Tending to a cave.

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Caving! But better.

{ Y/N's point of view }

Today we were going to try and shape the cave So that mushu would grow well in it and at the age of juvenile would live in there full time with any new dragons that would come onto the island because of mushu
"This entrance needs to be bigger but we'll do that later." I said
Since the cave snaked around the whole island on the sides near the coast I didn't need to worry about being careful like I used too
"The soil in here is moist, probably because it's in an ocean. But why is there no rock on the ground?" I asked
I realized that the walls were made from rock and it was just the inside meaning that someone had already done this, for me?
"Who did this all?" I asked
I shook it off as Viserion flew around the cave
"This chasm will surely be enough room for mushu." I stated
Since there was a chasm in the middle of the cave adult mushu would have no problem walking around without crushing a few people
"I wonder how long this cave goes." I wondered out loud
Viserion grumbled as we began to shape the cave a little to fit mushu's needs using plasma blasts's.

"This shape should be good." I stated
Viserion admired his work and cooed in amusement and victory as Mushu roared back
"Now we let it become overgrown! And then wait for Olwen to dig an area for himself."
I stated
We flew out of the cave as I placed several flowers on the cave floor, they weren't in soil or anything but when they died I just assumed it'd plant seeds or something afterwards
"Hmmm. Time to go up towards Olwen!"
I exclaimed
I flew towards the mountains finding Olwen unusually quicker than normal but I wouldn't complain in those events.
"I have a perfect place for you!" I said
Viserion roared and Olwen began to follow us while we flew towards the exact spot
"Right around here." I stated
Olwen leaped up and immediately tunnelled into the ground which didn't alarm me as much as it used too
"There you go!" I said
Olwen flew out as me and Viserion flew down to check it out and saw that it was where it needed to be although a few inches off but it was fine, Olwen wasn't a very picky dragon.

We flew towards Drakon and Attor's hunting grounds which were near a cave that I'd look at since I never really entered it
"How about we just dedicate this day to looking at caves?" I said sarcastically
Mushu roared as Viserion cooed in amusement
"Drakon! Attor!" I called
Drakon and Attor came out of the cave and went back inside as we followed behind
"That's a lot of tunnels." I stated
There were many tunnels and passage ways that went on for like 10 minutes which was very weird
"What's with the caves on this island?" I asked
Viserion grumbled as we kept walking and when we reached the end of a tunnel we were following there was, well, dragon bones.
"I'm sorry. You eat dragons too?!" I exclaimed
I knew they wouldn't answer but I knew that it was either to kill and eat or kill for the fun of it which was still quite weird although not uncalled for
"Okay. Let's get outta here." I stated
We flew out this time and went back to my hut to go check up on Abeloth and go rest for a bit, and it was also getting a bit dark outside.

"Abeloth!" I exclaimed
Abeloth ran towards me happily as I scratched his chin and smiled while Viserion walked in with Mushu and went to rest
"Don't worry, tomorrow when we go joy flying I'll ride you instead of Viserion!"
I promised
Viserion flicked his tail as his tail fin made a weird noise but I shook it off and began to make my way inside with Abeloth following behind, For a singetail Abeloth was quite friendly to other dragons although can be quite cruel when needed. I got to work on Tanis armour since I had a few left to spare and since surprisingly Viperion didn't shed I'd just wait until tomorrow, when i finished Tanis set I made sure that I put it nicely next to glycon and Thorn's sets before cleaning up after myself as Abeloth watched and occasionally tried to help which ended up with the wrong things in the wrong spot but I'd just leave it there to keep Abeloth happy
"Night guys!" I stated
Viserion flicked his ear as Abeloth roared quietly in response but mushu was already fast asleep in his artificial nest, mushu had been getting a lot too big for his bed.

Word count: 808 words

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