The news.

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Berkian blood.

{ Hiccup's point of view }

We were already in the air trying to get to
Y/N's island as quickly as possible
"There's leviathan!" Astrid called
"The submaripper!" Snotlout shrieked
"This is so fun seeing a submaripper in the flesh!" Fishlegs stated
"Did we forget I almost died because of one?"
I asked as toothless laughed
The submaripper looked at us and jumped out of the water catching a flock of seagulls and drowning them
"hiccup. Let's get out of here!" Astrid said
We landed at Y/N's hut as ruffnut and Tuffnut knocked on the door loudly
"Mhm? What are you doing here!?" Y/N said
"We've got disturbing news." Astrid stated
"Viserion. You're gonna wanna hear this."
Y/N warned
Viserion trotted out swaying his tail as him and toothless familiarized themselves.
"Glycon? Thorn?" Y/N said
Two dragons came out
"The dramillion!" Fishlegs squealed
"A triple stryke. Awesome." Ruffnut stated
"Can we please just get to the point gang?"
I asked
Snotlout nodded as Stormfly and hookfang closed in on viserion as meatlug and toothless sat beside them, for the first time in my life it seems like a dragon actually wants to be next to hookfang, barf and belch despite being very destructive, distracting and rude on hookfang's behalf.

{ Y/N's point of view }

"Go on hiccup." Astrid said nudging him
Toothless pranced over as viserion motioned beside me as glycon and thorn flew off to go find Tanis or Abeloth
"Okay. You're from berk. And you're stoick the vast's, chief of berk's offspring." Hiccup started
"Got that right. Go on." I said
Viserion growled at the word "stoick" and "chief of berk"
"I am the son of stoick the vast. Chief of berk." Hiccup finished
"Meaning you two are blood related siblings." Fishlegs added
Those words didn't break me but most likely lightened me
"Sad I didn't get to teach you how to do anything, although I'm not in for the work."
I admitted
It would've been cool to teach a younger sibling to do something at least to me. Viserion and toothless budded each other
"Well then. Welcome to the family." I stated
"So- are we not-" snotlout said
"I-it's so beautiful." Ruffnut pouted
"B-bravo, bravo! I love happy endings." Tuffnut pouted
"Mission accomplished!" Fishlegs stated
Astrid laughed and pat fishlegs on the back happily as she pet Stormfly and barf and belch seemed to be disappointed of their riders at the moment.

{ Hiccup's point of view }

It went more well than I expected it too
"So are you gonna come back to berk?" I asked
"No." They answered
"Wait- what-" Fishlegs stuttered
"You can't just!-" Astrid stopped herself
Toothless tilted his head as viserion backed away towards his rider
"Berk practically kicked me off! Always telling me how I should go kill a dragon to become a Viking. And besides, I can't leave my dragons alone." Y/N answered
Viserion nodded and since viserion was a little taller than toothless he swiped a paw over his face and retracted his teeth.
"At least a visit!" Ruffnut pleaded
"Our family would be so proud of us for finding you!" Tuffnut added
"Not the point." Snotlout stated
"How about we try and persuade you. We stay here a couple days and leave dragons to guard the edge." I persuaded
"Fine with me." Y/N admitted
Hookfang lit up happily as barf and belch immediately just dropped to the ground
"Tomorrow I can introduce you all to my dragons, just so they don't kill you." Y/N said
"Than it's a deal!" Ruffnut said
"And so, the drama begins." Tuffnut stated.

{ Y/N's point of view }

"How has berk changed?" I asked
"Lots." Astrid stated
"Everyone loves dragons now and the war with dragons has stopped! Even your father has a dragon." Fishlegs informed
"Does anyone know of my existence?" I asked
"We've kept it hidden so far. Although ever since stoick telling us about berk's tragic story everyone's been more open about it and accepting of the "death"" astrid stated
"Huh. I assume no one told you someone had died?" I questioned
"Nope. Not even told I had a sibling!"
Hiccup said
"Shutting it out seems like berk, and so stoick." I stated
"No reason to hate on berk!" Snotlout said
"Put it into perspective that if berk shut you out cause you couldn't kill a dragon then they didn't tell anyone about you after you went missing would you be happy?" Astrid asked
Snotlout stayed silent as Viserion flicked his tail in amusement and toothless did the same. It had only been a couple hours and it seemed like Viserion was influencing toothless without viserion noticing which was kind of like how siblings did back at berk on that one snoggletog night with a lot of fire.

Toothless cooed as Hookfang sat beside Viserion while noticing the twins, Barf and belch were already asleep
"Lights out Stormfly?" Astrid asked
Stormfly roared as Abeloth laid down beside me shooting a fire ball at the fire immediately igniting it
"Hooky! Get over here!" Snotlout ordered
Hookfang breathed out smoke before scuttling over slowly as Meatlug bellowed
"Hiccup! Do you have any fish for meatlug?" Fishlegs asked
I smiled as Viserion got up
"I can get some, leviathan always has something on the beach!" I informed
Viserion flew off as I looked down from the cliff towards the rocky shore as Viserion grabbed a couple of salmon from the shore. Viserion brought it up as I threw some of it to meatlug and she ate it
"Are you tired girl? We don't want your wings to sore." Fishlegs worried
Meatlug rolled over onto a blanket as Fishlegs smiled and went over into a little tent like thing.
"Night, hiccup." I said
"Cmon bud!" Hiccup exclaimed
I walked inside as Abeloth ran in and Viserion hung from a wooden beam once more to go to sleep instead of on the heated rocks although Abeloth was on his rocks heating them up.

Word count: 1010 words

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