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Check list!

{ Y/N's Point of view }

I woke up in the morning seeing viserion just watching mushu's egg
"Ready to go see if everyone's still here?" I said
Viserion got up as I put mushu into a little warm chest
"Abeloth! Wanna come along?" I asked
Abeloth nodded as the red singetail took off and flew with me and Viserion.
"First is our good old friend Hyperion the screaming death!" I informed
Hyperion lived on the far side of the island digging holes to trap smaller dragons like terrible terrors in to eat or digging holes for enjoyment,
"Hyperion!" I called
I heard digging and saw Hyperion come out of a newly made hole
"You hanging in there?" I asked
Hyperion nodded as he came up to us and I pet Hyperion pointing him out to a school of fish on the shore.
"Next up is Tanis!" I informed
She lived in the forest and loved to sunbathe and watch other dragons and even play with them when she had the chance
"Tanis? You here?" I asked
Viserion called out to Tanis as Abeloth shot a fire ball too the ground from his stomach and out came a very startled Tanis.

"Morning Tanis! I got some chicken!" I said
Tanis used spine shot on Abeloth and he dodged the attack
"Here you go!" I exclaimed
I gave Tanis the chicken as she flew back down to the ground near her little sunbathing spot as we flew off to go to the next part of the island.
"Volos!" I called out
We had to go visit Volos who usually hanged around in the dense forest and I then hopped off of viserion to go find him as abeloth followed, Viserion and me walked in the woods trying to find Volos and we ended up finding him drinking water
"Morning volos!" I greeted
Volos looked over he immediately dashed towards me, viserion and Abeloth before nudging viserion
"There'll be a couple of schools of fish down near Hyperion's holes!" I stated
We flew off as I saw Volos go stalking a wild boar ready to pounce.
"Next up is the speed stinger pack! And I know exactly where they are." I stated
We flew over to an open cave near the shore as we landed and I entered the cave seeing a couple of eggs and sleeping speed stingers
"Archon?" I said
He was the pack's leader.

Archion ran up to us as he nuzzled my stomach
"Hey archion! Sorry to disturb your sleep. Your pack holding up?" I asked
Archion nodded as he ran off stinging a rat on the ground
"Let's go?" I said
Viserion nodded as Abeloth flew out the cave and we followed him, I had raised Abeloth from birth which was why he liked to fly with me and Viserion.
"Next up is the hardest to find, leviathan."
I stated
Leviathan was a submaripper so I'd need to dive down into the water
"Leviathan!" I called out
Viserion shot a plasma blast into the water and immediately leviathan came up
"Hey leviathan!" I said
Leviathan stared us us from inside the water
"I assume you're hanging in there. There's a group of whales coming here soon! I bet you'll like that!" I stated
Leviathan went deep into the water as he swam off into the abyss
"That was easy." I commented,
"Next on the list is nagendra!" I informed
Nagendra was a death song who loved to hunt and the only way I knew where he is was when he sang trying to attract any sort of dragon that Weren't his friends.

Nagendra roared as we went over to check if he was still okay
"Nagendra!" I called
Nagendra looked over as he cocooned a terrible terror to the ground as a snack for later, nagendra tilted his head as viserion roared and Abeloth shot a fireball on the chasm wall
"I see you've been working on your voice."
I stated
Nagendra had dragons all over the place as he went back to singing and we went to go check on the next dragon.
"Olwen is next!" I said
Viserion flew up to the mountains as Abeloth stayed behind due to not liking the high altitude
"Olwen!" I called
I saw wings in the snow and when I looked behind me I saw a snow wraith
"Olwen!" I said
Olwen smiled and nuzzled me as he roared before diving back down into the snow
"That was a short interaction." I stated. We went back to go find Abeloth and we found him on a post we put up incase a dragon needed to find high ground
"Abeloth! We're back!" I notified
Abeloth flew towards us as I looked on my list of dragons I needed to check and Abeloth sure wasn't gonna like this next one.

"Time to visit the skrill." I stated
We flew towards the clouds as Abeloth went back to my hut
"Sobek?" I said
Sobek appeared in front of us as I patted him on the head giving him a few fish and leaving, I didn't want Viserion caught in a storm. Next up we had to find drakon and attor the death grippers and I knew exactly where to find them
"Drakon! Attor!" I shouted
They flew right up to me and immediately flew back down due to them stalking prey for the time being.
"Glycon and thorn are next!" I said
Glycon was a triple stryke and thorn was a dramillion and they were usually found together
"There's thorn, and there's Glycon!" I said
I waved to them as they looked up and thorn copied a plasma blast. Last one on the list was Ryuu the boneknapper
"Ryuu! Ryuu?" I said
I heard clacks along the shoreline and saw Ryuu organizing her pile of bones
"Ryuu! Hello!" I said
Ryuu roared as I covered my ears and Viserion flew away which was very uncalled for although at the same time it wasn't very surprising.

Word count: 1008 words

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