Now thats what you call a scheme!

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Fighting to protect our home.

{ Y/N's point of view }

I woke up and everyone seemed to be awake
"Morning!" Hiccup said
"Goodmorning." Astrid replied
"Found it!" I exclaimed
I got out my double sided axe as Heather inspected it
"I assume you're quite the battler."
Heather complimented
"Yup! Ever since I got flown off of berk!" I said
We walked outside and I heard a roar coming from Thorn
"What is it?" I asked
Thorn guided me too the cliffside as it broke a little and when I looked into the distance it was dagur's fleet, what?
"In the air! Everybody in the air!" I shouted
We flew up as I saw Abeloth carry away Mushu towards the cave entrance and since everything was growing nicely now from the rain Mushu would be safe
"What?!" Snotlout said
"It's dagur! He's here!" I informed
Nagendra roared as Ryuu followed with it making an ear piercing sound that alerted dagur's fleet
"How'd he get here?!" Astrid asked
Since I was in my battle armour and so was Viserion we were safe from any dragon root arrows or dragon root basically anything
"Stupid scouts!" Snotlout shouted
"Hellooooo!" Dagur greeted psychopathically
Sobek flew up into the clouds and channeled lightning creating a full fledged storm.

"Watch for the skrill!" Dagur shouted
"Okay. Viserion, Abeloth and Hyperion! Your with me. Archion! Go get leviathan! Tanis, Volos and Nagendra! Attack the ships sails! Olwen, drakon and attor! Attack extra ships and boats! Attor, glycon, Thorn and ryuu! Make sure they can't get past our defences!"
I planned
Hiccup was being covered by the dragon riders as me and Viserion went in having Hyperion and Abeloth follow behind, Volos was hitched onto the ships sides as Tanis and nagendra perched on the sails poles destroying it slowly.
"Dragon riders! Take the ships beside Dagur!" Hiccup shouted
"And I'll go get my monster of a brother." Heather stated
She flew in as I looked back at the dragon riders and they just shrugged
"Here comes leviathan!" I shouted
Nagendra, Volos and Tanis retreated to help the others as Leviathan rammed into the ships sides making it shake
"This is cheating!" Dagur yelled
Archion roared as I gave him the thumbs up to help our backup. Lightning struck from the sky as I saw Sobek blasting smaller ships with lightning
"Hookfang!" Snotlout yelled
There was a boulder coming for them as Thorn blasted it with a plasma blast.

"Astrid! Go help Heather! Fishlegs start sinking boats!" Hiccup shouted
Barf and belch ignited an explosion making a ship sink
"Drakon! Attor!" I shouted
They seemed to have abandoned there arrangements and were now on the boats throwing hunters overboard as Leviathan came back for another round ramming Dagur's ship head on
"Way to go leviathan!" I shouted
Leviathan roared as he created a whirlpool sucking in everything in front of him and Dagur seemed to have been placed with Heather meaning his hunters would be eaten by the submaripper
"My Hunters!" Dagur shouted
"Another win for the submaripper!"
Ruffnut shouted
"Fire in the hole!" Tuffnut yelled
Another explosion was created as it sank a bunch of boats. Viserion plasma blasted a small escape boat making it sink and being sucked into the whirlpool
"The ships are gone! Leviathan will take care of them! Help defend the shore!" Hiccup said
We flew back seeing all my dragons defending against hunters that made it onto shore and when Heather landed she let go of Dagur
"Stay there." Heather ordered
Windshear flexed her spines and ran towards Glycon to go help him with a few hunters.

"Was that all of them?" Hiccup asked
"Yup!" Astrid replied
"Wait. Where's Dagur?!" Fishlegs asked
I turned around seeing Dagur and savage on an escape boat rowing away
"Do you know how much gold I spent on those?!? You'll pay for it!" Dagur shouted
Sobek came down and did a lightning blast beside there boat as a warning shot and I saw Savage take out a boulder cannon and fired
"Y/N!" Astrid yelled
"Viserion! Move!" I shouted
Viperion flew In front of us and took the hit as the two hunters rowed away. Viperion fell to the ground as me and Viserion went after him
"Viperion!" I yelled
"Is he okay?!" Astrid asked
"Does he look okay?" Snotlout said
"Screaming death scales are some of the toughest ones around. But I don't think a hit to the tail with a boulder isn't gonna hurt." Fishlegs stated
"We need to go back to berk for healing supplies, we ran out on the edge." Hiccup said
"How would we get hyperion there?" I asked
"Good question." Ruffnut said
"Really good." Tuffnut added
"We could bring leviathan but how would Hyperion stay on?" Hiccup questioned
I thought for a long moment as Hyperion roared.

"Leviathan can fly just like every other dragon. But doesn't do it often so I believe we could resort to making leviathan fly for short periods and then dive underwater." I said
"Perfect!" Hiccup stated
"But how did we find that ou-" Fishlegs asked
"I think it's in their genes." Astrid answered
"The perks of being a haddock." Snotlout said
"We get it." I stated
"Archion? Can you go get leviathan?" I asked
Archion roared as 5 other speed stingers ram on water to go find the submaripper. Other dragons flew back to their homes but nagendra stayed to come with us, Archion returned with a green dragon behind the 6
"Leviathan! Can you take Hyperion and come along with us to berk?" I asked
Leviathan was half submerged in water as I guided Hyperion towards him
"Okay! Let's get going?" I asked
Toothless roared as I hopped onto Abeloth instead of Viserion, after all, I did promise to go joy flying with him but couldn't go yesterday or the day before for obvious reasons and since they weren't in there armour it'd be much more comfortable for me to fly on their backs and I'd have a lower chance of ruining the armour.

Word count: 1014 words

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