Noah Bourne

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

"I'm so proud of you." James smiled, kissing the top of my forehead "And I'm sorry for storming out, I was being stupid."

I smiled "I'm just glad you're here now."

The nurse spun round to reveal the tiny baby that was ours. He was gorgeous.

"Here's your little boy!" The nurse smiled, handing him over to me.

"Hello." I smiled at him, he was so perfect, I didn't think anything could be so perfect.

James placed his hand on the baby's head and began to stroke it slightly whilst smiling, I think this made him come round a little.

"He's perfect." James smiled

"I know he is." I replied "And he's ours!"

James smiled and kissed us both on the forehead, I hoped that James would see that this was his baby, not Dougie's.

"Do we have a name yet?" The nurse asked

"No." James replied "We haven't really thought of anything.."

"I've been thinking..." I said quickly "I like Noah a lot..."

"That's cute!" James smiled

"Noah Bourne" I grinned

James' eyes widened "But I thought tha-"

"He's a Bourne, just like us!" I smiled, there was no way I was letting him be a Poynter.

- Dougie's Point of View -

I'd been in the waiting room for quite a while, and I managed to get through to the guys to inform them that Eleanor had given birth. Only Harry had turned up so far.

"Well, to say Mollie was panicking on the phone, she's not really rushed to get here has she." Harry laughed

"No" I replied bluntly

"What's the matter?" Harry asked

"It's nothing." I lied

Harry frowned "How stupid do you think I am? Spill!"

I didn't really know why I was sad, I had told myself loads and loads of times that I have nothing to do with the baby, he's not mine, he's James and Eleanor's, but part of me wanted to be involved.

"Have you had an argument with Jess?"

"No! Everything's fine with Jess. Perfect even. It's just this..."

"What? Eleanor and James?" He asked

"Yeah. I know he's not my baby, but I made him, he's going to have my features, my traits...and he won't even know that I'm his dad.."

Harry bit his lip "But you knew this was going to happen before you donated. And, you offered it, they didn't ask you."

"I know, I know. It's just something that's on my mind. I bet they won't even let me hold him."

"They might!" Harry exclaimed "When everyone else gets here, we'll go and see them, and you can ask..."

"Because James'll let me hold him..." I said sarcastically "he hates me, he doesn't even want that baby because he knows I created it."

"Then that's his fault Doug. You've helped them out, James couldn't do it, so you stepped up! And it's not like you had to sleep with her or anything.."

I bit my lip "I know, I guess I kind of was hoping there'd be good things for us."

"Who? You and Eleanor?"

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now