A trip to berk.

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{ Hiccup's point of view }

Toothless was psyched to see Viserion and Abeloth as we flew towards the island
"Do you know how much our parents are gonna be proud of us when we tell them we found a missing person?" Snotlout asked
"It's not about our parents being proud!" Fishlegs stated
"Is it?" Ruffnut said
"Wait. Is it?" Tuffnut replied
"Answer that yourself." I stated
"It's about how stoick kept the secret that hiccup had a sibling!" Astrid pointed out
"I beg to differ!" Snotlout exclaimed
"Jorgensons don't beg!" Ruffnut shouted
"Only thorstons do!" Tuffnut added
"It's a metaphor!" Snotlout explained
"When was it a metaphor?" Fishlegs asked
We got to the island right after their fight finished which went on for a long time
"Over there! It's them!" I exclaimed
"Stormfly! Land!" Astrid said
"Hey guys!" Y/N greeted
"What's with the bag?" Tuffnut asked
"Cool." Ruffnut said
Sobek sniffed toothless as toothless pawed at his face making Sobek bud him happily. It was better than the first time they met
"Screaming death scales!" Fishlegs exclaimed
"What's special about them?" Snotlout asked
"One of the toughest scales in the archipelago! Even dragon root can't pierce it!" Fishlegs said
Meatlug then bellowed as hookfang hissed followed by barf and belch playing with nagendra.

{ Y/N's point of view }

I swung the bag off my shoulder as Viserion opened it revealing mushu
"Is that-" astrid said
"It is." Hiccup finished
"What is it?" The twins asked
"Woah." Snotlout said
"The king of dragons! The Bewilderbeast! It hatched!" Fishlegs exclaimed
"This is great!" Hiccup added
"Yup! I'm gonna be building some sort of habitat for mushu incase of an attack." I said
"Smart!" Fishlegs said
"I could've came up with something better." Snotlout stated.
"Let's get going?" Astrid asked
"Let's go guys!" I shouted
Viserion took off into the air followed by Abeloth, sobek, nagendra, drakon and attor as we flew towards berk. I was quite nervous to see my father since the last time I had seen him was when I was 6 and I'm 24 now meaning I hadn't seen him in 18 years
"Are you sure we need to land in berk's town square? Maybe the woods!" I suggested
"That's to long of a walk!" Snotlout stated
"Yeah!" Ruffnut complained
"There not judgemental, I don't think."
Tuffnut added
"It's fine! No need to worry! Berk is filled with dragons now!" Fishlegs informed.

Sobek had electricity coming from his back and I could tell he was on edge about it too and I noticed drakon and attor stayed close to Abeloth and nagendra
"We're here!" Hiccup shouted
They all landed as some berkians said hello and I was hesitant to land until they told me too
"Don't worry Y/N. it'll be fine once we get to the great hall." Hiccup reassured
People in berk marvelled at the death grippers which took all attention off of me meaning I could breath freely. Viserion stayed close to me and so did Abeloth as Nagendra towered over me from behind leaving Sobek to stay beside drakon and attor
"Who is this?" Gobber asked
He had a dragon beside him and it seemed like he gained a new wooden limb and didn't age very well but it was same old gobber
"Gobber. Pleasure to see you again. I'm Y/N." I reintroduced
"Y/N?! Aren't you dead? Well i figured you were, all of berk did. But you're alive?!" gobber exclaimed
I said nothing as Viserion hissed before trotting forward beside toothless
"Isn't this fun?" Astrid asked
"Is it?" Snotlout said
"Seriously, is it?" Ruffnut added.

We walked into the great hall seeing the council including gobber which was weird about how he got here first if he was way behind
"Son? Who's this? And what's with the dragons?" Dad asked
He had a rumble horn beside him and Spitelout had a deadly nadder which was unusual if he used to skin nadder's
"Dad, Spitelout, gobber." Hiccup greeted
"Hello father." I greeted
Dad was confused at first and so was Spitelout until a moment of realization hit them both
"Y/N?" Dad said
"Wait. Back a few steps. Aren't you dead?" Spitelout asked
"Nothing has changed. Does it look like I'm dead?" I asked
Attor cooed as dad's expression lit up in a happy way
"You're alive!" Dad exclaimed
"That's skullcrusher," astrid whispered
Skullcrusher stood up as dad came up to me and hugged me tightly
"T-thanks dad. Missed you too and I'm pretty sure my backbone did too." I stated
Dad let go as Viserion looked up.
"But someone needs to explain the dragons." Spitelout said
"Don't worry dad I-" I cut snotlout off
"The death song is nagendra. Singetail is Abeloth. Drakon and attor are death grippers. Sobek is a skrill. And beside me is Viserion."
I stated, I wouldn't dare tell him about mushu.

"You've grown so much! Your mother would be over the moon." Dad said
"What happened to mom?" I asked
The room got dark as spitelout's nadder eyed Abeloth aggressively
"Gone." Gobber answered
"Valka was taken by a dragon." Spitelout said.
We exited the hall as I tried to take it in
"This wasn't so bad." I admitted
"Yeah!" Fishlegs replied
"And my father was proud!" Snotlout stated
"It was another win for the Thorston twins!" Tuffnut said
"Lose for anyone else!" Ruffnut added
Nagendra roared and lifted the flap on my bags which mushu used to look out at berk and immediately went back inside
"Can we go now?" I asked
"Weren't you loving it here?" Hiccup asked
"Yes. Now that we've reunited I never want to be here again. Some people I've never seen or they've grown older." I admitted
"People age?" Tuffnut said
"Not what they meant." Fishlegs stated
"I think that's what they meant." Ruff said
"Not what I meant ruff, or tuff. Leaving my island and moving here or the edge means leaving everything I've built behind." I stated
"As much as I hate to say this. Would I want to leave the edge to live on another island because a family member was living there?" Astrid said.

Word count: 1032 words

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