ch 11- a faithful encounter

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Yang Y/n's POV

  Minho and I ran and ran until we got to where there was a bus stop deeper into the town. We got on the bus and sat down in the back. We were out of breath from all the running he did.

  " old are you?" He asked me as he placed his bag of groceries down. "...I just turned eleven today..." I looked over at him a bit. "Oh, happy birthday." He smiled at me. "Thanks..." I said smiling a bit. Even though I just met him, I felt different, he was helping me not like Hansol, tortured me.

  "Where are we going...?" I asked. "Sort of the other side of town. We live kinda on the outskirts..." he chuckled a bit. "We...?" I asked.

  "My brother, Chan and I." He smiled and looked at me before looking out the window. "Brother...?" "Yeah, he's a year older than me. He's nice don't worry." I nodded. "If you live on the outskirts of town, why did you come all the way over here?" "Oh, because I help work there some days." He smiled a bit.

  "" I said as I looked out the window. "Don't worry, you'll be safe with us." He said as he grabbed my hand and smiled a bit. I nodded and held his.

  "What did the napkin say...? If I can ask? I saw a glimpse of it, but not a lot of it..." he said looking outside the bus.

  " just said basically my name, my age, and what happened to me...I was kidnapped. I don't remember much, but he told me that he found me by myself." I said. "Oh, that sounds...scary...?" I nodded, "It was...but thanks for helping me. I'll leave as soon as possible." "Where you gonna go?" "Somewhere far..." I said, he nodded.

  We got off the bus when it came to our stop, and Minho held my hand and guided me along a path in the woods. "W-Where are we going?" I said looking around, feeling scared since I was being reminded of what had happened to me recently.

  "My house? It's over here in a little cottage." He said smiling going into the woods deeper. "Don't worry, no one can find us here." I nodded and followed him. For some reason I felt like I could trust this Minho guy. Him and whoever his brother was.

  When we got deep enough in the woods, we came across this cute little cottage. We went up to the door and Minho unlocked it.

  "Chan, I'm home and I brought groceries." Minho said as he closed the door behind me. "Okay, cool. Hey what did you want for dinner?" The other boy said as he made his way to Minho and I.

  "Who's this Minho?" Chan asked Minho while he looked at me. "Her name is Y/n. She needed help Chan." Chan looked at his brother then at me. "Oh...well, nice to meet you, I'm Chan." "Nice to meet you..." I said.

  I looked around their cottage and then made eye contact wit Chan. He smiled a bit at me then looked at his brother. "Can I talk to you outside please?" Minho nodded and they went outside.

Minho POV

  I go outside with Chan and see his face sort of frustrated.

"Minho, why did you bring her...? Remember, mom and dad wanted me to be careful with you...? To protect you? From strangers?" He said to me.

"Yeah, but she really needs help...she was kidnapped Chan..." "Yeah, and now someone is gonna come for us." I sighed and shook my head. "No, I don't think so. Let's just see how she is...she said she'll find somewhere to go tomorrow...besides it's her birthday today..." I said. "Really...? And she's out here?" He said. I nodded, "Yeah. She needs help..."

Chan sighed then looked at me. "Okay, fine. I'll see how she is, and if she can stay with us for a while...okay?" I nodded and hugged Chan. "Thanks..." I went inside and looked at Y/n.

"Since it's your birthday, what do you feel like eating?" I smiled. "Oh no, it doesn't matter...we can eat whatever you want, don't let me stop that just because it's my birthday." She said.

"No, really! If you want something specific, I can make it." Chan said unpacking the groceries. She thought for a second then looked at me. "Maybe just some ramen?" "Ramen?" Chan asked, she nodded.

"Okay, I'll start cooking it. Minho, can you show her where she'll be staying?" I nodded and picked up her backpack and walked into our guest room. "You can stay in here...sorry if it's not too big or spacious." I said as I put her bag down.

"It's fine, thanks." She smiled and went inside. "Do you have clothes to change into?" I asked, she nodded. "Okay, well the bathroom is across from you, mine is to the left and Chan's is next to the bathroom. I'm gonna go help him with dinner, do you need anything right now?" I asked her.

"No, you've done enough. Thank you." I nodded and smiled and went out the room to Chan.

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