We're over!

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- James' Point of View -

- A Week Later -

I woke up, leaning over the side of Noah's cot, Eleanor at the side of me fast asleep. Neither of us got much sleep last night as Noah was up all night crying, but he seemed okay now, as he was fast asleep.

I checked the clock, 7am, way too early for me to be up, especially on a day off!

Suddenly, I heard Noah stir, and begin to cry.

"Shh.." I whispered "Don't wake mummy up."

My whispering didn't work, Noah woke her up.

"He needs his bottle" she murmured "I'll do it"

"No!" I exclaimed "You need to sleep!"

"James, I can't..."

"Yes you can! And you will!" I said, picking her up bridal style and placing her in bed.

"Get some rest" I smiled

"I love you" she smiled

"I love you more" I replied, before getting Noah and heading downstairs to feed him.

"Here you go" I said placing the bottle in his mouth, even though he kept moving away from it.

"Oh, are you doing this now?" I laughed "You're stubborn like mummy, aren't you?"

He just stared blankly at me, I don't think he really understood what I was saying.

"Come on, just drink some of your milk, it's nice! I promise..."

Suddenly, Noah began to sip on the bottle, I guess he just needs a little persuasion. After I thought he'd had enough, I carried him over to the sofa, and put on the TV.

I wasn't listening to the TV much, when something caught my eye, two presenters talking about a projected photo in the background, of Eleanor and I.

I turned the TV up

"Sources have said that they've heard someone say that Noah isn't actually James' baby"


"Yeah, so it's just a guessing game really, did Eleanor cheat? Did they adopt?"

I turned the TV off, how the hell did they find out about that? That's what I hate the most about paparazzi, they're so deep into your life.

"Fancy going on a walk?" I looked as Noah looked like he was going to fall asleep.

I've got to show the media that I am his father.

- Dougie's Point of View -

"Jess! Did you use all the milk?" I shouted upstairs

"No" she shouted back

"Then why is there no more in the fridge?"

"I don't know!" She replied

I sighed, no coffee for me then. How am I supposed to rehearse with the boys with no coffee?? I don't think I'll be able to manage.

Jess entered the kitchen in her dressing gown "Aren't you supposed to be at rehearsals soon?"

"another half an hour." I replied

"Is James going to be there?"

"Nah, he's got a few months to look after Noah."

"Oh, I see. Maybe we should go and visit them later?"

I raised my eyebrow "What a wonderful idea...let's make James angry again!"

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now