Noah isn't your child?

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- Eleanor's Point of View -

Today we were taking Noah home! I was so excited to take him home, and very excited to get out of this place!

James had gone back to make sure we had a car seat for Noah, the hospital don't let you leave until you have a car seat for your baby.

"We're going home today." I smiled, as I cuddled Noah, he never reacted much, just laid on my chest.

"And you're going to be so loved! By mummy and daddy! And all your uncles and aunties! Do you know who they are?" I smiled, obviously, there was no reaction. "We have auntie Mollie, uncle Danny, auntie Una, and auntie Vanessa..."

I peered out the window to see if James had came back. Nothing.

"Then there's auntie Frankie, uncle Matt, auntie Rochelle, uncle Tom, uncle Harry, auntie Jess and....and uncle Dougie..."

I sat down and placed Noah in his little crib at the side "Now uncle Dougie might want to spend more time with you, and that's because he loves you a lot. But not as much as mummy and daddy love you."

"Oh, am I interrupting?" Harry was stood at the doorway, looking slightly confused as to why I was having a full conversation with Noah.

"No, no, you're not interrupting anything!" I smiled "Come sit down."

Harry smiled "I just wanted to speak to you about something."

"Go ahead" I smiled, sitting next to Harry.

"It's Doug. He's got this idea in his head that you're gonna let him see Noah all the time, and it's gonna bring you two closer..."

"Seriously? I thought he was past that?"

"So did I. I don't know if it's because of Noah....I really don't."

I bit my lip "But he loves Jess?"

"I know he does. He's not thinking straight, just jumping to things."

I wondered why Dougie was thinking about this, we're friends now, and nothing else? This was so strange.

"He's not going to do anything stupid, is he?" I asked

Harry shrugged "I don't know. I'd like to hope that he won't, I think it's just a bit of a phase because Noah's here and stuff."

"Maybe" I didn't really know what to say, I didn't think that Dougie would do anything stupid...

"Dougie..." Harry said as he noticed him enter the room.

"So, how long have you been talking about me?" He asked

"Doug, it's not like that."

Dougie glared at Harry "Yeah whatever."

"I think I'll go..." Harry said, awkwardly leaving Dougie and I in the same room.

"Don't listen to him." Dougie said sharply

"I-I won't." I replied, not looking at him.

"Hey Noah!" Dougie smiled, crouching down to tickle him.

"Dougie, James could be back any minute and I don't think that he'll-"

"Fuck him. I don't care what he says! He's being a kid about it!"


Dougie sighed "never mind, I get it. You don't want me to be around him."

"I never said that! We just want Noah to know that James is his father."

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