Who are you?

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Another one?

{ Y/N's point of view }

I got up and took a big stretch seeing the bewilderbeast egg in its little nest
"Morning viserion." I greeted
Viserion got up and stretched followed by Abeloth as I got up
"Ready to get the day started?" I asked
Viserion roared as Abeloth jumped in agreement, my hut was quite big due to having a future baby bewilderbeast and a baby screaming death living in the hut. I heard a roar as I opened the door seeing drakon and attor although attor was limping
"What happened?!" I questioned
Drakon pointed towards the direction I found those dragon riders in and I assumed they were trying to find me
"Attor!" I said
Attor fell down and laid near the fire pit I had as viserion hissed and Abeloth growled in that direction before drakon sat down next to attor
"Okay. Just rest." I informed
I hopped onto Abeloth to make sure no other dragons were harmed and Viserion stayed behind but as soon as I got into the air I saw other dragon riders, a nadder, monstrous nightmare, zipple back, gronckle and the distinctive night fury in the air looking the other way.

{ Hiccup's point of view }

We were checking to see if there was any more island surprises before we left when I saw fire flying past
"Watch it!" I said
Belch was almost hit as I turned around and toothless growled
"A singetail." I stated
"And our rider!" Astrid exclaimed
"Are they aggressive?" Fishlegs asked
"What was the fireball for?" Snotlout said
Fireball's shot out of all sides of the singetail as me and toothless shot back a plasma blast and hookfang lit up as the other riders attacked.
"Don't hurt the rider!" I warned
"Why?!" Snotlout said
"Yeah!" Ruffnut replied
"They're trying to hurt us!" Astrid stated
"We need to know why!" I replied
"Hiccup's right! Get closer!" Fishlegs said
We got closer to the rider as the singetail stopped and the rider pulled down their mask
"Toothless." I said
Toothless got a plasma blast ready as the singetail got a bunch of fire balls ready
"I wouldn't do that!" They yelled
"And I wouldn't do that either!" I shouted back
"5 too 1! 2 plus the singetail!" Fishlegs stated
"If you did that I don't think this island would be quite happy!" They replied
I was intrigued as I got closer without them noticing much.

{ Y/N's Point of view }

The young man on the night fury looked a little like me a bit but I didn't care
"Abeloth. Take us down. I don't have time for this and attor is hurt." I Informed
These riders seemed young and unexperienced in their own dragons and I didn't have time for them all
"Hey!" A young short man said
"Come back!" The girl on the nadder shouted
I flew back as they followed and when I hopped off Abeloth they were near my hut.
"Attor!" I said
They landed as Drakon and Abeloth growled aggressively and the night fury got ready
"I wouldn't aggravate them. That deathgripper could knock your dragons out."
I informed
"She's correct hiccup." A rider stated
"Viserion! Stand down!" I said
Abeloth back away aggressively as drakon ran over behind attor and viserion was completely exposed to the riders.
"A night fury?" A girl on the zipple back said
The other night fury roared completely becoming off guard as viserion roared back
"Proper introductions. I'm hiccup, this is toothless. That's Astrid and Stormfly. Fishlegs, meatlug. Ruffnut and Tuffnut, barf and belch and lastly hookfang and snotlout." Hiccup stated immediately off guard.

"Well then. Before anyone goes blasting my dragons. I'm Y/N. that's viserion. Abeloth the singetail and the hurt deathgripper is attor with the other being drakon." I stated
"That's a night fury, correct?" Fishlegs asked
"You bore me Fishlegs." Snotlout stated
"Yes. Toothless is also one." I informed
They seemed to be less tense around me knowing I trained another night fury.
"I thought toothless was the only one."
Hiccup stated
"I've been isolated for years outside of any human interaction, I thought that once too." I admitted.
"Cool dragons." Ruffnut complimented weirdly
"Thanks?" I replied
I bandaged attor's foot as he just laid there enjoying the grass and sun
"Hey Uhm. What's with the skrill?" Astrid said
"Sobek? He's harmless. If you're not a threat or a fish." I informed
"And the screaming death?" Snotlout added
"Hyperion doesn't like visitors." I stated
"The boneknapper?" Fishlegs said
"Hatched it on my own, ryuu doesn't like people near her bones." I am answered
I wasn't used to having people around but having anyone I could actually understand was nice once in a while.
"Where are you from?" I asked
"Berk." Hiccup replied
I had basically shattered at that answer that had caught me off guard.

"Berk doesn't accept dragons?" I said
"Me and toothless made them." Hiccup stated
I shrugged as Viserion growled at the water
"Leviathan?" I said
Viserion nodded as I looked down seeing leviathan's head
"Need something!" I asked
Snotlout looked down as hookfang immediately grabbed him
"That Submaripper from earlier!" Astrid said
Leviathan went back and I assumed it was to say hi so I went back to sitting with attor.
"When do you plan on leaving?" I asked
"It's like midnight!" Snotlout stated
"What happened to "I would rather fly home"?" Astrid asked
Hookfang laughed as snotlout scolded hookfang on something
"If you're staying here I suggest don't go anywhere on the island at night." I informed
"Why?" Tuffnut asked
"Ignore him." Tuffnut replied
"Speed stingers, stormcutter and the death song." I answered
"Okay guys. Let's make camp!" Hiccup stated.
They made their beds as Viserion watched as attor and Drakon fell asleep and Abeloth had walked outside and watched
"How'd you train a singetail?" Fishlegs asked
"When I first got on the island I found this egg, in it was a singetail." I replied
The guests seemed quite nosey but I didn't blame them since half of the dragons on the island I heard the genius "hiccup" couldn't train.

Word count: 1024 words

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