ch 3- is she better?

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Yang Y/n's POV

  When we get to Hyunjin's house, I excitedly run out of the car. I knock on the door and see Hyunjin and his parents, even his little brother, open the door.

  "HYUNJIN!" I said happily. "Y/N!" He smiled and hugged me. "Aw, nice to see you too Y/n." Hyunjin's Mom greeted me. I waved to her and his dad before heading inside.

  My parents followed behind me before they both looked at us. "We'll call you when dinner is ready." My Mom said to me as she patted my head. I nodded and smiled and took off with Hyunjin.

  Hyunjin and I ran into his playroom with Jisung following along behind us. "Want to keep building with the legos?" Hyunjin asked me as he pulled out his lego bin. I nodded and grabbed some legos.

  "I want to play!" Jisung said trying to reach the table. "You're too little." Hyunjin said grabbing lego pieces and focusing on building his project.

  "Eomma said for you to be nice to me!" Jisung whined. "I am. I didn't yell. That's being nice." Hyunjin said as he put his pieces together.

  Jisung pouted and went to get his other toys to play with. "How does this go on?" I asked Hyunjin since I was struggling to place a piece down. "Like this." He said as he placed it on for me. "Thank you!" I smiled.

Hwang Da-Eun's POV

  I'm sitting with Chae-Won, Do-Yun, and Chan-Yeol at the table. We discuss how things our going in our kingdoms and how much the kids have grown.

  "So, Chae-Won, when are y'all starting Y/n on her classes?" I asked. "We have some lessons planned out to get her started on her royal classes when she turns six next year." She said. "Oh, we started Hyunjin on his this year." I said proudly.

  "Really? Aren't you worried he won't remember a lot?" Do-Yun asked me. "Well, Da-Eun was the one who decided...but I think he will be okay." Chan-Yeol smiled sipping his drink.

  "He'll do great." I smiled. "Well, we also found out that we're the top kingdom in the world right now, we have a lot of orientations coming up. Someone even offered to buy our castle and upgrade us into a newer one. Even to rule Korea and basically inherit a lot of money for Y/n and her family when she's older." Chae-Won said looking at us as she fiddled with her ring.

  "Really? Is that so..." I said looking away. "That's nice! Congrats." Chan-Yeol said smiling. "Thank you, it's a big accomplishment and dream come true for us." Do-yun said. "Oh I bet..." I mumbled.

Yang Y/n's POV

  Hyunjin and I were playing with the legos still when Jisung came in and interrupted us again. "Hyung, I'm hungry!" He said whining to Hyunjin. "I can't do anything about it." Hyunjin said sounding annoyed to his younger a bit.

  "I want to eat!" "Then go eat!" They both started to go back and forth at each other. "I'm gonna tell Eomma!" He said as he started to cry a bit as he ran out the room.

  Hyunjin sighed then looked at me. "I don't why he acts like he's never gonna eat. He literally does this everytime you come over for a play date or dinner..." he sighed in frustration.

  "It's okay Hyunjin, he's younger remember?" I said reassuring that it was okay. Hyunjin shrugged. "I're lucky, you don't have anyone." I shrugged too, "I guess, but I get bored easily." I said as I put more legos together.

  "That's true, but you don't deal with him..." "It's okay I'm sure."

  Hyunjin and I kept playing with the legos until his mom walked in, carrying Jisung in her arms. "The food is ready, and Hyunjin, I told you to be nice to your brother." She said looking at Hyunjin before walking out. Hyunjin sighed and I giggled a bit and we both followed to go eat dinner.

  Hyunjin and I sat by each other and we both started to eat our food. "Y/n, you should've taken off your royal sash, I don't want it to get dirty..." my mom said to me. "Sorry, Eomma." I said as I took off my sash.

  "Wow! You have one of those?!" Hyunjin said looking at it. "Yeah! My Eomma and Appa got it for me for my birthday last year." I smiled proudly. "That's so cool! I want one! Eomma, can I get one? Just like it too!?" Hyunjin said looking at his mom.

  "Uhm, maybe once you're older? You're too young to have one...besides we don't want to give you an expensive one...maybe a slightly cheaper one..." His mom said. Hyunjin nodded and continued to eat.

  "Hers was really expensive, but we wanted it to be special." Do-yun smiled at Da-Eun.

  After we ate, Hyunjin and I went to go play for a bit until I had to leave.

  "I don't want to go Eomma!" I said as I was hugging onto Hyunjin. "We'll be back soon okay? I promise." I nodded. "Bye Y/n." "Bye Hyunjin." I said as we let go of each other.

Hwang Da-Eun's POV

  I was tucking Hyunjin into bed when he asked me a question I never thought I'd hear from him before. "Eomma?" "Yes?" "Does Y/n have more toys and things than me?" He asked before he gasped. "Does she have a bigger toy room?!" I was surpised by his question. I guess he realizes how wealthier they are than us... "No baby, she doesn't. You actually have more than her." I said smiling. I had to lie, I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He nodded, "Okay, I was just confused. Good night Eomma." He hugged me. "Good night baby."

I walked out his room, furious as to how much they had. This had to end. Someway, somehow.

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