Wanna try again?

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

Today was the day we left for Disneyland!! The boys, Mollie, Evie and Jess were also coming! Which was cute! Our anniversary wouldn't be the same without them! Even Charlie was coming...

James and I were at home, doing some last minute packing.

"Are you excited?" James asked me, in the most childish voice.

"Of course!" I smiled "Its going to be the best moment of my life!"

"Oh right! Not marrying me then?"

I laughed "That's second"

James stuck his tongue out before rummaging through his bag "I actually have a present for you..."

My eyes shot up "You do!? What is it!?"

"Well, I don't know if you deserve it now." He grinned

"Oh come on!"

James smiled before placing something on my head, a tiara.

"Now you're an official princess" he smiled

"It's amazing!" I smiled "I can be a princess!"

"You're already my princess." He replied

"Ew! Stop it!" I laughed, before there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." James said

I laughed at my tiara and carried on packing, James and I should have done it last night, but we're too lazy and stupid to think about doing it.

Mollie and Danny entered with Evie, Mollie and Evie were both wearing Minnie Mouse ears

"Who's excited!?" Mollie exclaimed

"Meee!" Danny mocked, placing Evie's arms in the air

"Someone looks beautiful!" I smiled at Evie

"Well, I do try my best..." Danny replied. He likes to think he's funny.

"Are you ready?" Mollie asked

"Yeah..." I replied "Just making sure we've got everything...."

"What she really means is we left it till this morning to pack..." James laughed

I glared at him

"How are you supposed to look after a baby if you're not organised?" Danny laughed, Mollie had told him that James and I were trying, which was nice that he cared, but slightly annoying when he kept bringing it up.

"Right, let's go!" Mollie exclaimed, racing out the door. I soon followed, I felt like a child!!

- James' Point of View -

- A Day Later -

We'd been on the plane for what seemed like forever! But now we had finally landed in Florida! Eleanor and Mollie was so excited! Even Tom was! Gi had to calm him down a little.

"I just want to go on every single ride!" Mollie said, jumping around

I laughed, she was literally like a child, even worse than Eleanor.

I was so happy to be here, this was my first time at Disneyland, I'm not that interested in Disney if I'm honest, but I wanted to surprise Eleanor, she deserves it!

We got our cases and headed in our taxis to our hotel, Eleanor, Dougie, Jess and I all shared a taxi.

"I remember when I came here as a child." Jess laughed "it's truly a magical place!"

"Yeah it is!" Eleanor replied, she was getting even more excited as we got closer to the castle.

"Looks like you did well James" Jess smiled

I nodded, Jess was nice, and nice for Dougie, they were meant to be, and seemed perfect. I'm glad Dougie's happy, and I'm glad we're friends again. I hate fighting with him.

We reached our hotel and met the others, to sort out our rooms, although Eleanor, Tom and Mollie were too busy looking at the castle. They were basically children.

"I don't even think Evie's that excited." Danny whispered to me

"I don't think she really knows what's going on" I laughed as I watched Evie take off her shoes and throw them across the lobby, she likes to throw things a lot.

"Such a madam!" I laughed, placing the shoes back on her feet, she didn't look happy that I'd done that.

I sorted out the room and now it was time for me to go and get Eleanor.

"Come on princess..." I mocked "time to go see your room."


I interrupted her "no buts! Come on!"

She grumbled but followed me.

Our room was nice, it was covered with Mickey Mouse wallpaper and had a lot of Mickey Mouse related stuff scattered around the room, it was Disney heaven.

"This is so perfect!" Eleanor smiled collapsing on the bed

"Not as perfect as you" I smiled, laying down next to her.

She leant over and gave me a kiss, but I pulled her back, kissing her more.

"Wanna try again?" I whispered

She nodded.

- Authors Note -

Sorry for the short chapters! I'm trying to lead it up to my storyline, but I can't think of anything to write about for now! It's hard!!

Anyway, if you're reading this, thank you very much!! I appreciate it a lot!!

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now