It worked.

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

- A Week Later -

Today was the day that James finally came out of hospital, and the day I tried to get pregnant. It was scary, and I was petrified about what was going to happen. What if it doesn't even work? All that stress for absolutely nothing.

"Are you ready?" Becky asked, I asked her to come along with me, James couldn't make it as he was coming out today, and I think he didn't really want to come. Mollie was busy with the girls, so Becky was my only hope. I didn't want to be left with Dougie, if it wasn't awkward enough.

I took a deep breath "Ready."

Becky began to start the car and drive to the clinic, I assumed Dougie would make his own way, whether or not he had company was another question. Jess had come to terms with it, but she was still a little unsure, as anyone would be.

"Are you scared?" Becky asked

I nodded, I could feel myself wanting to break down, but I made sure I kept myself together.

"I'm scared it's not going to work.."

"Don't think like positive! Just think, you're going to be pregnant by this evening!"

I smiled a little, it was crazy to think that might happen, I would be carrying my son or child...

"I hope James doesn't get upset.." I said quietly, this was my biggest fear.

"Hey, he won't. He understands this is the only way. He loves you and I'm pretty certain he'll love your baby too!"

"I hope."

We reached the clinic and found a car parking space nearest to the entrance, I hoped no paparazzi would be lurking around.

"Let's go.." Becky smiled

We went up to the entrance and found Dougie and Harry waiting in the waiting room.

"Hi.." Dougie said awkwardly

"Hi.." I replied, it looked like Jess wasn't there, she probably still thought this was a bad idea.

"Is James not coming?" He asked

"No, he's coming out of hospital today. Danny and Mollie are picking him up later."

Dougie smiled

I wanted this to be over with, I just wanted to be pregnant already so I don't have to ever deal with this again.

"I've already donated my stuff..." Dougie continued "So, all you have to do is get it I guess..."

"Oh." I replied, this was really happening, there was no backing down now.

I made my way over to the receptionist, which she guided me over to a room to wait for the doctor.

It was horrible waiting for him, I didn't know what was going to happen.

The doctor entered, he was cheery, and so contrasting to how I was feeling.

"Hi Eleanor." He smiled

"Hi..." I replied, I didn't like this at all.

"So, we're gonna get to this straight away, I'm going to ask you to take this.." He handed me a small tablet with a cup of water "This will line your womb, and prepare it for the sperm to be inserted."

I nodded, as I took the tablet, i couldn't stop shaking, it was crazy that I was doing this, and sort of exciting.

"And now we're going to move into one of our other rooms to get this started..."

This was all so sudden, I had no idea it only took a little while. It was insane.

- James' Point of View -

I packed my bags as I prepared to leave the hospital. I was glad. A week in this place was literally making me go mad, I couldn't cope anymore.

I was worried about Eleanor. She'd gone to the clinic today with Dougie to get pregnant, I was sort of excited but hurt at the same time, the baby they're producing isn't even mine. It's Dougie's.

"Ayyyy" Danny said, entering the room.

"Would you stop doing that!" Mollie laughed

I stared at Evie for a while as she stared at me "Hello you" I smiled "Can I hold her?" I asked

"Of course." Evie smiled as I took her in my arms, she loved me, I was her favourite uncle apparently. But that's all I'd ever be. An uncle and a stepdad.

"And how is my Evie today?" I asked

She smiled "James!" She loved saying my name for some reason, she was obsessed.

"Heard anything from Eleanor?" I asked Mollie

"Last time I heard anything, she was about to go in, so I don't know."

I gave a little smile

"I know you don't think it, but it was the right thing to do." Mollie smiled. Maybe she was right.

"What time was the appointment?" Danny asked

"Half 3 I think..."

"What time is it now?" Danny asked

"Half 5.."

"That means she might be finished now?" Mollie said "She might be at home.."

I nodded, hopefully she would be.

Danny and Mollie helped me out of the hospital, I was still on crutches, so i couldn't do much for myself, Evie was pretending to help me.

"Wow, thank you Evie." I smiled

She giggled and made her way to the car as Mollie and Danny helped me in.

"You'd be better at the front." Mollie smiled.

Danny started the engine and we made our way back to my house. I must admit that I was slightly worried about the outcome of the clinic, I just hoped that either way, Eleanor was okay. She's the most important thing.

I knew that this was the right thing to do, it has to be. We get a baby, the one thing we want the most.

We reached my house and Danny and Mollie again helped me inside.

"Eleanor?" Danny shouted

"I'm here." She said, quietly making her way down the stairs.

"Well, we'll leave you two to it." Danny smiled, sensing Eleanor's mood.

"Yeah, thanks for helping me." I replied

They smiled and made their way outside, I didn't hesitate to question Eleanor.

"So, what happened?" I asked

She looked down and back up at me

"It worked.."

- Authors Note -

Ayyyyy! She's finally pregnant!! Seems like a long time coming! Btw, I know realistically she wouldn't have actually found out she was pregnant straightway but I just kind of wanted to speed this part up so I can move on!

Thanks for reading!! :-)

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now