I'll do it.

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- James' Point of View -

Today was the first day that I was back doing promotions and stuff with the boys, fletch had let me have a few weeks off with the news Eleanor and I revived, which was kind of him. And I really needed it.

"Ayyyyy!!" Harry smiled as he saw me enter the room

"Ayyyyy!" I replied, giving him a manly hug.

"How you doin' Bourne?" Dougie asked

"Much better thanks" I smiled, Eleanor and I had come to terms with it, and were looking for other options. We will have a baby no matter what.

"It's good to see you back!" Matt smiled, I smiled back and then noticed Charlie sitting beside him, why was he at our rehearsals?

"Thanks guys" I smiled, it was nice to know they were all there for me.

"How's Eleanor?" Dougie asked

"She's fine. She's coming up later anyway.."

"Ah" he replied

"Anyway, let's get on with some rehearsing!" Danny smiled

We grabbed our guitars and began rehearsing for a bit, 99.9% of the time we're just messing around, we don't really do much work.

Or we play stupid games like tattoo roulette....that does not end well!

"Are you still looking at sperm donors..?" Tom asked, not even thinking about what he was saying! Tom and Danny were the only ones who knew!

"Um, yeah." I replied

"They're not so bad." Dougie replied "At least you'll get a baby.."

"Let's just stop talking about it." I snapped

- A Few Hours Later -

- Eleanor's Point of View -

"Now, don't unplug this!" I said to Evie as I sorted out her seatbelt, she had a habit of unplugging it!

"Mollie, are you ready!" I shouted, she still takes forever.

She ran out the house and entered the car quickly, she knew that I wasn't patient and she knew that I wasn't in the mood for her to take forever.

"Are we ready?" I asked

"Yeah!" Mollie replied "Are you ready Evie?"

Evie didn't even look at her, it was amusing. She didn't seem interested in anything.

"She's ready..." Mollie replied.

I started up the car and began to drive, turning up the radio, before Mollie turned it down....

"Hey! I was listening to that!"

"Well, I want to talk to you...." She smiled

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to know how you got on with the donor thing the other day.."

I shrugged "It was alright. I don't know if I like the idea of not knowing who the father is, all we get is a brief description...that's not enough..."

"Hmm, what does James think?"

"He's fine with it. I just think he really wants us to have a baby..."

"He just cares" Mollie smiled "But you should tell him this..."

"I have..." I replied "And he prefers it that way, because then the baby would never know who the father is ever. And we wouldn't know who it is." I pulled up and found a parking space "I'm just going to leave it anyway."

I got out the car and went straight to get Evie out, I didn't want Mollie to lecture me about it.

"I'll carry her." Mollie smiled

"It's okay." I replied "I think she wants to walk anyway.." I put her down and she grabbed my hand, as we walked into the studios. Paparazzi was everywhere.

"Do they not have anything else better to do..." I moaned

"Obviously not!" Mollie replied, hurrying us in.

"Is that Evie Jones I can see!?" A voice shouted, Harry's.

Evie giggled and ran into Harry's arms, he picked her up and spun her around as she grinned at him.

"And how is my Evie?" He asked

She giggled and hurried her face into his shirt

"Shall we go find daddy?" He asked as he walked away with her, Mollie and I followed.

The boys were all sat down on the sofas, so much for rehearsing!

I made my way over to sit next to James "Well, your day looks like it's been productive!" I smiled

"Hey, we've done loads of work!" Matt said defensively

"Sure" I winked, I didn't even realise that Charlie was there.

"Hey" he smiled

I smiled back, he was a nice guy and it was nice that they all got along now.

"I'm just gonna get some water" I said heading out the door

"If you see Dougie, tell him to get back here!" Danny laughed

"Will do!"

I made my way out of the door and over to the water fountain, I felt a little sick and dizzy.

"Afternoon!" I heard Dougie say.

"Hello!" I replied "you're wanted back in there!"

"I know, I do it to piss them off most of the time..."

I laughed. Dougie and I were good friends now, it was nice the way it was.

"How're you feeling anyway?"

"I'm okay." I replied "I just want to get on with stuff now."

He nodded "I heard you're looking at sperm donors."

I shrugged "Maybe.."

"Why do I sense that you don't want to do that?"

"Because, I don't...I don't like the fact that I don't know who the father actually is. It could be a murderer for all I know! It's horrible to think..."

Dougie bit his lip "I know what you mean.."

"And it's nice that the baby will always think that James is the father, but I'll always have the thought in the back of my mind that I don't even know who the father is...I mean, I'd prefer it if I knew the father personally..."

"Someone personal?"

"Yeah, like a friend or something, it would be easier."

Dougie started at me before he opened his mouth "I'll do it."

- Authors Note -

Hello!!! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while! Currently in the process of exams!! :( my last one isn't until the 24th which sucks! But I can try and upload in between!!

Let me know what you think about Dougie's suggestion! And do you think Eleanor and James will accept?

Vote, comment, have fun (idk seriously running out of things to put here)

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now