Hunting hour.

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Lost in the woods

{ Your point of view }

I was about 6 turning 7 next month so to prove my loyalty to berk I went out to go hunt a dragon to prove myself to berk
"I'm going out!" I shouted
I didn't wait for a reply and grabbed a knife before setting off into the woods on the north side of the island, mom was pregnant at the time so I assumed she was at gothi's. I went through that big marsh part and found myself in the middle of the woods when I saw a storm rolling in
"Dad! Mom! Gobber!" I shouted
There was no reply which was worrying. I saw a couple of old dragon traps and made sure to not step on them while trying to find shelter
"I want to go home." I pouted
I didn't even know if they knew I was gone or if they knew I was lost in the woods, do all Vikings get lost in the woods to prove themselves?
"AH!" I shouted
I fell down a chasm in the earth and there was a dragon nest.
"Hello? Mother dragon?" I said
This was all a mistake because I couldn't kill a dragon no matter how much I wanted too and I didn't even know why.

I heard a rock fall above me
"Hello?" I shouted
It was getting scary and I didn't want it to be scary for me, I just wanted to go home. I heard a low growl behind me and I was too afraid to turn around but I did so anyways
"A- a night fury!" I exclaimed
It was a juvenile night fury with grey scratch's and scars that have healed overtime. The night fury's mouth had retractable teeth and it's mouth started to glow purple as I backed up
"I'll leave! I'm sorry!" I stated
The night fury jumped above me and shot a blast and when I turned around there was a melted dragon trap, it didn't want to kill me?
"Why didn't you kill me?" I asked
The dragon sat down and just stared at be with dilated pupils ready to attack so I got closer and it began to growl
"Okay! Okay!" I said retreating
"Do you know where home is?" I asked
The night fury tilted it's head
"Berk?" I said
The night fury growled as it flew out of the chasm
"Hey! Wait up!" I shouted
I struggled to get out of the chasm but eventually I did leave.

I found the night fury near one of berk's shores and I knew where I was
"Y/N!" I heard someone shouting
"Gobber! Mom! Dad!" I yelled
No one seemed to hear me but the night fury and the night fury wasn't happy about it, I made out it was male due to the size and some attributes. He growled as he turned around and I grabbed my knife as the night fury kept staring at it so I threw it on the ground and it was okay with me. I heard my mother call out and my father call too and I realized all of berk was looking for me
"Move! Shoo! Go!" I said
If they found the night fury they would do more worse things than try and shoot it down.
The night fury didn't understand and he got closer to me as I backed up and before I knew it I was swung over the night fury's back and I held on while it ran towards the water
"Where are we going!" I asked
The night fury didn't reply with anything and immediately flew off into the distance and my Viking helmet fell into the ocean.

We landed on a beautiful island
"What? Where's berk!" I exclaimed
The night fury dusted itself off from the sand and gestured for me too follow
"I'm getting a feeling you actually don't want to kill me." I admitted
The night fury turned around and made a face that spoke "you think?"
I was led deep into a forest and found a red egg as the night fury stared at it
"Can we keep it! It clearly doesn't have a mom!" I pleaded
It reminded me of my mother and I wanted it to have a nice life, was I actually saving a dragon? The night fury nodded as I grabbed the egg carefully
"Why can't you take me back to berk?" I asked
The night fury ignored the question and i saw a little cliffside the night fury was going for with tall grass and a little Sandy clearing, perfect for fire. I walked towards it as the night fury laid down on the edge and I placed the egg near it
"How do you start a fire?" I asked
It's not like the night fury would tell me but instead he lit the fire using a plasma blast.

as I laid down thinking of berk and how much everybody's worrying about me and I heard a crack and looked over and the night fury scrambled to its feet and just looked at the egg
"It's hatching! Already!" I informed
I got closer and waited for the egg to hatch and out came something mentioned in the book of dragons, a singetail!
"It's a singetail!" I exclaimed
The night fury sniffed it as the singetail began to sort of want to come to me
"It thinks I'm it's mom!" I said
It stated in berks papers that singetails were impossible to try and train it to get it to do what you want and I realized I could train it from birth
"What am I gonna name you. Or you night fury!" I exclaimed
The night fury sat down as I thought of names
"How about i name this little guy Abeloth which means bringer of chaos and you night fury viserion! That means first rain!" I said
Viserion seemed to like it but Abeloth was already asleep and I knew that this could be the start of a new path in my life and I was ready to take it.

Word count: 1027 words!

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