I'm not doing it!

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

I froze as the doctor told us his news. This couldn't be happening? We couldn't have children...

"I'm very sorry..." The doctor said again, James and I were both silent, I don't think he knew how to react.

"But don't forget, adoption is still an option..." The doctor said, his way of trying to cheer us up

"We don't want to adopt." James hissed

"James..." I tapped his hand, I could tell he wanted to cry

"Sorry, maybe this isn't the right time..." The doctor replied

"It's just hard.." I replied

Suddenly, James stood up and made his way out of the room, I could tell he was probably going to cry.

"James!" I said trying to stop him, but it was too late.

I stood up to run after him, before the doctor stopped me "Just in case you change your mind, here's some leaflets on adoption, fostering and sperm donors."

"Thank you." I replied, shoving them into my bag whilst running after James.

I ran into the car park, I knew that he'd be in the car, most likely crying. I ran over to the car to find James sat still, staring into space.

"James..." I said getting into the car "James, look at me, we'll get through this...there's other options..."

"It's all my fault.." He murmured

"It's not! Don't say that, it's not your fault at all."

He turned his head to stare at me "I'm sorry I can't give you what you want.."

I felt a tear in my eye "There's still a small chance James..."

"That's not enough though. It won't work."

I grabbed his hand and kissed it, before he began to cry, placing his head in my lap.

"It's okay.." I said, stroking his hair, but I couldn't stop myself from crying either.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear

- A Few Hours Later -

We managed to get home, but we're still extremely upset over our news, I really wanted a baby, and now I can't even have that.

James and I were sat watching TV, not really speaking to each other.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring, it was Mollie.

"Who is it?" James asked


"Are you going to answer it?" He asked

"I don't think I'm ready to speak about it yet.." I replied


It was silent again, before James spoke "What were those leaflets the doctor gave you anyway?"

"Just other options"

"Like what?"

I passed him the leaflets from my bag as he began to read "Adoption.." He murmured

"That's not a bad idea."

"I don't think I could cope with having someone else's child..." He whispered

He flicked through most of the leaflets before stopping at one.

"Sperm donor."

"I wouldn't do that.." I replied. I'd heard what happens with that, I don't think I could cope with having another mans child, I want James' children, no one else's.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want another mans child...it would be weird!"

"I guess so." He replied "But at least it'd still be your child.."

"I'm not doing it James!" I shouted

He sighed "Fine. But you're not getting a baby from me, so deal with it."

- Authors Note -

Short chapter! Sorry, I'm just trying to drag the storyline out a bit! Hope you're all enjoying it :)

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