Digging through genetics.

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{ Hiccup's point of view }

We were back on berk and since we had the chance I'd confront my father about berk's past and if anyone came to visit
"Dad?" I said
I was walking through the hall with toothless and the gang when my father and skullcrusher appeared in front of us
"What brings you back to berk so soon, son?" Dad asked
"He has a question!" Ruffnut exclaimed
"Dear, nut! You mustn't interfere with theatre!" Tuffnut said
"Ignore them." Astrid stated
"Dad. Has anyone visited berk in the past 50 years?" I asked
"No. Other than traders and other chiefs."
Dad answered
"Has anyone gone missing on berk?"
Fishlegs asked
Astrid looked back as snotlout grabbed his Viking hat from hookfang
"What! I was curious." Fishlegs stated
"Ah. It's time I tell you what I most feared." Dad said
We sat down as toothless sat next to me
"8 years before you were born, there was a young child on berk." Dad started
Astrid sat up straight
"They didn't really socialize with anyone and just kept to themselves." Dad said
"Woah." Ruffnut whispered
"One day they went out into the woods to supposedly kill their first dragon." Dad said
It sounded a little like my scenario with toothless.

"That same day a night fury was spotted near the coasts and disappeared into the woods." Dad said
"Is he telling your story?" Fishlegs asked
"No. I don't think so." I whispered back
"That night they didn't return and all that was found was their dropped knife and a piece of metal on the beach. We heard yells of what seemed to be joy from afar." Dad finished
I blew out air as toothless seemed to become more invested.
"Name?" Astrid asked
"Y/N-" dad got cut off
"Culprit found!" Ruffnut exclaimed
"Another sun for the nut's!" Tuffnut said
"Let him finish muttonheads!" Fishlegs stated
"Y/N haddock. Better known as hiccup's older sibling. And my first child." Dad stated
He walked away quickly as toothless looked to the side obviously disturbed
"There your sibling?!?" Snotlout shouted.
"Y/N [middle name] haddock. the dragon rider with the night fury. Is hiccup horrendous haddock's sibling?" Fishlegs debunked
"Looks like it." Astrid replied
"Why didn't he tell me I had a sibling, better yet one that berk thought was dead." I stated
"That means we need to go confront Y/N about this." Astrid said sternly.

"I call the one to tell them!" Ruffnut said
"No I do!" Tuffnut protested
"We obviously know I am!" Snotlout exclaimed
"No one will be telling anyone anything!" Fishlegs said
"It's hiccup's duty." Astrid informed
Meatlug and hookfang nodded as barf and belch grabbed both twins
"Bud. Viserion would be your brother! Along with 15 other dragons." I trailed off
"That's one big family." Ruffnut said
"Ours is bigger." Tuffnut informed.
Toothless smiled as we went outside of the great hall and into berk seeing some kid with a baby deadly nadder
"Doesn't this mean that death gripper we almost killed is toothless's sibling?" Ruff said
"That's gonna be one big family feud." Snotlout snorted
"Don't talk snotlout." Astrid said
Hookfang nudged toothless as barf and belch created an explosion for fun along with meatlug and Stormfly roaring happily
"It seems there congratulating toothless." Fishlegs observed
"So let's do the same to hiccup." Astrid stated
I saw Gobber land with grump as Gobber got off and grump flew away
"Heard the news?" Gobber asked
"Yup." I answered
"Sad day. To think they died before seeing you." Gobber admitted
"Actually w-!" Astrid covered ruffnut's mouth
"Wait! Wait-!" Fishlegs hushed up Tuffnut.

"Did you muttonheads forget what they said?" Astrid asked
"What'd they say?" Tuffnut asked
"To not tell anyone about our encounter!" Snotlout finished
I sighed and laughed as toothless cooed happily along with meatlug budded toothless
"Okay. We go back to dragons edge today and tomorrow we go to Y/N's island." I said.
We got back to dragons edge as everyone went their separate ways back to their huts as me and toothless went on patrol to make sure ryker's ships weren't at dragons edge
"How do you think of all this, bud?" I asked
Toothless bellowed as he roared in a happy tone and dove towards a post
"Can I assume you're happy about having a night fury sibling?" I questioned
Toothless nodded as he plasma blasted a tilted rock in the mountain, could've caused an avalanche.
"The night terrors. Where are they?" I asked
I heard an explosion and knew exactly where they were and I assumed toothless did too
"Fire in the hole!" Ruffnut yelled
"Hey!" I shouted
"Hi hiccup!" Tuffnut greeted
"Why is smidvarg here? Not the point. Can you let the night terrors go?" I asked
Smidvarg roared as another night terror did the same thing.

I had dealt with ruffnut and Tuffnut and as soon as I did toothless yawned and flew back to our hut
"Don't worry. In the morning you can rest all you want after telling them." I said
Toothless cooed happily as he pranced inside my hut towards his stone circle across the ground and heated it up using a low light plasma blast
"Is that ruff and tuff, again?" I asked
I heard yelling from the distance and it sounded like both ruff and ruff and even a few boars or hogs in the mix, Toothless rolled his eyes as I heard an explosion in the distance and snotlout's distant yelling along with hookfang's distinct roar and barf and belch's screech's.
"I don't think I'm gonna be getting sleep tonight. What about you, bud?" I asked
Toothless then roared in agreement as he stretched before prancing over to a different spot of the room to drown out the sound of the twins exploding stuff. I finally fell asleep after a long while of hearing toothless move from place to place and the twins exploding stuff along with snotlout and hookfang's yells and roars to get them to stop the mayhem.

Word count: 1010 words

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