Please don't tell anyone.

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- A Few Months Later -

- Eleanor's Point of View -

I was now officially 7 months pregnant. James had come to terms with everything, he helped me with anything that I needed, and had bought everything for the nursery! We'd been told that we were having a boy, so we decided to decorate the nursery with a 'Winnie the Pooh theme' and Tom had been kind enough to give us some of Buzz's old toys and clothes.

"Why won't this go together!?" James moaned, he'd been trying to put the cot up for a good few hours.

"Why don't you read the instructions?" I suggested

"I don't need instructions.."

"If you say so..." I laughed

I grabbed the instructions and began to read them

"You've got that in the wrong place..." I laughed pointing at one of the screws James had attempted to put in.

"I'm gonna ring my dad, ask him to do it..."

"Oh are you not manly enough to put up a small cot?" I teased

"Hey! I don't see you trying to help me!" He quickly grabbed me and placed his arms around me.

"I'm pregnant, I can't!" I laughed

"Any excuse!"

James came closer and placed his hand on my stomach, carefully stroking it.

Suddenly, the baby began to move a little, he always moved when he could hear James was close.

"He likes to move a lot..." James laughed

"He likes you" I smiled

James smiled then placed his hands on my face "I love you both lots"

"And we love you too" I smiled, before kissing him on the lips.

"Right, I better ring my dad!"

"Pathetic." I laughed, before making my way downstairs.

- Dougie's Point of View -

Jess and I were out shopping for a present for one of her friends, I think it was a birthday present, I'm not completely sure. I wasn't listening much.

"Would she like this?" I pointed to a random black shirt

"That's so basic!" Jess laughed "She wouldn't like that at all!"

I give up.

"Then what does she like..."

"Lots of things, I need to shop around before I make a final decision."

"Great.." I mumbled, I hated being dragged around.

Suddenly, a few girls began to approach me and ask for a photo, so I posed and signed some autographs, I hoped this would be my way out of shopping.

"Thanks girls!" I smiled, waving them off as they began to fan girl around the store, I can't believe anyone would do that over me. I'm nothing special..

"Look at how cute this is!" Jess smiled, she was holding a soft duck teddy in her hands.

"I didn't know your friend liked ducks..."

"No! This isn't for her, I thought we could give it to James and Eleanor!"

I frowned "I don't think that's the best of ideas.."

"Why not?" She frowned "its your baby!" She whispered this as there was people around.

"No, it's not. It's James and Eleanor's! I've got nothing to do with it.." I didn't want to keep remembering what I did.

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now