Unexpected guests.

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Flood on the edge!

{ Y/N's point of view }

I woke up hearing a roar from outside my hut and I yawned to go see what it was as Abeloth and Viserion went with me
"Okay. What are you doing here?" I asked
The dragon riders were outside my door plus a razorwhip and a girl with green eyes and black hair which was weird
"Morning Y/N!" Hiccup greeted
Viserion growled at the razorwhip as the razorwhip flexed their tail spikes in defence
"Windshear!" The girl exclaimed
"Back off Viserion." I stated
Viserion halted the attack as Abeloth greeted hookfang
"The edge flooded." Astrid answered
"Did the submaripper do it?!" Ruffnut shouted
"I'm sure leviathan had nothing to do with your flood." I reassured
Snotlout snorted but was shut up by astrid.
"Who's the girl?" I asked
The razorwhip looked at Abeloth as Stormfly ram around with toothless
"Heather. My dragon is windshear." She said
"I've heard of you, somewhere." I said
Viserion sat down and flicked his tail as I saw thorn land on the ledge of the cliff
"That's thorn, dramillion. What do you need?" I asked thorn
Thorn roared as Viserion went inside and got a piece of raw fish.

Thorn flew away as Fishlegs smiled at the dramillion
"So glad to see dramillions re-populating!" Fishlegs exclaimed
He was apart of the ingermans which used to be well-known dragon hunters and especially for the dramillion
"Shouldn't you go to berk then?" I questioned
"Wanted to see you!" Hiccup said
"Wait we did?" Tuffnut stated
"I'm with Tuffnut." Snotlout admitted
"Okay. Me, astrid, Fishlegs and heather wanted to see you." Hiccup corrected.
Heather chuckled while smiling
"I've got no room in my hut unless you want to sleep on the floor. I can guarantee there'll be another storm." I informed
"We'll take that." Hiccup said
"Cool! We used to do that!" Ruffnut exclaimed
"Yeah!" Tuffnut agreed
"Okayyyy..." I said.
I invited them into my hut as they chose where they'd sleep for the night
"What's with the scales?" Astrid asked
"Dragon armour." I answered
"We've tried that. Sadly snotlout didn't use the right stitching technique. And they were hard to get." Hiccup stated
"When you've trained a screaming death since birth it's quite easy." I said
Astrid scratched stormfly's chin as mushu went beside windshear to greet her which windshear immediately sniffed him and seemed to become really docile.

{ time skip }

"And here comes Nagendra." I stated
"Nagendra?" Heather said
"Male death song, lots of scratches and scars from previous battles with other dragons."
I informed
"Like garf!" Astrid pointed out
"Who's garf?" I asked
"Death song we raised since he hatched!" Astrid said
I smiled before opening the door to greet him and Nagendra dropped a terrible terror on the ground and flew away
"Uhm." I said
I carried the terrible terror inside as it was in the amber cocoon
"Why did he drop it off?" Fishlegs asked
"Yeah. He does that." I informed
Hiccup released the terrible terror from the cocoon as the terrible terror immediately flew towards the ocean.
"Make yourself comfortable." I stated
Toothless laid next to Viserion as barf and belch were already asleep which was unusual
"Let's head to bed?" Hiccup asked
Stormfly laid down as Astrid rested her head against her dragon
"Y'know what? I'll be sleeping on the floor with you all." I stated
"Hooky!" Snotlout shouted
Hookfang grunted before scuttling over and laying down so Snotlout could rest which hookfang seemed to enjoy which was really unusual since there relationship was, well, it had friendly banter to say the least.

Meatlug Laid down while hugging Fishlegs but for the twins they had barf and Belch's heads on top of them which I thought looked quite uncomfortable but I could be wrong
"Toothless?" Hiccup said
Toothless laid down and so did hiccup as toothless curled his tail around hiccup's torso while Heather laid down and windshear was up against a post
"Call it off Viserion, you can go sleep comfortably." I said
Viserion got up as I rested my head on Abeloth's torso having warmth since my back was near a place where he could shoot fire.
Viserion came back over as I raised a brow as he laid down next to me and wrapped his tail around my feet which was expected
"Suit yourself." I whispered
Abeloth shifted his head as he wrapped his head near my lap and I rested my arm on his head
"How's it been on berk?" I asked
"Great!" Astrid exclaimed
"Wonderful! You should really come back for a visit!" Hiccup said
"Knew you were gonna say that." I admitted
"You should!" Fishlegs stated
"Berk practically said if I didn't kill a dragon I wasn't a Viking." I said
"But times have changed since then!"
Hiccup stated as Fishlegs nodded agreeing.

"I don't know my thoughts on berk." I said
"It's fun." Tuffnut stated
"Especially on Loki day! Our all time favourite god! And is the god of mischief and pranks!" Ruffnut added
"Especially on Loki day." Tuffnut said
"You burned my hut down by scaring poor hookfang!" Snotlout exclaimed
"That doesn't sound new." Heather said
Hookfang growled as he adjusted Snotlout's Viking helmet before resting his head into his rider's lap.
"You should come back, now that berk knows your alive I assume they're much more open about telling children about your disappearance." Astrid reassured
"That's just it. I disappeared because I was so stuck on killing a dragon to make berk proud." I said
"I feel you on that." Hiccup admitted
"Berk loves when you're around now! And stoick seems to be pretty happy this week!" Fishlegs commented
"You're not convincing me." I stated
Hiccup shrugged as toothless bellowed. Heather and the twins had fallen asleep so we decided we would fall asleep too and tomorrow we'd discuss the "berk factor", I rested my head getting comfortable against Abeloth's rough yet smooth skin and making sure that I didn't tug on Viserion's tail too much.

Word count: 1010 words

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