For pleasure.

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Sharper than a dagur!

{ Y/N's point of view }

Me and viserion were doing some joy flying with Volos and mushu as I heard a yell
"Come. On!" Shouted in the distance
"What's that?" I asked
Volos flew through the air as Viserion followed the noises that led to a dragon hunting ship owned by none other than the son of Oswald the agreeable which was dagur the deranged and some dragon girl I had heard about overseas called heather and a razorwhip called wind shear. I squinted seeing them with many arrows and crossbows and even some catapults and winches
"Those don't look too friendly." I said
Viserion shot the water
"Looks easy. Volos! You've only done this once! Let's see if you're rusty on it!" I exclaimed
Volos clung to a seastack to be the bait getting dagur's attention away from me and viserion
"Dagur! Look!" Savage shouted
"What is it agai-" dagur cut himself off
"What is that?" A hunter asked
"It looks owl-like." Savage stated
"Does it? I never noticed through the owl-like eyes and head along with its head being 160°!" Dagur shouted
"Any command?" Savage asked
"Of course! Capture it!" Dagur shouted
I smiled as Volos kept watching.

"Y/N!" Astrid shouted
"What? No. Stay out of this! Watch it!" I said
An arrow went towards Stormfly as Viserion obliterated the arrow before it pierced Stormfly and out of nowhere the others came
"Brother! Toothless!" Dagur exclaimed
"Y/N! Why's Dagur here?" Hiccup asked
"Good question." I said
"Okay. Hiccup, cover Volos. Fishlegs and astrid cover snotlout's flank. Tuff and ruff make sure To keep them busy." I planned
"Will do!" Fishlegs exclaimed
Hiccup went off to Volos as the others attacked and I got ready to stalk Dagur and find out why he was 4 timberjack's away from my island.
"Brother! Isn't it good to see you!" Dagur said
"Is it?" Hiccup replied
I saw a bow being loaded with dragon root arrows and I could tell it was a distraction
"Dagur! Want some news?" Hiccup asked
"Of course brother! Is it my birthday? Did you bring my one and only skrill!" Dagur asked
"Even better. You have a new sibling."
Hiccup answered
Viserion flew in and shot the boulder as I hovered next to Volos realizing he wasn't really doing much other than being invested in his job at distracting the hunters from me and Viserion.

"Another night fury?! Wait. I'm siblings with a night fury?" Dagur questioned
"No! I- the person on its back is!" Hiccup said
Toothless laughed as Viserion bellowed
"Dagur the deranged! Pleasure to drop by! I'm Y/N and this is viserion!" I stated
Dagur wasn't happy about the whole mix up as I shot his ships then barf and belch exploded them all leaving Dagur, savage and one hunter standing which they took as the chance to flee the scene which was uncalled for.
"Dagur? Fleeing? That's a new one." I said
"You don't even know the half of it."
Hiccup sighed
"Viserion? Mind if you fly alone?" I asked
I planned to fly on Volos just for old times sake and to see how well he does fly which I believe Viserion knew what I wanted to do
"Volos! Been a long time!" I exclaimed
We all flew back as Volos kept talking to other dragons which wasn't unusual since Volos did work with a pack of speed stingers to find food
"Bye Volos!" I shouted
Volos flew off as all four wings kept tilting.
"What happened to his tail?" I asked as toothless looked over hastily.

"Yeahhh, long story." Hiccup trailed off
"Hiccup happened." Snotlout replied
"Ah, yes. The young dragon rider had never known." Tuffnut stated
"It wasn't like that!" Ruffnut protested
"I remember it like that?" Fishlegs said
"Can we please let the actual dragon explain? Or just hiccup?" Astrid questioned
Viserion sniffed the red tail flap and looked at it in approval which made toothless happy that another night fury approved of it
"I did it, but I have one wooden leg so we got even. Right, bud?" Hiccup said
Toothless licked his face as hookfang lit up.
"I'm so confused." I admitted
Abeloth came beside me as Viserion budded him as a greeting
"Still wondering how you trained a singetail to become off guard around other dragons." Fishlegs stated.
"Abeloth is juvenile and has a lot of growing up to do! And since I raised it from an egg with Viserion it was quite easy." I said
Ruffnut was gonna say something about it but immediately stopped
"When did you go missing?" Astrid asked
"Finally! Asking the real questions!"
Snotlout exclaimed happily as hookfang breathed out smoke onto him which made snotlout immediately sit back down in the grass as hookfang laughed.

"When I was 6 i went to go kill a dragon, berk was disappointed that I couldn't kill a gronckle. So I headed out telling someone, well, no one heard me. And I got lost in the forest and found Viserion which we went to the coast on berk, I dropped my Viking hat and my knife and then Viserion carried me away to this island!" I exclaimed
"Woahhhh." Ruffnut said
"Fun day actually!" I admitted
Abeloth budded me happily as Tuffnut and ruffnut hit each other
"Back on topic. You're still not persuading me." I informed
"At least a visit!" Fishlegs pleaded
"If I take a visit could I bring nagendra, drakon, attor and sobek along with my usuals?" I asked
"Why so many dragons?" Astrid asked
"Sobek needs to get out more. Drakon and attor were found near the island. Nagendra is kind of a worry dragon after I go off the island for a whole day." I explained
"Sure!" Fishlegs exclaimed
"I'll go. For a day." I stated
"Mission accomplished!" Tuffnut said
"Thorstons for the win!" Ruffnut added
"No, jorgensons for the win." Snotlout said
"What's so exciting about that?" Hiccup asked
We all talked for a while and it ended in them leaving and they'd come over to get me after tomorrow.

Word count: 1024 words

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