I want to do it.

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

- A Week Later -

I woke up, I hadn't slept much as I could hear next doors baby screaming all night, not so much a delight anymore.

I sat up quietly, James wasn't beside me as he had to get up very early to do some promotion stuff on TV, I heard him leave at about half 5.

James and I are still upset about the news, it was the one thing we wanted, and the one thing we couldn't have. It made me sad each time I thought about it. James doesn't even want to adopt...

My eyes wandered over to the bedside table, where the leaflets the doctor gave us were scattered around. I picked them up and began to read them.

I flicked through the adoption one, there were pictures of young children with adopted parents, who looked happier than ever...but how do the parents feel? That's not their child, it's someone else's..what if the parents come back looking for the child? They'd have to give it up, I don't think I could do that...

Then I picked up the 'sperm donor' leaflet, and began to read what the process was like. It was different to what I thought, you don't actually have to have intercourse with them at all, they just place the sperm in you and you carry the baby, that sounded better than adoption. The baby would at least be mine this way...

My thoughts were interrupted by Mollie ringing me, I hadn't spoke much to her lately, only about what had happened

"Hi" I said, picking up my phone

"Hey! What are you doing today?"

"Nothing much. Why?" I replied, flicking through the leaflet still

"Evie and I are going to the park, wondered if auntie Eleanor wants to come?"

I laughed slightly "I'd love to!"

"Great! Well, come round when you're ready!"

"I will! See you later."

I put the phone down and froze. That's all I'd ever be 'Auntie Eleanor' and everyone knew it. Mollie was supportive over it, and so were the others, they didn't mention anything about it, which was thoughtful.

I got in the car and drove to Mollie's, I knocked on the door and she let me in straight away.

"Hi" she smiled

"Hey." I replied, sitting down on the sofa

"I'm just gonna feed Evie before we go, do you want anything?"

"No, it's alright.." I replied

She nodded and carried on preparing Evie's meal, I watched Mollie as she took Evie in her arms carefully, they had a bond which was adorable, a bond that I would never have with a child.

Suddenly, I began to cry, I don't even know why, I just did.

Mollie placed Evie in her high chair before rushing to comfort me

"What's wrong?" She asked

"I'm never going to have a child...ever..." I weeped

"Hey, you don't know that! The doctor said there's a small cha-"

"There isn't a chance at all! I'm never going to have a baby!"

I cried for a while, and Mollie tried her best to comfort me, but it really didn't work.

- An Hour Later -

Mollie, Evie and I finally decided to go to the park, I felt a little better, I needed to cry, I couldn't cry in front of James, as that also made him cry!

"Do you feel better now?" Mollie asked as we walked, we were both holding Evie's hands, as she attempted to walk.

"A little, I think I just needed to cry a bit."

"Yeah." She replied "Have you thought of any other options?"

"James doesn't want to adopt or foster, but sperm donor looks alright.."

Mollie bit her lip "But you wouldn't know the person..."

"I know, but you'd get a brief description, and that way, the guy who gave the sperm won't even know he's got a child and the child will just think James is their dad anyway..."

"True." She replied "What does James say?"

"He agrees, I think he's sad that it won't be like him, but he knows that we want a child so bad.."

Mollie smiled, before we were interrupted by Evie falling over, who began to cry. A lot.

I bent down to pick her up "It's okay, Evie" I smiled, trying to distract her as Mollie checked if she had any bruises.

"Smile!!" I laughed, as she did

"Better get you home!" Mollie smiled

We walked back to the house and I decided to home afterwards, as Danny was back, and I assumed James would be at home too.

"I'll see you later!" I smiled before driving home.

As soon as I got home, I was going to tell James about the sperm donor thing, I want to do it, I want a baby so badly, and this might be the only way

I got home and shouted James as I walked in, he rushed over to me and picked me up, whilst hugging me.

"Someone's happy!" I smiled

"Just happy to see you." he replied

"I'm happy to see you too!" I smiled, following him over to sit down.

"How was your day anyway?" He asked

"It was good, I went to the park with Mollie and Evie, for a bit..what about yours?"

"Yeah, it was alright. Did loads of interviews, don't even know what for..."

I laughed

It fell silent for a bit, before I finally decided to speak up

"So I looked at the sperm donor leaflet..."

James turned to face me

"And...if you want to do it, then I want to do it.."

His eyes widened "Are you sure?"

"Yes." I replied

He reached out to hug me "If I can't give you a child, at least someone else can.."

"You'll always be its father.." I replied "Always."

- Authors Note -

Awwwww, they've decided to go forward with it!! Do you think either of them will change their mind? And do you think the rest of the gang will be happy with it?

Sorry I haven't really done any more point of views for the last couple of chapters! I just wanted these parts to be in Eleanor and James' point of view for a while!

Anyway, vote, comment, and be cool!

You've Got a Friend (Sequel to Friends Stick Together.)Where stories live. Discover now