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Screaming death scales.

{ Y/N's point of view }

Today was going to be the day I finally crafted the stuff out of screaming death scales that I collected from Hyperion
"Okay. What to work on first. My screaming death armour or your's Viserion?" I asked
Viserion bellowed as Abeloth jumped around and Mushu was sleeping on my bed
"Yours. If there's one thing gothi and gobber taught me was knitting and sewing." I said
I sat on the floor as Viserion sat down beside me and Abeloth watched on while laying down beside me
"There you go!" I said
I had finished the tail part to it and used iron pins to make sure it stuck together better than just wood or metal for stitching
"Time to work on the torso for you Viserion. Maybe I should make one for all my dragons." I noted
Viserion rolled his eyes as I heard a loud roar coming from Ryuu's boneyard and I assumed she was currently chasing down a dragon to collect is bones for spares. I grabbed another screaming death scale and finished Viserion's torso part of the armour
"This is probably the best idea I've had in a while." I stated.

I finished all of it as I called Viserion over and put it on him
"Perfect!" I said
Viserion shook some of it
"It's not itchy?" I asked
Viserion nodded as he just sat there with it on and I decided to make Abeloth one although I'd need to be more intricate mad careful because of the places Abeloth can spew fire from. I finished the torso and head piece and I just had to make the tail
"I still had plenty to make me some!" I said
Viserion sniffed the scales as I made the tail part and sewed it together while putting some ice cold water onto it which made it smoother which prevented any bumps which was lucky on my part since I usually wasn't very good with making anything that didn't have its texture flaws.
"Abeloth! Test this?" I said
Abeloth slipped it on as I helped and jumped around in it before taking it off
"Next is me! And since Viperion is shedding tomorrow I can probably make one for Glycon and thorn!" I stated happily
Thorn was quite a big dragon for her species but it might've been a genetic thing or just an evolution dramillion's adapted while being hunted to extinction.

I grabbed a piece of paper and grabbed some ink before writing
"Dear riders of dragons edge. If you didn't mind I'd like all your stock of screaming death armour since I had overheard snotlout say that he'd never be using screaming death scales again so I figured you had some extra. If you don't mind bringing it to me some time this week, you don't need to if you don't want to.

Y/N and Viserion" I wrote
I called over a terrible terror and it grabbed my scroll as I explained where to bring it. I finished my armour
(like hiccups armour in HTTYD 3 at the start but whiter with screaming death scales-)
It was light and smooth on my skin and Viserion seemed to like it and so did Abeloth which was nice.
"How would I make one for leviathan?" I said
Viserion thought about it and roared
"Can I assume that meant I don't know? Well, I do. We don't! Leviathan is a sea dragon and arrows don't work well underwater." I stated
Abeloth sniffed it as Viserion went over to check up on mushu and he was still asleep.

I went outside of my hut seeing a terrible terror flying in with a scroll
"Dear Y/N and Viserion. We have lots! We'd be happy to deliver and we'll bring it tomorrow!

Riders of dragons edge."
I smiled as I grabbed the scroll and the terrible terror flew off with it and I went back inside seeing mushu was awake.
"Morning mushu! Ready to go scouting?"
I asked
Mushu roared as he climbed into my bag and I grabbed it before flying off with Viserion leaving Abeloth behind to go chat with other dragons on the island. We flew out towards the mountain Olwen lived on too try and find mushu a cave we could transform into an area big enough for an adult
"There! A cave opening! And a big one." I said
The cave opened was quite large but not large enough but was okay since we could try and fix it to a good size
"This is a good space." I stated
Viserion and I walked around as mushu looked at it from the bag
"And a chasm. Where does that lead?" I asked
It was a deep chasm with many stalactites and stalagmites which could be fixed
"Do these go around the whole island?" I said.

There was huge stone pillars in the middle of the chasm as i hopped onto viserion
(It looks a little like Valka's place but a tiny bit different than the actual thing)
"I think we can make do with this! Although it needs more light and since it runs around the whole island we need to be careful. How did I not know about this?" I said
Viserion roared and it seemed like nothing inhabited the cave meaning there was a rockslide recently near it that dislodged a couple rocks making an entrance to it
"If we're good we can start sometime after tomorrow." I stated
We went out of the cave hearing drakon and attor's distant roars and I assumed they were out catching prey again. Me and viserion flew towards the hut again as mushu squirmed in the pouch trying to find space while sitting down which I found weird since mushu fit as well as a cavern crasher in a bundle of rocks
"We're back Abeloth!" I exclaimed
I hopped off Viserion as we walked inside seeing Abeloth sitting down peacefully waiting for us to come back.

Word count: 1012 words

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