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Objects for the cave!

{ Y/N's point of view }

I was up in the air with Viserion and Abeloth since we were scouting for materials to use in Mushu's cave although we didn't have mushu with us because mushu was with Tanis in the hut sleeping
"That island! Viserion, land!" I said
Viserion dove onto the sand and Abeloth followed behind quickly
"This island seems lush. Although filled with types of oleander, and I'm not good with oleander but some is poisonous to dragons."
I stated
Viserion walked in the woods with me as Abeloth followed
"There!" I said
Viserion and Abeloth ran after me and we ended up near a lush waterfall
"We could use some of the flowers. Right?"
I questioned
Viserion cooed as I picked some flowers up placing it in the saddle bag part, more will grow when I place them down.
"You think mushu would keep the stalactites and stalagmites?" I asked
Abeloth nodded so I grabbed some vines and placed them in Abeloth's saddle bag
"We ready to island hop?" I asked
Viserion and Abeloth nodded in sync as I hopped onto Viserion and we took off with Abeloth following not so far behind as we went to find a lush island.

"Dive!" I said
We ended up on a lush island and I heard yelling in the distance
"We're on dragons edge? We didn't fly that far, did we?" I asked
Viserion hissed at barf and belch's immense noise and Abeloth growled at the fire
"Okay. I don't want any interaction with them today. Especially on dragons edge where it's prone to viggo and ryker." I explained
We walked through the forest seeing gronckles of all colours but it wasn't unusual although the amount of monstrous nightmare would be
"Pick up the pace, bud!" Hiccup shouted
"Shh!" I said
Hiccup was training toothless in speed and when I looked over I could see toothless diving and hiccup falling
"Oh, brother. Literally." I stated
Abeloth and Viserion laughed as we went beside the trees
"Are they still falling?" I asked
"They are." I finished
Viserion and I looked down over the cliff and Toothless was still trying to catch hiccup
"Can't have my brother dying after I met him." I stated
Viserion bellowed as I dived into the chasm and Abeloth followed us and we had picked up speed pretty faster than usual every time we needed to save something from falling.

We passed toothless and reached hiccup pretty fast as Viserion grabbed him by the wooden leg
"Morning hiccup!" I said
"Y/N?! Why are you here!" Hiccup asked
Toothless roared as me and Viserion turned around to go get hiccup back on his dragon
"There you go!" I said
Toothless's mechanical tail worked as they stopped the fall
"Why are you here again?" I questioned
"Scouting for mushu's habitat. A rockslide dislodged a few rocks and revealed a humongous cave." I stated
"The screaming death scales?" Hiccup said
"I figured that I'd make armour for Viserion." I said
"Tried that once and it didn't work out." Hiccup stated.
"When you have a screaming death living on your island it gets easier." I said
"Well, do you want to come to the edge and meet everyone?" Hiccup asked
"I guess I can make a quick detour." I stated
We flew to the edge as I saw Barf and belch flying around with ruff and tuff being chased by quite an angry gronckle
"Guys! Look who came to visit!" Hiccup said
Abeloth dove down and Viserion followed behind towards the "clubhouse" where everyone was gathered around.

We landed as Abeloth and Hookfang greeted each other and played around in the clubhouse
"Morning. I assume it's been, lively. On dragons edge?" I said
Viserion sat down beside me and you could notice the size difference to them
"Hi Y/N!" Astrid greeted
"Hello!" Fishlegs said
"Hookfang! What have I told you about lightning fires on my hat!" Snotlout shouted
"Hey." Ruffnut said
"Hi." Tuffnut added.
Abeloth shook himself as he roared at Viserion and Viserion roared to me
"We gotta get going. Something tells me Tanis is currently teaching a dragon that has an ice blast to kill a boar." I stated
"Bye Y/N!" Hiccup said
"Cya soon!" Astrid added
I hopped onto Viserion as we hopped off the ledge and flew towards the ocean as Abeloth followed happily. We got to the island and saw mushu all alone which didn't worry me since my hut was located near a submaripper
"Hey mushu! We got some stuff for your habitat!" I said
Mushu smiled as I picked them up seeing the screaming death scales hiccup dropped off and I assumed while I was scouting on that oleander island they dropped them off and they had lots, I assume they had like a couple hundred which would be perfect for 20 speed stinger's.

"Let's get to work?" I asked
Viserion and Abeloth laid down as I sat on the floor and had some gronckle iron in the cauldron that i made, Mushu watched in awe as Abeloth slept while snoring softly leaving Viserion hanging from the roof watching us
"This is tiring!" I stated
(Time skip) I had finished glycon and Thorn's with a lot left to spare and in secret I really made these too pass the time with no expectation of using them all.
"This is exactly why I have a storage space in a secret door." I said
I opened a trap door and made sure it was placed nicely inside
"Tomorrow we try and get Tanis and Volos's done after we collect the scales from Hyperion!" I explained
Viserion cooed as Abeloth roared happily before going to his corner and I put Mushu in his little nest like area and placed a blanket on mushu, mushu had radiated cold body temperature which i imagine was quite uncomfortable in cold places and would be way colder at Olwen's mountain whenever we went to make sure the dragons were fed and accounted for.

Word count: 1012 words

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