This is all my fault.

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- James' Point of View -

I felt angry, and not because he'd offered to be our sperm donor, just because it was Dougie. The one who obviously had a crush on my wife, it was obvious, from day one he had something for her. I know he wouldn't actually have sex with her, but it just made me feel uncomfortable.

"Look, James, it was just a suggestion, I want to help you guys out!" Dougie pleaded

"But, why?" I asked, it was strange

"Because I know that you guys want a baby, and I know how you thought it was pretty weird getting sperm from a guy you didn't know, so just a suggestion..."

"We're grateful" Eleanor said, stepping towards Dougie "Aren't we, James.."

I nodded slightly, I was a little annoyed

"It's just there's a lot of stuff to go through, and you might want the baby afterwards and-"

"I don't want kids!" He replied "I don't like them, I wouldn't want the baby, it's yours!"

"But what if you ended up wanting it?" I asked

"I won't" he replied "Because I know it's not for me, it's for you two, the kid would never know the truth."

Eleanor and I were silent. I guess Dougie did have a point, it was kind of him I guess.

"And it's not like we have to have sex or anything.." He said to Eleanor "All I'd have to do is donate, they put it in you and bam! It looks like you got pregnant from natural causes..."

"I don't know...." Eleanor replied "It's a big ask..."

"You're not asking me to do anything." He replied "I offered!"

"Come on, let's just leave it now..." Eleanor said, tugging at my arm

"Tell Fletch I'm going." I bluntly said to Dougie, he nodded.

Eleanor and I were silent until we reached our cars

"I'll see you at home." She said, almost whispering.

"See you then." I replied. I got in my car and started driving, fast. My head was filled with thoughts, I couldn't even think properly, Dougie wanted to help us have a baby?

I reckon that he only wants to do it so he has something over me. I know that I would bring up the child, to the point they believe I am their father, but at the back of my mind, Dougie will always be the father, not me.

"Come on!" I shouted, pipping the driver across from me, some people really can't drive.

What if Dougie decided he did want something to do with the child? Then all I'd be is a step-dad...nothing but a step-dad. I didn't want that, if we have it through Dougie, he has to stay out the child's life.

I looked behind me to see the driver pipping at me, I realised I was going slower than I originally was, so I began to speed up, catching up with the drivers in front of me. My mind was still wandering off to think about Dougie's offer, when all of a sudden, I heard a huge bang, causing me to lose conscious.

- Eleanor's Point of View -

I'd been home for half an hour, James and I had set off at the same time and there was still no sign of him. I'd called his phone hundreds of times, but still no answer.

I was worried. I knew that he'd been overthinking about Dougie, I wish I'd never told him, this could ruin our lives.

I tried ringing him again, when I finally got through.

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now