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- Eleanor's Point of View -

Today it was officially our wedding anniversary! The only downside of today was that we were travelling back, which sucked a lot.

"Happy Anniversary!" James whispered in my ear, waking me up..

"Happy anniversary" I mumbled back, I was happy and everything, but too tired to be dealing with this right now.

This year with James had been absolutely amazing! We'd done so much together and we never seemed to argue, which is a good thing I suppose! He truly was the right person for me.

In a way, I'm glad that Nathan broke up with me that day, because nothing would have happened between James and I. And I can't imagine my life without him!

"Do you want your present?" He asked

I sat up "Present? But I thought this was my present?" I replied, indicating Disneyland.

"It was part of it, but I wanted to give you something to open today." He smiled, whilst handing me a neatly wrapped present.

"Well, you clearly didn't wrap this!" I laughed, analysing the present, he pulled a face at me, before I began to unwrap the present, revealing to be a bracelet. A bracelet with every single Disney princess on it!

"James..." I gasped "This is beautiful! And so thoughtful!"

"Anything for you." He smiled, kissing my forehead, I leant over and gave him a kiss

"I have something for you too!" I smiled, I'd bought him a watch from back home, I just hoped he liked it.

"Wow!" He said, trying the watch on "This is amazing! Thank you!"

"You're welcome." I smiled

"Crap! It's nearly half 9! Better get packing..." James said, bringing us back to reality.

- A Few Hours Later -

- Dougie's Point of View -

We'd checked in and was now waiting at the airport. This part sucked balls, I hated flying back home, especially because I know when we get back, us boys are off promoting again. We're not allowed any other days off!!

"I don't want to leave!" Eleanor moaned, she was still wearing a silly tiara.

"Me neither." Jess grumbled "It's been amazing!"

I smiled and grabbed Jess' hand. She was amazing! I truly loved her with all my heart, I can't imagine me with anyone else.

Eleanor and I were just friends now, it's not as awkward between us anymore, and James and I continued to be friends. As for Frankie, I've not spoken to her much. I'd like to be friends with her though.

"Can we board yet..." I moaned

"Patience Douglas!" Harry laughed

"Yeah Douglas, the world doesn't revolve around you!" Matt joined in

"Woah! I was just asking..." I replied

We waited for a good hour before we could board, apparently Eleanor and Mollie get worried if they're not checked in early, how annoying.

"Let's play a game..." Danny suggested

"Tattoo roulette!" Matt laughed

"What's that?" Charlie asked

"We play it all the time on tour" James laughed "We put in six pieces of paper, four reading 'no' which means you're safe, and two that say 'oh shit' which means you're in trouble!"

"Yeah, and the two 'oh shit' s do rock, paper, scissors to find out who's getting the tattoo!" I added

"And we get to choose what the tattoo is." Harry winked

"We're not playing tattoo roulette!" Tom exclaimed, he's such a baby sometimes

"I want to play it!" Jess laughed

"Trust me, you don't." I replied

"Just because you're scared!" Eleanor laughed. She can't talk, she nearly cried when it was between her and Matt.

"We'll have to play it back home..." Danny said, just as people began to queue up to board the plane.

"Finally!" Jess exclaimed, she took my hand and ran to the queue, she's mad.

"I don't wanna leave.." Mollie said looking at Evie "And you don't either.."

"I really wish she would stop doing that.." I whispered to Jess. It annoyed me when Mollie spoke to Evie the way she did, so what, she's a baby...doesn't mean she has to keep speaking to her like that.

I'm not a big fan of babies and children. They're just there....a little pointless sometimes, they don't even do anything. I'm definitely not having any children. Ever.

We boarded the plane and sat down in our seats, luckily, I wasn't near Mollie and Evie.

- James' Point of View -

It was a few hours into the flight, mostly everyone was asleep, apart from myself and what looked like Dougie. I began to stare at Eleanor as she slept, she snores which is so funny, even though she makes out she doesn't...

My mind began to wander off elsewhere, I began to think about having children with Eleanor. I imagine that we'll have three children, two girls and a boy, the girls would be pretty like Eleanor is, and most likely be obsessed with Disney. And the boy would hopefully be like me, interested in music, and songwriting, I'd train him to be...we'd be known as the Bourne's, the musical family...

But then I began to think, what if we can't have children? What if there's something in the way stopping us from having children? What if Eleanor can't carry a child? What would we do? Would we have to adopt? I hoped that nothing would be wrong...I don't know what I'd do if there was.

I came back to reality when I heard Evie wake up, she began to cry, loudly. This woke up mostly everyone on the plane, she wouldn't stop at all.

"Ssshhh" I said, pulling faces at her through the gap in the chair.

She began to laugh, she was cute when she laughed

"It's uncle James!" Mollie smiled

Evie began to try and attempt to grab my hand, laughing whilst she did!

"Grab it, Evie!" I smiled

"Jjj" she murmured

I laughed


Mollie and I both stared at each other and then at Evie.

"Did she just say my name?"

"I think so..." Mollie gasped "It sounded like it!"

Mollie began to nude Danny "Evie just said her first word!"

"What? What was it?" He said rubbing his eyes

"It was James.." Mollie smiled

- Authors Note -

Thought I'd add something cute into the chapter because why not! The storyline is fast approaching, don't worry. The first bit of the storyline is coming in the next part :) so make sure you have your eyes peeled!!

Thank you so much for reading!!

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You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now