I need to know

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- Mollie's Point of View -

"Wake up Danny!!" I began to prod him as he was fast asleep. It was half past 7, and we needed to hurry up and get breakfast if we wanted to go on the best rides before anyone else.

I glanced over at Evie's cot, even she wasn't awake! I guess she must be tired, after screaming the room down last night, she's teething....

Danny grumbled slightly before rolling over and opening his eyes "It's not even 8 yet." He grumbled

"I know but I wanna go on Space Mountain! And you know how big the queues get!"

Danny sighed then made his way out of bed and into the shower, he complained now, but he'd love it when he was on the ride!

I had to try and attempt to wake Evie up, she was so peaceful when she slept, different to when she's awake. I knew that I would have to risk it.

"Morning beautiful!" I smiled, touching her slightly

She flinched a little, but began to wake up, and then cry...a lot....

"Don't cry." I whispered, holding her in my arms, she wouldn't stop.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, I made my way over, whilst still carrying a crying Evie.

"Hi." I said, opening the door for Eleanor and James. James looked dead and Eleanor was excited, wearing a tiara on her head.

"Someone's grumpy..." James laughed, he took Evie from my arms and started cooing her, she eventually stopped crying.

"How on earth did you do that?" I asked

James shrugged "I must just have that magic touch..."

"Well, maybe your magic touch can get Evie dressed too?"

James sighed but then made his way over to the changing table.

"Where's Danny?" Eleanor asked

"In the shower." I replied "Hurry up Danny!!" I shouted

"In a minute!!" He shouted back, he's really not a morning person.

"Does he not realise how big the queues will be!?" Eleanor moaned

"Of course not. He's a man!" I laughed

Eleanor wondered off to help James with Evie. James was really good with Evie, she always stopped crying when he was around. He's really got the magic touch.

- An Hour Later -

We'd had breakfast and was now making our way into the park! Eleanor, Tom and I were so excited! We kept jumping around and racing ahead of everyone!

"Slow down!" Harry shouted

"I feel like we're their parents" Gi laughed "Even Buzz isn't that excited..."

We carried on running until Matt spoke "Wait, I could do with going for a wee.."

Eleanor rolled her eyes

"I need it too" Dougie agreed "We might as well go now. Don't want to be pissing on the princesses now do we?"

Matt laughed, well at least they make each other laugh.

Eleanor and I quickly rushed in the toilets and were the first ones out, everyone else seemed to take forever!

I sat on a wall and placed Evie on my lap, Eleanor soon joined me.

"Are you excited Evie!?" She asked

"I don't even think she knows where she is" I laughed

Eleanor smiled "You must be the best mum in the world bringing her here!"

I smiled "Hows things with you and James?"

"They're fine, why'd you ask?"

"No reason." I replied "I just wondered how things were. Are you still trying, for you know.." I pointed at Evie.

"Yeah." She replied "But still nothing..."

"Hmm, you've been trying for a while now. I don't want to sound too forward, but have you considered getting checked out? To see if anything's up?"

She turned to face me "No...I guess I didn't think about that."

"I'm not saying anything's up, but maybe it'd be better to see, just so you know.."

She nodded "I'll speak to James about it."

- James' Point of View -

Everyone apart from myself and Evie had decided to go on 'Space Mountain' I didn't really want to go on it as I'm not a fan of big rides, but I made out that I wanted to look after Evie, to make me sound cooler...

Evie was sat on my lap, giggling at something, I'm not too sure what. She was adorable. She made me want to have children, with Eleanor. I knew we'd both be amazing parents, just got to hope it doesn't take too long!

"Look Evie! Mummy and Daddy are on that!" I said pointing at the ride, you couldn't actually see the ride and Evie didn't even look where I was pointing, pointless really.

"That is the best ride EVER!!" Jess shouted, falling into Dougie's arms, I think she felt a bit dizzy..

"I thought I was going to throw up..." Danny laughed

"You were such a girl on that!" Matt said to Charlie. Charlie and Matt were now friends, which was nice. They get along well and the three of of us are all good friends, just like we used to be.

"Not as bad as Tom!" Charlie laughed

"You should of gone on it!" Eleanor shoved me a little

"I wanted too, but someone needed to look after Evie..." I lied

"Whatever!! You're just a wuss!" She laughed, before taking Evie out of my arms.

"I'm hungry." Mollie groaned

"Me too..." I replied

And with that, we made our way over to get some food, the queues were terrible! We should have totally bought fast passes, but no one ever listens to me....

We made our way into a restaurant and sat down in pairs, I shared a table with Eleanor.

"I don't even know what I want..." I said, flicking through my menu

"Same. I don't want to eat too much, because I don't want to be sick on rides..." Eleanor replied

"You're mad.." I laughed

I decided to go with a regular sandwich, as did Eleanor, we're both really tight and that was the cheapest thing we could find...

"Did you look this morning?" I asked, this was my way of asking if she'd taken a pregnancy test.

"Yeah.." She replied


"Not pregnant." She said under her breath

I sighed "Don't worry...you will soon."

She nodded "I've been talking to Mollie actually and she suggested that when we get back, we go and get checked out..."

My eyes widened "You what?"

"Just to see if everything's okay, it's been nearly a year, James and still nothing! I just want to know what's going on."

"It's just a little weird, I'll have to pee in a pot and..."

She interrupted me "I need to know.."

I groaned "Fine, I'll do it."

- Authors Note -
Hello!! Why is it taking James and Eleanor so long to get pregnant?? Who knows?? Anyway, the storyline is coming soon! So keep reading to find out what happens next :)

If you're reading this, thank you so much!!!!

Until next time...

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now