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Warming up!

{ Y/N's point of view }

We were already in the air and we decided to start with Hyperion the screaming death
"Hyperion should be around here somewhere." I said
"Like right there!" Snotlout squealed
"Move!" Astrid shouted
Meatlug flew up as multiple fire blasts shot towards them
"No need to get aggressive! They're friendly!" I informed
Hyperion flew up and sniffed hookfang as hookfang stayed completely still
"Okay. Clearly hyperion is agitated. Let's move on towards Tanis!" I said
We flew towards the forest and when we landed the orange deadly nadder ran towards us happily
"Stormfly! It's a deadly nadder!" Astrid said
Stormfly and Tanis ran around together happily as hiccup smiled, When we left Tanis sure wasn't happy about it and Stormfly wasn't exactly happy towards it.
"Let's go see Volos." I stated
We flew into a forest and landed as we walked around waiting to find Volos
"When are we seeing him?" Hiccup asked
"Hear that?" Astrid asked
"Right about now. Watch for the speed stingers." I warned
Volos appeared through the trees tilting his head playfully as the whole pack of speed stingers appeared
"Archion!" I exclaimed
Archion ran forward as Volos nudged me a little in affection.

"I'm sorry. But the speed stingers that tried to kill us is yours!?" Snotlout shouted
Hookfang snorted as barf and belch greeted Volos and meatlug played with the baby speed stingers with toothless and Stormfly
"Let's get going to leviathan?" I asked
"Yeah!" Ruffnut exclaimed
"Anything to get away from these dragons!" Snotlout exclaimed
"Cya around archion, Volos!" I said
We flew off towards the ocean as I shot a plasma blast into the water and out appeared a submaripper
"Leviathan! Come meet them!" I exclaimed
Leviathan propelled into the air and began to fly which seemed to shock fishlegs.
"There flying! The dragon eye never told us they could fly!" Fishlegs said
"We rarely look at tidal class dragons." Hiccup stated
Leviathan groaned as toothless flew around him in circles happily as barf and belch blew a small explosion
"Leviathan isn't the type to fly often. Only when I tell him to or it's necessary." I said
"So much studying and documenting to do!" Fishlegs squealed
"What an awesome dragon. Chicken would love it!" Tuffnut stated
"Chicken?.." I said
"Get used to it." Snotlout informed
"Will do." I replied
Leviathan dove into the sea as we flew off to go towards nagendra's chasm.

"Nagendra!" I shouted
Nagendra roared and appeared behind us as he tilted his head all around and roared aggressively as The others flew back so me and viserion stepped in
"Nagendra! Stand down!" I ordered
Nagendra's winds fluttered in the air as his head went back to normal and roared softly as Viserion breathed out
"Wouldn't stay for long. Nagendra is a hungry dragon." I informed
"We've never seen a death song up close before." Hiccup said
"Maybe because there always trying to murder us?!" Snotlout exclaimed
"What about garff!" Astrid protested
"Let's just not talk about past encounters." Fishlegs proposed
"Yeah. Even the ones where the thorstons are smart." Ruffnut and Tuffnut said in sync. We flew off since clearly the whole death song thing reawakened conflicted feelings
"Olwen might be a little better!" I offered
We flew up to the cliff as Viserion and toothless tried to find sound waves
"There! Olwen!" I shouted
"Not the snow wraith again!" Snotlout said
"Woah!" Tuffnut said
"Couldn't have said it better." Ruffnut stated
Olwen approached us as he used the body heat to figure out exactly where I was in the snowy cliffs and peaks around us all.

"Hey buddy." I greeted
Olwen cooed as he budded me while looking at the new people and dragons
"Hookfang." Snotlout said
Hookfang lit up to create body heat which caused Olwen to realize something was there, Olwen had bad eyesight for a snow wraith.
"There's a snowstorm rolling in!" Astrid called
"Should we leave?" Fishlegs asked
"You crazy? We'll go visit sobek in the clouds. Hurry up! Sobek won't wait for us." I said
We took off as I was electrocuted a tiny bit and when I turned a skrill was in front of us
"Sobek! We have visitors!" I informed
Sobek looked at toothless as toothless got aggressive towards the skrill and Stormfly got agitated by sobek
"What's wrong with my skrill?" I asked
"Oh, nothing. Past experiences with them." Astrid replied
Sobek disappeared into the clouds as hookfang growled.
"Maybe drakon and attor?" I said
"Yes!" Tuffnut shouted
We dove down into the forest near a cave as both deathgrippers came out of the cave
"Attor! Drakon! You remember them?" I said,
Drakon and attor roared as meatlug nudged them happily
"I've never seen deathgrippers in the book of dragons." Fishlegs remarked
"Most underrated dragon." Tuffnut commented.

We finished up with drakon and attor and we were down to glycon, thorn and ryuu and I knew exactly where to find all three
"I saw them fishing together this morning!"
I said
"Just great." Snotlout said sarcastically
"I know right." Astrid replied sharply
I have only met them a week ago and I could already read them like the back of my hand and notice that they acted like their dragons
"There they are!" I exclaimed
I landed as ryuu ran over along with glycon and thorn happily
"Having fun?" I asked
Glycon nodded as he clicked his tail and thorn shot a deadly nadder's fire at meatlug
"That's affection." I informed
Barf and belch exploded back and thorn was very pleased and happy about it.
"It's getting dark. Let's go back?" I asked
Snotlout yawned as everyone took off without a reply and me and viserion did the same reaching the cliff not a minute shorter than everyone else
"Night guys!" I said
I entered my hut as viserion pranced towards his rock area as I saw Abeloth already asleep beside mushu which was quite cute for any singetail I've came across.

Word count: 1004 words

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