We accept your offer.

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

"Jess, wait!" Dougie shouted after her, it was too late, she'd already left.

"This is all because you can't keep your mouth shut." He snapped

I glared at him before he left the room.

"Did he really offer?" Tom asked

I nodded "it's crazy."

He sighed "I swear Dougie doesn't hear himself sometimes..."

I gave a half-hearted smile "I guess he was only trying to help..."

"Have you considered it?"

"I have...I don't know about James. It's crazy to think about, but it might be our only way. James doesn't want to adopt or foster and I don't want to use a sperm when I don't even know who it's from..."

"I see where you're coming from." Tom sat at the side of me "If you chose Dougie, would you tell the kid that he's their father?"

"No, no. Of course not. James will be the father."

Tom frowned "I'm just thinking about if Dougie wants something to do with it, that's all."

"Well, he said he doesn't like kids, so I don't know."

"He did? Well I guess there's no harm in it then.."

"I don't know..." I replied

Suddenly, I began to hear a noise, I looked at James to see him moving and attempting to open his eyes

"James!" I gasped, rushing over to hold his hand "I'm here...it's okay.."

"I'll go get someone..." Tom said, rushing outside before I could even reply.

I watched him move around, before he stopped again. Nothing.

"Still being stubborn, huh?" I said stroking his hand "Just wake up when you're ready, okay?"

Suddenly, his eyes began to move again, before he eventually opened them and was looking directly at me.

"James!" I couldn't stop myself but just hug him

"Eleanor..." He said in a husky voice, he grabbed my hand tighter "I love you."

"I love you more" I smiled, giving him another hug.

We were interrupted by Tom bringing the nurse in, she made me step back so she could check some things over.

"Can you tell me what year it is, James?" She asked

"Year 3000?" He laughed, which the nurse did not. "I mean, it's 2015, that was a joke...I promise..."

The nurse smiled "I'll be back later."

"Yeah, I think I'll wait outside too." Tom said following the nurse "Let me know if you need me."

"Thank you." I smiled, before directing my eyes back to James.

"You scared me..." I grabbed his hand again

"I'm sorry.." He replied "I was stressed and angry and I just lost it.."

"I'm so sorry, it was all my fault, I just wa-"

"It wasn't your fault! Don't blame it on yourself, it was my fault for not concentrating on the road."

I leant over to give him a hug, I didn't want to let go

"All of this because of a baby..." I whispered "I'd rather not have one than go through this again."

James let go of our hug "You're saying you don't want a baby anymore?"

"No, I'm saying if this is what's going to happen if we do, I'd rather not."

"It won't." He replied "I've came to terms with it, if Dougie's our only option, then I can accept it. He can be our sperm donor."

I gave a smile as I hugged him. I don't think Dougie was interested in being our sperm donor anymore.

- Dougie's Point of View -

"Jess, just please listen!" I shouted after her as she continued to run away, it was no use. I'd lost her.

"What's happened?" I spun around to see Charlie. Why was he even here.

"What do you care?" I snapped

"Of course I care, we're friends I-"

"We are not friends! Just because everyone else thinks you're alright, doesn't mean I do! You're still a pretty big dick to me!" I couldn't even stop myself.

"Look, I've tried to be nice to you, but you're just making it harder, so if you don't want to try, then I'm not bothered." Charlie was trying to keep calm.

"It's obvious you're trying to lure your way back into the band. Well, it ain't gonna happen, you're not talented, we don't want you bringing your shit into the band."

"Are you gonna shut your mouth?" He began to square up to me.

"Why? Don't like hearing the truth?" And with that he shoved me, I went to throw a punch before I was stopped, by Eleanor.

"What the hell are you doing!?" She shouted "Starting fights with each other only makes things worse!"

"I didn't start anything.." Charlie replied

"You were asking for it..."

"You know what, if you haven't got anything nice to say.." He began to walk off, leaving just Eleanor and I.

"Let me guess, you're here to lecture me about James.."

"No." She replied "He's just woken up actually."

"Is he alright?"

"Yeah, his memories great, he's fine."

It went silent for a while

"I'm gonna go find Jess."

"No! Wait!" She grabbed my arm

I stared at her

"We accept your offer..."

"You mean?"

"We want you to be our donor..."

- Authors Note -

They finally accepted! Do you think everything will go according to plan?

I've been thinking, although I do have a lot of ideas for storylines, I wanted to know if you guys wanted anything to happen in particular? If so, comment below :)

Vote, comment, bleh

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