A very small chance

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

Today was the moment of truth. The day that James and I found out why it was taking so long to get pregnant!

I was slightly nervous about today, mostly worried that the doctors would find something wrong with us, and not be able to have children. The one thing we want the most.

James was getting ready in the bathroom, I was already ready, waiting patiently on the bed. I felt a bit sick.

I'm sure there's nothing wrong with us, maybe we're just being a bit impatient, I guess these things take time don't they? Not everyone gets pregnant straight away. Maybe I was just overreacting. But I still wanted to go and make sure!

"James? Are you ready?" I shouted, I was anxious, therefore getting very impatient.

He came out of the room dressed and stared at me "Ready" he smiled, I could tell he was just as nervous as I was, although he doesn't show it as much as I do.

"Do you wanna take my car or yours?" He asked as he put on his shoes

"I don't mind..." I replied, staring out the window, my thoughts were elsewhere.

"Stop panicking." James said under his breath

"I will if you do..." I replied

He stood up and looked at me dead in the eye, before taking me into a tight hug.

"Everything's going to be fine." He whispered in my ear "come on we better go..."

I smiled at him, before following him outside into his car, I felt like I wanted James to drive far away somewhere, anywhere but that clinic,I didn't want to go near that place! It scared me that in a couple of hours, we'd know whether or not it was good or bad news, I hoped it would be good.

"Ready?" James said as he pulled up

I nodded, although I wasn't ready at all.

We walked into the clinic and went straight to the receptionist

"Hi, do you have an appointment?" The woman smiled

"Yeah, it's under Bourne.." James replied

She scanned through her computer "Ah, James and Eleanor Bourne!"

"Yeah, that's us.." I smiled

"Great! If you just want to sit down and wait, someone will be with you shortly"

"Thank you." James replied as we sat down in the waiting room. I was truly terrified.

"Remember, I love you no matter what happens" James said as he ran his fingers through my hair

"Do you think something bad's going to happen?"

James sighed "I don't know, I'm just preparing for the worst..."

I opened my mouth to speak before we were interrupted

"Eleanor Bourne?"

I stood up, James squeezed my hand before watching me walk away with the doctor. I wanted him by my side.

It was embarrassing being in the little room, I had to pee inside a pot which was not fun, why on earth do the doctors need to test on that! Not hygienic at all!

"Thank you Eleanor." The nurse smiled "We'll take you back in the waiting room."

"Okay." I nodded, I was slightly scared of the nurses, they didn't show any emotion at all, I felt as if I was being punished.

"James is just in that room over there.." The nurse pointed to a door "He'll be out in a couple of minutes.

- James' Point of View -

This was so awkward, I thought I had to pee in a pot, no, I had to give them my sperm instead. The nurse left the room whilst I did my business, but still, it was totally awkward. They were outside knowing what I was doing, I can't even remember the last time I did it. Just so awkward!

I placed the lid over my pot and walked out of the door, where the nurse was sat.

"Finished?" She asked politely

"Mm, yeah..." I replied, handing her over the pot

"If you want to sit down, the doctor will tell you when he's ready."

I nodded and sat next to Eleanor "You lied. You said they wanted to look at my pee."

"Sorry..." She replied "I didn't realise, I've never done this before!"

I grinned "I'm only kidding! It was really awkward, I didn't know what I was doing."

We began to laugh a lot, before the doctor interrupted us "We're ready for you now.." He smiled

I stared at Eleanor, as she started back. All of a sudden, the laughter had gone, and we were both full of worry. This was it. This was the moment we found out what we desperately wanted to know.

I grabbed her hand tightly, as we stepped into the doctors office.

"Sit down." The doctor gestured

We did what we was told, and sat down staring blankly at him.

"Now...this may come as bit of a shock...but I'm afraid it's bad news..."

I felt a lump in my throat, I didn't want to hear that. Eleanor looked like she was going to cry

"W-why?" I managed to say

"I'm afraid it's a problem with your sperm James."

I froze. I knew it would be something to do with me, I ruin everything! And now I can't even give Eleanor the one thing she wants the most.

"What's wrong with them?" Eleanor asked

"The sperm rate isn't normal." He began "Your sperm do not swim fast enough to reach the egg"

"Oh." I replied, I didn't know what to say, I hated myself, I'm the worst person.

"But is there still a chance we could get pregnant?" Eleanor asked, she sounded desperate, I could tell she wanted to cry.

"A very small chance." He replied "It's unlikely"


"I'm very sorry..."

- Authors Note -


So here's the depressing part of the story! Sorry! And also, I'm not very good at writing as a doctor, so...I'm sorry if anything's wrong!

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