Busted or McBusted.

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- James' Point of View -

It was early in the morning, Eleanor was still asleep next to me, she'd been asleep for hours now, she definitely needed it.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I decided to wash my face. I had nothing else better to do.

I began to think about how Noah would probably be crying around about now, Dougie and Jess are probably arguing over who has to sort him out.

I laughed to myself.

Although I had kind of accepted Dougie spending more time with Noah, it still annoyed me a little. He still has that control over me.

Suddenly, my phone began to buzz, I quickly tiptoed across the room, to avoid Eleanor waking up.

Who the hell would call me at 3am??

Charlie Simpson.

"Hello?" I answered, as I shut the bathroom door.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you up."

"No, you didn't. I've been awake for a while. What's up?"

"Well - I need to talk to you"

"About what?"

"I'd rather do it in person."

What was so big that he felt the need to call me at this time!?

"Okay....well, I'm free mostly all day, just need to pick Noah up at 3 but that's-"

"Come round now. No ones home"

"Are you sure?" I asked, he seemed desperate to talk to me.

"Yeah. It's fine"

I told him I'd be around 10 minutes, before quickly getting changed into some jeans and a t-shirt. I hope this was all worth it.

Charlie and I were still good friends after everything, even Matt had a good friendship with him now, it made me happy to see them that way.

I knocked on Charlie's door quietly, just incase anyone was asleep in his house.

Charlie answered and gestured for me to come in straight away.

"Want a drink?" He asked

"No, it's fine." I replied, sitting down on his sofa. Charlie was acting rather strange.

"So what is it that you wanted me for?" I asked

"Well....I want to ask you something."

I stared at him

"I want to ask if the Busted offer still stands?"

I widened my eyes "You what?"

"I felt bad for not joining McBusted. I feel like I'm ready now to be a band with you guys again! I miss you two."

"I cannot believe what I'm hearing..." I was still a little shocked.

"So, what do you say? Can I join?"

"Of course you can! You'll love it!" I said giving him a hug "Matt'll be so happy - and the rest of the lads!"

Charlie's smile turned into a frown "Oh, when I said I wanted to join, I meant join Busted again...not McBusted...."

"But why?" I asked.

"Just don't really get along with them as much. Especially Dougie, he was awful to me when you were in hospital."

"But Matt and I can't just leave, you know that right?"

Charlie stood up "I know. So I'm leaving it up to you to discuss whether or not you want to be in Busted or McBusted."

- Eleanor's Point of View -

"James?" I shouted as I walked around the landing, attempting to find him. He wasn't in bed.

I walked downstairs, still calling after him, where had he gone?

"James- oh" I said as I entered the living room. He was laid on the sofa, fully dressed and he had his shoes on. He knows I hate that.

"James?" I kneeled down beside him, he opened his eyes and smiled a little.

"Why are you down here? And why are you dressed?"

He rubbed his eyes "I went to see Charlie earlier."

"In the middle of the night? Are you crazy?"

He sat up "He called me over to his house this morning, I was already awake so I didn't see why not."

"What did he want?" I asked, standing up.

"He wants to come back and tour with us again."

"Really!? That's so exciting! What changed his mind?" I knew that James always wanted this to happen, and I was so glad that Charlie had finally seen sense!

"It's not as exciting as you think, Eleanor."

"Why?" I sat down beside him

"He wants me and Matt to choose between Busted and McBusted..."

"Is he crazy? You can't do that to them!"

James shrugged "maybe it would be for the best. That way, Mcfly can release their albums and we can make our own music..."

I bit my lip "If that's what you want. But at least discuss it with Matt and the boys first, remember, they were the ones who got you back into the music industry."

He nodded

I gave a little smile then pulled him in for a hug

"Don't worry about it" I said, kissing his cheek.

- Authors Note -

Oooh James has a decision to make!


And I feel like you guys won't believe me but i actually was! And now it's true!!!!

I'm so happy that they're touring again!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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