I can't.

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

I woke up to the sound of James' voice downstairs, and the sound of the door slamming. Was someone here?

I got out of bed and put on my dressing gown, my stomach began to feel painful.

"Alright, mister!" I laughed slightly holding onto my stomach, he was obviously excited about something. Maybe the sound of James.

"James?" I shouted as I walked downstairs, he was sat on the sofa with his head in his hands, he seemed distressed about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing." He mumbled

I knew that was a lie.

"Are you sure?" I asked again

He nodded his head

"Before I came down, he was moving like crazy! He wouldn't stop at all! I think he must have heard your voice."

James gave a half-hearted smile

"What's wrong?" I asked again, still nothing.

"What's this?" I asked picking up a soft duck teddy from the table "It's cute!"

"Dougie and Jess bought it for your baby."

I stared directly at him "What do you mean 'your' baby!? He's our baby! You're the father.."

"But I'm not, am I!?" James raised his voice "I'm just the step father!"

"You're so much more than that! You're going to look after him and treat him like he is your son..."

"But I'll still never be a father." His voice got quieter and quieter, before he got up and made his way to the front door.

"Where are you going?"

"Out." He replied bluntly, before slamming the door on his way out.

I sat down on the sofa, I couldn't believe James still thought that.

Suddenly, my stomach began to feel pain again, he was moving around.

"Daddy's just sad at the moment" I said whilst stroking my stomach "But when you arrive, he will love you so much."

He began to move again "Does that sound good?"

I smiled a little, it was nice to feel him move around, it showed he was listening, and was aware to what was happening.

I stood up and decided to clean for a bit, the house was a mess, James obviously didn't clean much whilst I was sleeping.

"Someone's excited today." I laughed as he began to move again, it felt nice, but it still hurt a little.

I cleaned the sink over and over again, it still looked dirty, I couldn't be bothered to clean it again though.

Suddenly, he began to move again, but this time, I felt extreme pain, much painful to what I'd been feeling before.

I took deep breaths as the pain seemed to get worse and worse. Was I ready to give birth? I couldn't be! I was 7 months! Nearly 8!

I sat down to try and pull myself together, but it wasn't working at all.

I stood up to reach my phone, but knocked it off the side, I couldn't reach it at all.

"I can do this..." I whispered, attempting to grab my phone, I managed to grab it and attempted to call James, no answer.

"Pick up you moron!!" I shouted

The phone went straight to voicemail "James....when you get this message...please come home...I-i think I'm in labour..."

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now