This is all because of you.

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

I'd been at the hospital mostly all night, James hadn't woke up or even moved slightly, but the doctors claimed he was going to be fine. I was still a bit unsure.

"Good morning." The nurse smiled as she walked in, checking James.

"Morning." I groaned

"Have you been home yet?" She asked

I shook my head "I wouldn't have been able to rest not knowing if he was okay or not."

"I understand." She smiled "He's going to be okay.."

"I know." I replied holding onto his hand.

"I'll get you a drink." She smiled walking out of the room, I was sick of people patronising me.

I stared at James and began to run my fingers through his hair

"I really need you to wake up.." I said, moving my hand to stroke his face "I love you and I want my husband back...I'll do anything, just please, wake up for me.."

I hoped that I'd hear him stir slightly, but nothing, he didn't budge at all.

"Look at you." I continued talking to him "This is all because of me, because I was pushing you, I just want what you want James, I love you more than anything.."

I felt the tears in my eyes, he still wouldn't wake up, I hated seeing him like this, this is all because he's stressed and angry, he can't go through this again.

"And when you're ready to wake up, I'll be here for you, and we can do whatever you want...I'll watch all the Back To The Future's if you really want me to, and I'll let you off the washing up duty....just pl-"

Suddenly, I heard someone burst through the door, James' parents and Chris.

"What happened?" Maria exclaimed, sitting down on the bed beside him "My poor baby..."

"He was in a car accident..." I replied

"A car accident? Was you with him?" She asked

"No, I was in my own car..."

"Why wasn't you with him?" Peter asked

Chris stepped in "Guys, stop it! Eleanor is just upset as you guys are!"

I smiled at Chris, at least he understands.

"I just don't understand why he'd be driving so fast..." Maria said, stroking James' face.

"It's like when we were kids" Chris began "Do you remember when he'd ride his bike super fast when he got stressed over something, and always end up falling off it?"

"Was he stressed?" Peter asked

I just stared at him, I didn't know what to say, I knew if they knew the truth they would blame me straight away.

"I don't know" I replied, I couldn't tell them "but the doctors said he's going to be fine, he just needs to wake up..."

"And I'll be right here with him!" Maria said, looking down at him

Great. Now I'm stuck with her until he does.

"I'm gonna get a drink..." I lied, I needed some form of excuse to get out of that room, it was all too much.

I walked out and made my way to the water fountain, I needed to calm down.

"Hey" Chris had followed me out "What's the reason James is where he is?"

"I just said I don't know!"

"I know that you do Eleanor, it's obvious you're hiding something..." He whispered

"I'm not hiding anything! This has got nothing to do with me! Okay!?" And with that I stormed down the hallway, away from the Bourne family.

- Dougie's Point of View -

I woke up and rolled over to face Jess, she was still fast asleep so I decided to blow on her face to wake her up.

"Dougie..." She grumbled

"I'm not doing anything.." I laughed

She extended her arm out to hit me, without even opening her eyes.

"It's a good job I love you, isn't it." She laughed

"I love you too." I smiled

Suddenly, we heard a knock at the door

"Who could that be?" I asked, it was half 9 in the morning, and it was my day off? Well at least I thought it was?

"I'll get it." Jess said, putting on her dressing gown before making her way downstairs, I decided to make my way to the hallway so I could listen in.

"Hey Tom.." I heard her say, wait, did we have a rehearsal? Am I missing something here?

"Oh...." Jess seemed shocked, it was bad that I could only hear her side of the conversation too.

"Dougie!" She shouted, I made my way down, Tom was sat down on the sofa, he seemed upset about something. Maybe he'd had an argument with Gi.

"You alright?" I asked him

"No, not really.."

"What's happened?" I asked, sitting on the chair opposite him

"James has been in a car accident, he's in hospital and he won't wake up..."

My eyes widened, he had a car accident?

"That' he going to be okay?"

Tom shrugged "The doctors said so, but he's not showing any sign of improvement really."

"We've got to go see him..." I said, rushing upstairs.

- Eleanor's Point of View -

I was still stuck with Maria. She hadn't budged an inch, she'd been holding his hand for what seemed like forever, I wanted a turn!

"You look like you need some sleep..." I said, I had to persuade her somehow "Why don't you go home and get some rest? I can watch James."

She stared at me "Nice try, I'm staying."

Well, it was worth the shot I guess...looks like I'm stuck with her longer than I thought. James better wake up soon!

"Eleanor.." I spun around to see Tom, he'd been in earlier and he seemed rather upset.

"Come in.." I replied, at least he'd save me from Maria.

What I didn't notice was Tom had guests, Dougie and Jess.

"Oh, hi." I said, indicating them both

"What happened?" Jess asked

" was just an accident." I snapped, I was sick of people asking.

Suddenly, Maria's phone began to buzz "I better take this." She said before making an exit. Thank god.

"This is all because of you." I snapped at Dougie.


"You're the reason why he's here! If you hadn't offered to be a sperm donor, he wouldn't have crashed!"

Jess' eyes widened "You offered to be their sperm donor?"

"It's not like that..." Dougie tried to defend himself

"Then what is it like?" Jess snapped

"I...I just wanted to help....they wanted a baby and I thought it would be the best option..."

"I've heard enough." And with that, Jess stormed out.

- Authors Note -

Quite a long-ish chapter again! I'm trying to write loads now, so when I go back to sixth form I can focus on exams! It's so stressful! Haha...

Anyway, let me know what you think about the whole storyline? I love everyone's feedback :)

Vote, comment, do what you want

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now