You've Got a Friend

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

A Year Later

"Happy Birthday to youuuuu" We all chorused. Today was Evie's first birthday! I couldn't believe it'd been a whole year since Evie was born, so much has happened, and she had grown up so fast! She was nearly walking!! And talking!

This year had been good, James and I were the most happiest we'd ever been, we'd settled in to married life quite well, and everything seemed to be going well!

Danny and Mollie are engaged now, the weddings in a couple of months which is good! They're so happy with each other! And Evie is adorable! The perfect family!

"This is your last present, Evie." Danny smiled passing her a present, she grabbed the present and threw it across the room, good job I hadn't bought her anything breakable.

"Thanks Evie!" James laughed, grabbing her hands "Good job we love you, isn't it!" He always put on a 'baby' voice for her, it was rather cute.

"Mummy will open it for you then!" Mollie laughed, grabbing the present

"She obviously doesn't like it as much as our present!" Jess laughed. Jess and Dougie had been together for over a year now, they were cute, and were meant to be!

"Shut up!" I laughed

Danny took the present and opened it up, we decided to buy her a teddy bear of 'Marie' from the film 'The Aristocats'. Evie took the teddy from Danny's hands and put it straight in her mouth, before throwing it across the room.

"Excuse me madam!" Mollie laughed, picking up the teddy.

"Well, now we know not to get anything for her!" I replied

"So ungrateful." James laughed

Evie began to crawl to the teddy bear, picking it up and giggling

I laughed "It's a good job you're cute isn't it!" I picked her up whilst tickling her. James was watching from the distance, smiling.

We'd tried for our baby once or twice recently, but nothing as of yet, I guess we'll just have to be more patient!

- A Few Hours Later -

"Are you excited to stay at auntie Eleanor's and uncle James' tomorrow Evie?" Mollies asked as James and I left.

"Of course she is." James laughed "We're so much fun! Isn't that right Evie?"

Evie continuously stared at James, she'd taken a shrine to him over the past year, it was safe to say he was her favourite uncle.

"But no late nights missy!" I replied, holding Evie's hands

I let go of Evie's hands and held onto James'

"We'll see you tomorrow!" I smiled at Evie, before hugging Mollie and Danny

"See you later!" We smiled, before getting into James' car and driving back home.

"Evie gets bigger everyday, I swear." I laughed

"She's adorable." James smiled

The car journey fell silent, until James began speaking again.

"Hopefully Evie will have a cousin soon..."

I smiled "Hopefully!" I was excited to have a baby, but also very impatient, I wanted to be pregnant now!!

"We could try again...when we get home..." He suggested "If you want anyway..."

"I'd like that." I smiled

We entered the house and I collapsed onto the sofa, I don't even think I could be bothered to try and make a baby now.

"Get up lazy bones!" James laughed

"Shut up!!"

"Well, I guess you don't want this then?" I turned my head to see James holding an envelope in his hands.

I got up from the sofa and took it out his hands "What's this?"

"Happy Anniversary." He smiled

"But our anniversary isn't till another week..." I stopped as I opened up the envelope, inside, was two tickets to go to the best place on earth! Disneyland!!!

"Oh my god!" I felt like a child

"I thought that it would be better to spend our anniversary at the best place in the universe!"

"This is the best present ever!" I smiled "I love you so much!!"

"I love you too!" He replied

I pulled him into a hug. He really was the best husband ever.

- Authors Note -

HELLOOOOO!! It's been a while, but I finally got round to posting the first part of the sequel! Woo!!!

So, not much at the moment, as I need to build it up for the storyline, but oh well!

P.s. In a Disneyland mood so that's why the reference is in there! I'm going to Disneyland Paris on the 26th of June!!! SOOOO excited!!!!

Anyway, comment, vote and be rad!

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now