Searching for the dragon rider.

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Island hopping!

{ hiccup's point of view }

Today we were going to go searching for the dragon rider
"We ready gang?" I asked
"Yup!" Fishlegs replied
"All good here!" Astrid said
We flew off and went to that same beach we saw them the first time.
"Check for literally anything!" I stated
"We get it." Astrid replied
Toothless dug in the sand and pointed
"Yes, bud?" I said
I walked over and saw remains of fish, not just any fish, a type of pike and there was an island far from here with lots
"Guys. I think I found a hint." I said
"Hmmm it's a pike." Snotlout stated
"We knew that." Astrid replied
"Normally fed to a singetail!" Fishlegs said
"If this rider trained a singetail we should be cautious, last time I encountered a singetail one tried to kill toothless." I informed
"Can we go already?" Ruffnut asked.
We flew for a long distance seeing more pike along the way and eventually saw an island in a beautiful and abundant island
"That's a perfect island!" Fishlegs said
"Why didn't we make the edge here!"
Snotlout asked
"Did you want to have a longer trip to berk?"
I asked as toothless laughed.

"Help!" Astrid yelled
"Astrid! Ruff! Tuff!" I shouted
They were being pulled near the sea by some weird whirlpool
"There's only one dragon that can do that." Fishlegs stated
"Submaripper!" I finished
Hookfang was panicked and so was snotlout as toothless shot the middle of the whirlpool
"Guys! As soon as it stops get out of there!" Fishlegs yelled
The Submaripper stopped to make another one and we raced towards the island.
"Obviously this isn't safe!" Snotlout protested
I saw holes on the ground and heard grinding
"Really?" Astrid said
"Screaming death!" Fishlegs shouted
"Woah!" Both twins said
A screaming death emerged and began chasing us as we flew towards the forest and out of nowhere our dragons flew
"Toothless?" I said
Toothless seemed hypnotized and I heard a loud song that a death song would make and before I knew it amber was being spewed at us
"Can this day get any worse?!" Snotlout said
"Why would a rider live here?!" Tuffnut stated
The death song shot amber as it encased meatlugs ear as we flew off and went into the woods inside a cave
"Hiccup. Can we leave?" Astrid asked
"Not until we make sure the rider isn't here."
I answered as snotlout groaned.

"Look. We found this weird dragon." Ruff said
I looked over seeing belch paralyzed and a juvenile speed stinger
"That's a speed stinger!" Snotlout exclaimed
"If there's one speed stinger. There's a pack!" Astrid yelled
We ran out of the cave hearing a couple roars as belch limped out and toothless plasma blasted the entrance. We were in an opening inside the forest as a bunch of speed stingers surrounded us.
"Hiccup..." Fishlegs said
"Working on a plan." I replied
"You basically adopted one once! Do it again!" Snotlout said
"Not a whole pack!" Tuffnut said happily
I saw a humongous claw and between two trees an owl-like dragon appeared and tilted its head
"A stormcutter?" Astrid said
"Stormcutter dare friendly!" Fishlegs stated
The speed stinger roared and the stormcutter got aggressive and started coming at us
"On your dragons!" I yelled
We hopped on as hookfang fired a warning shot and we went up in the clouds.
"Hiccup. Can I expect to find a skrill now?" Snotlout asked sarcastically
"Yup." Ruffnut replied
I turned as toothless got aggressive and saw an adult skrill ready to fire a blast
"What's with all the dragons?!" Tuff exclaimed.

The skrill blasted as hookfang was hit and fell towards the mountain as we followed and the skrill kept firing from the clouds
"Finally, safe." Tuffnut sighed
I saw a cliff and there appeared a sleeping snow wraith
"You really think so?" Fishlegs said
"Okay. Obviously this island is unsafe. But it's getting dark out so we must go to the caves for the night." I stated
"I'd rather fly home." Snotlout admitted
"With that Submaripper?" Astrid asked
"On second thought." Snotlout said.
We flew too the caves and entered them
"Here we are." Ruffnut said
Belch wasn't paralyzed and we were able to rest for a few until we heard a scratch
"Probably nothing." Astrid informed
"You sure?" I asked
For the first time I saw a deathgripper, two of them
"Is that what I think it is?" Fishlegs asked
"I think." Snotlout said
"Watch the stinger! And retreat deeper in the woods!" I shouted
We ran out as toothless fired a plasma blast which made one of the deathgripper's fainted making the other one hang back for a while, We went deeper into the woods and you could tell both Stormfly and meatlug were tired of running but hookfang, toothless, barf and belch were holding up still.

We went deeper into the woods as I saw three sleeping dragons
"A dramillion!" Fishlegs stated
There was also a nadder and a triple stryke but the nadder was awake but was quite docile
"I think we're good." I said
"As long as that thing doesn't wake up." Snotlout stated
"Don't jinx us!" Ruffnut whispered
"It's probably having such a wonderful dream." Tuffnut said happily
"Not the time." I stated
The nadder roared as we flew towards the coastline seeing a trail of dragon bones
"What's that sound?" Fishlegs asked
"So paranoid!" Snotlout barked.
"This island can't get any worse. Right, hiccup?" Astrid asked
"Depends, is a boneknapper on the list of bad?" Tuffnut asked
"Where do you-" i cut myself off
Barf and belch created a tiny explosion in awe as hookfang flew away with snotlout
"New plan. The seastacks." I stated
"Let's hope I don't find a seashocker there." Astrid said sarcastically
Toothless rolled his eyes and took off as Stormfly raced back and meatlug finally got the amber off her ear which was a good sign that the death songs amber wasn't that potent at that exact moment which Fishlegs would then go on about finding the dramillion and a boneknapper.

Word count: 1022 words

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