c h a p t e r 25

351 12 8

Jisung POV

I was in my room going over my work that I had from my class, when my mom knocked on my door.

"Jisung? Can I come in?" She asked. "Yes." I saw her walking in, then look at me. "Jisung...look, you know how important you are in this family right?" "Yes...?" I asked confused.

"Okay, well...even though you are the youngest, I want you to be taking the same class your brother is taking. You'll still take your class, but I want you to also take his. Since your next if something were to happen to Hyunjin."

I looked at her shocked. "Did something happen to him!?" She shook her head. "No, but if something did, you would need to go in knowing what to do. I know it might be a lot since your only fifteen, and you're not even thinking about being king because it's a hard task and responsibility, but I need you to be prepared in case it did happen."

I froze in my chair then nodded. "O-Okay...when do I start?" I asked. "Tomorrow. Now get some rest." She smiled and left my room.

I sighed and shook my head. 'Ain't my way.' I thought to myself.

Hyunjin's POV

After I drank water, I walked into Jisung's room. "Thanks." I smiled. He nodded then got up and pulled me in his room and shut the door behind him.

"What the heck?" I said confused. "Please don't go out anymore!" He said with a scared tone. "What!? Did she find out?!" I whisper yelled.

"No, but I can't let anything bad happen to you! I don't want to be king yet if you died! Please Hyunjin!" He said as he hugged me begging.

"Look, I'm not dying! I'm completely fine...I'm here aren't I?" I said as I pushed him off me. "Yeah, but if something did happen?! I'm toast!" He said.

"You'll be fine..." "I have to take your classes!" "Oh shoot, those are hard..." "I know and I'm scared!" I chuckled at him and sighed.

"It's fine, I'll be with you okay?" He nodded and relaxed a bit. "Sorry...but how did it go?" He asked. "Pretty good, I showed her the legos that I bought her, then I helped her assemble them. But what's weird is that she got a headache out of no where...she looked down then it came...I was worried for her..." I said.

"Oh? That's weird..." he said. "I know, I don't know why it happened either, but she should be okay now, she's at her house. I got her number too." I smiled to myself a bit.

"Do you like her or something?" He asked, I felt my face get hot. "Maybe...?" "Really!?" He said shocked. "Yeah, I don't know why but she sort of reminds me of Y/n..." I said as I looked out Jisung's window.

"That's weird, but I'm glad to know you finally confesses to me." "Huh?" "It's oblivious you like her...you've been acting weird." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." I said.

Yang Y/n's POV

I walked inside the house and as soon as I did, I heard my phone 'ding'. "Oh, you're here! I just text you." Chan giggled a bit.

"Oh, yeah I am..." I said holding my head. I saw Minho turn towards me and walk fast to me. "Who hurt you? Who do I need to beat up?" He asked.

"No one! My head just hurts..." I said as I held legos in my other hand. "Where'd you get those?" Chan asked.

Oh shoot! I can't tell them about Hyunjin!

"I bought them the other day, and never got the chance to build them, so I did today." I lied pretty good.

"Oh, well let me take those and we'll take your food to you." Minho said as he got the legos from my hand.

I went with him into my room and laid on my bed. "Thanks..." "Mhm, no problem." He smiled as he placed them on my desk and turned on my lamp.

Chan came in with the food, and gave it to me. "Thanks." "No problem, we'll let you be now." Chan said. I nodded and waved at them as they left the room.

I ate my dinner which was some Mac n Cheese, then dozed off and fell asleep. While I was asleep, I had this weird dream, I dreamt that there was a little girl with me, and we were building legos together. It was really weird but it felt so...real.

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