrop... But call me Moonfor short."

He smiled and avoided eye contact, "H-heh... Y-yeah... I was just.... C-curious..."

I couldn't lie that was why I was put there as well. Curious what was following me. Looks like I found the shy merman to answer that, "Well... you know what they say..."

He looked to me confused as I smirked to him, "Curiosity killed the cat..~"

He blushed and looked away, seeming more nervous as he played with his hands. I chuckled and moved back a bit since he probably felt cornered. I moved back to where I had been asleep, noticing him slowly moving closer. I played it off like I didn't notice, closing my eyes with a soft smile. I felt him lay beside me, "...So you need something Sunshine or are ya planning on sleeping with me?-~"

I opened my eyes to see him blushing brightly, "Heh~ Well you going to answer?-~"

I then realized how close he leaned towardsme and we kissed. When I realized I blushed, pulling him into a deeper kiss before pulling away. We both had a blush on our cheeks, "T-that's what you wanted I take it?..~"

He nods, looking away from me shyly, "S-sorry if I was t-too soon-"

I cut him off by kissing him again, "Mmm..~ It's fine..~"

He blushed and he smiled nervously, "O-oh my..~ I-if I knew you would kiss me then I w-would of done that sooner..~"

I blushed and held him, "Is that a way of asking for more?..~"

He blushed and hesitantly nodded, "Heh~ As you wish~"

I kissed all over his face and nuzzled his neck. He let put excited giggles and chirps making me chuckle. We spent the rest of our time like that together. Eventually falling asleep in each other's embrace.

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