Work day.

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Finishing the armour!

{ Y/N's point of view }

Today we'd be finishing 7 armour pieces and I believe I had just enough to do so and if not I'd go collect scales from Hyperion's tunnels, I had to do Volos's, Archion's, Nagendra's, Olwen's, Sobek's, Drakon's and Attor's armour.
"Viserion. Could you pass me that?" I asked
Viserion dropped it in front of me as I grabbed it before looking over to Archion's half done set and I smiled before finishing archion's and putting it into a storage space I had
"I wonder if I'll ever need to use these." I said
Mushu roared as Abeloth roared back and Mushu wasn't quite happy
"It's okay mushu. When you're older you'll be just fine with dragons." I reassured
Viserion growled at a piece of scale I had
"It's just a scale!" I said
Viserion rolled his eyes as I got back to making Olwen's set of armour.
"Finished! 5 more to go!" I stated happily
Viserion dragged Olwen's set into the storage space as Abeloth laid down and Mushu did the same while yawning. Viserion flicked his ear and dragged his tail along the ground to sit beside me as I chose what dragon I should do next.

{ Time skip }

I had decided on Drakon and attor next and got to work on Drakon's first
"This is hard." I admitted
Viserion purred and laid down as I heard mushu snoring quite loud for a baby dragon
"I wonder how berk is doing now that they know I'm alive." I stated
I kept working as it started to storm
"Sobek's gonna love this." I said
Lightning struck as I heard a loud dragon roar and it was probably Sobek riding lightning
"Done!" I exclaimed
It was quite big for a death gripper which made me realize how big they actually were
"Now for attor!" I said happily.
Viserion seemed to have fallen asleep for the night and Abeloth was asleep beside mushu as I kept going with attor's set
"After this it'll be Sobek's set." I said
I kept working on Attor's and made sure that it was the exact same as Drakon's armour and in the end when I finished it Viserion woke up again as I put both drakon and attor's in the storage space I had neatly before scratching Viserion's head and walking back to do Sobek's pieces of armour and afterwards I'd do Nagendra's set.

I grabbed some more scales and got to work making sure Sobek could still channel lightning
"I'm kind of tired." I stated
Viserion bellowed as I frowned
"Not my fault!" I said
I smiled as I grabbed another pin and tried to make Sobek's set intricate and functional, Sobek had lots of needs to channel electricity, I even made sure that Water couldn't get into it although it didn't stop the affects on lightning water has.
"I hope that when I finish this I'll be able to finally rest." I stated
Abeloth shifted as Viserion looked back to make sure no one awoke the singetail
"Ow! That hurt!" I exclaimed
Viserion scrambled to his feet in worry and to inspect the would
"Cut myself on the pin." I groaned
Viserion grabbed a small leather cloth astrid had gave to me and I wrapped it around my Finger which made the bleeding stop but my fingers couldn't go near it because of it,
"At least I finished Sobek's?" I said
Viserion then rolled his eyes and went laid back down trying to fall asleep again while I got ready to make Nagendra's set which would take long because of his butterfly-like wings.

I got to work on Nagendra's and it was quite hard since my fingers felt discomfort
"Viserion? You up?" I asked
Viserion purred while slightly opening his eyes and I noticed it was still quite dark outside and I don't think that any of my dragons were awake although Archion's pack was hunting wild animals since they were nocturnal
"Don't worry. I'll be done soon." I reassured
Viserion cooed as Abeloth got up and stretched while moving towards his rock spot and heating it up. I got up quickly and grabbed mushu and not to my surprise they were quite heavy despite being a baby
"Here you go!" I whispered happily
I laid mushu next to Viserion's Stone area and put a blanket on him
"Back to work!" I exclaimed
I went over and grabbed the last scale to Nagendra's set and sewed it together, it only went from the neck down which wasn't a problem since all of them were like that although had a few plates under the chin which I'd make later for Nagendra, probably tomorrow which I wouldn't complain about since when Volos is finished all of them are done.

"Viserion, cmon!" I whispered
Viserion woke up again and slowly got up to stretch as I guided him towards his stone area as he then heated it up using a low plasma blast which was enough for him as I then went towards my bed while Abeloth yawned as I yawned and got into bed while tightening the cloth around my finger, I hope astrid doesn't hate me for dirtying the cloth. I hadn't seen my brother and toothless in a long time and I hoped that they wouldn't beg me to go back to berk but they would most likely do so just for a day which was quite normal since Hiccup was naturally a person who didn't give up which he probably picked the trait up from me. I yawned once more and turned in my bed to face a lit lantern sat on my desk and surprisingly I fell asleep quite quickly which I didn't do often since I found this island first, I used to be so paranoid sleeping outside on the grass and I wasn't now but still had that trait sadly but I didn't mind it at all since it didn't halt my sleep schedule much.

Words count: 1008 words

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