Black blur.

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Another mystery!

{ hiccup's point of view }

Me and the gang were out on shore collecting stuff just for fun although fish legs seemed to be having more fun than others
"Hey bud!" I said
Toothless shook his head as hookfang looked down at snotlout stuck in the sand
"Hiccup! Hiccup look!" Fishlegs said
"Did you find a new story book!" Tuffnut said
"No, tuffnut." Fishlegs answered
"What is it?" Astrid asked
"Heh! I don't care." Snotlout said
"Shinyyyy." Ruffnut stated
Fishlegs grabbed a weird piece of leather on the ground and it had burn marks
"What?" Astrid said
Stormfly sniffed it and immediately backed away as barf and belch just stared
"Dragon hunters?" I asked
"No. Too intricate and there's no carvings." Fishlegs answered
"So that." Tuffnut was stopped
"Someone was attacked by a dragon?" I asked
"It looks like it." Fishlegs said
"Haha! Sucks to be them!" Snotlout stated
Hookfang flipped him over back into the sand.
Toothless growled at it
"Or maybe they weren't!" ruffnut joked
"No time for jokes." Astrid stated
"Wait. What if ruffnuts right. Maybe, just maybe. They weren't attacked my a dragon and it's a completely different story." I said
"Another win for ruffnut." Tuffnut said sadly.

{ Y/N's point of view }

I was gathering supply's along a coastline a couple miles away from my island with Viserion and mushu, mushu was a bewilderbeast egg and was I found them near an island called berserker island.
"Viserion slow down!" I said
Viserion halted and hovered there in the air as I heard voices on the shoreline
"Viserion. On that rock! Land!" I stated
Viserion hung from a ledge in the rock like a bat as he covered mine and his entire body as I looked out on the beach, people.
"Another night fury?" I said
Viserion looked too and was surprised
"Why does it have a red tail? Wait. That's prosthetic." I stated
There was a deadly nadder and a girl on the beach who was petting it and a zipple back with two almost identical twins, there was a man in the sand with a monstrous nightmare who was trying to get him out of the sand and a gronckle with a short stubby man and finally a young boy who looked a little like me with a night fury. I noticed they were looking at something as I gestured for viserion to open its wings so we could leave here.

{ Hiccup's Point of view }

We were still checking it out when I heard something crash on a sea stack near the island
"What was that?" Astrid asked
"There!" Fishlegs pointed out
There was a completely black dragon and for what I could see, a dragon rider?
"There's a person on the back of that dragon!" Fishlegs exclaimed
"Another dragon rider?" Snotlout said
"Toothless." I said
I hopped onto toothless as everyone got onto their dragons and we flew off to go catch the rider on the dragon.
"Look! Over there!" Ruffnut said
Hookfang lit up as we pushed towards the rider
"Hey! Wait up!" Astrid said
"Yeah! Wait for us awesome dragon!"
Tuffnut said
"Not helping." I stated
Toothless halted as the dragon turned picked up speed, they knew we were there
"Faster bud!" I shouted
Toothless couldn't keep up and eventually we lost the rider in the mist.
"Lost em!" Astrid said
"What dragon was that?" Snotlout asked
"I don't know." I informed
Barf and belch ignited a small explosion
"Do your thing bud." I said
Toothless sent out an echo and we picked up no sounds at all in the air
"Nothing. That dragons fast." I stated
"Yup." Fishlegs agreed.

We went back to berk instead of the edge to go consult my father and the council about it
"We found a dragon rider!" Fishlegs said
I hopped off toothless in the hall as Gobber drank some water
"A dragon rider, eh?" Dad said
"A strong one?" Spitelout asked
"Too fast." Fishlegs informed
"We don't even know what the dragon is." Astrid stated
"Any idea who the person is?" Gobber asked
"Nope. In a hood with a weird bag." I said
"Sounds elusive. Will you be pursuing this?" Spitelout asked
"Have you met my son?" Dad questioned
"Nope." Spitelout joked
"I have!" Ruffnut said
"Ooh! Ooh! Me too!" Tuffnut asked
I just stared at the twins as snotlout laughed before getting onto hookfang
"This is so exciting!" Fishlegs stated
"An unknown dragon rider who could have a whole new dragon and could be very dangerous? Exciting." Astrid commented
"Very exciting." Snotlout added
We walked out of the hall and flew back to dragons edge to go discuss this and secure the edge just incase.
"Okay. Now that the edge is locked up. What could that dragon be?" I said
"Could be a changewing." Fishlegs stated
"They don't camouflage like that." I busted

"Deathgripper?" Astrid asked
"Death grippers aren't in borks papers and we have never seen one." I stated
"Ooh! Triple stryke!" Snotlout exclaimed
"Nope. Too bulky and aren't that fast." Fishlegs said
"Stupid aerodynamics." Snotlout stated.
"How about skrill!" Tuffnut said
"Skrill's are purple." Astrid said
"Uhm. A Black Death song!" Ruffnut said
"A Black Death song?" I replied
"Perfect sense." Snotlout said sarcastically
"Okay. This rider is fast, elusive, skilled and obviously has more experience than us." I said
"Can we just get this over with! Hookfang needs his beauty sleep!" Snotlout stated
Hookfang roared in agreement as toothless stared in disappointment.
"Fine. We'll take this up tomorrow and search for the rider, night guys." I said
We all parted ways as I hopped onto toothless and went towards my hut seeing a deadly nadder searching for food below my hut and I heard Tuffnut and ruffnut screaming, I just assumed they were in the boar pit being chased by boars and hogs, again.
"Night bud." I said
Toothless warmed up his sleeping area and closed his eyes as I did the same awaiting you go searching for the unknown dragon rider.

Word count: 1008 words

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