He offered?

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

I stared in shock at Dougie, my friend, one of my best friends has just offered to be a sperm donor....is he serious?


"I know how much you and James want a baby, and I'm happy to do it for you if you're okay with it..."

"You're joking, right?"

He shook his head "No, I'm serious. I want to help.."

"You are serious..." I replied in shock... I couldn't believe what I was actually hearing "I don't know if that's a good idea...."

"Why not? You and James get a baby! And it's not like we have to do anything to get the baby, I just donate, they put it in you and that's all there is to it..."

"But there's more to it than just that..." I replied "The baby will be yours! What if you decide you want to be the father?"

"I wouldn't" he replied "I don't like kids."

"You say that now, but what if you wanted it after its born?"

"I wouldn't! I'm only doing it for you and James, it's not gonna be my baby, it's yours.."

I bit my lip, he hadn't thought this through at all, it must have just been a heat of the moment. He didn't mean this.

"Look, you don't have to answer straight away, just think about it and let me know?"

"Think about what?" I spun around to see James stood in the doorway.

"Um..." I didn't even know what to say, James would definitely not want Dougie to be the donor, they've only really just became friends again...

"Tell him..." Dougie whispered

"It's nothing..." I replied staring at Dougie "It's nothing important.."

James raised his eyebrow "Are you sure?" He stared at Dougie

"Don't ask me..." He replied, James was going to think something was going on!

I scurried past James to make my way back into the hallway, I could feel James following me, I couldn't be bothered to tell him, I picked up my pace.

"Hey, wait..." I heard him say "Why are you in such a rush?"

"I just want to go back..." I replied

Suddenly, I felt him grab my hand and pull me aside "What did he say?"

"Nothing..." I replied

"He did, didn't he!? Let me guess, he probably wanted to get in your pants again, right?" He was getting angry

"No! No, it's nothing like that! I don't want to talk about it!" I snapped

"I'll just ask Dougie then, shall I?"

"No! He just, he just offered-"

"Offered what!?" I hated it when he shouted "He thinks he say what he wants to anyone! He doesn't even care about anything-"

"He offered to be our sperm donor!" I said sternly

James closed his mouth and started at me for a while, he seemed as shocked as I was

"He....he offered to be our sperm donor?"

"Yes. And I was just as shocked as you are, it's weird, I don't know why he suggested it..."

James wasn't even listening to me "He'd be the father of our baby....."

"I know, I know..it's strange to think about, but we're not rea-"

"Is he insane!? You can't just offer something like that, you have to think about it!"

"James, calm down..."

"Where is he!?" Suddenly James brushed past me and started storming off to the recording room.

"James, where are you going?" I began to ran after him "It's no use! Please don't!"

He carried on going until he reached the studio, all the boys were there talking to fletch, James didn't care

"Are you mad!?" He snapped at Dougie

"Not here..." Dougie replied calmly

"Yes, here!"

"What's going on?" Matt asked

"Nothing!" I butted in, this was so embarrassing

"We'll give you guys a minute..." Tom said as the boys followed each other out, leaving only James, Dougie and myself. I wish I could get out of this.

- Authors Note -

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while! Exam stress is very high!! Hope you enjoy anyway :)

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