c h a p t e r 32

351 12 0

Hyunjin POV

  I got back to the castle and climbed up on Jisung's balcony. When I was about to go inside through his door, I saw him talking to our mom.

  "Is your brother with you? I haven't seen him, and I need to ask him a question..." I heard my mom tell Jisung.

  "I- Uh, he's not in here, I haven't seen him either..." he said, I could tell he was scared and nervous.

  She couldn't see me which was good since Jisung was blocking the way. I quietly slipped through the balcony door then went over to my mom and Jisung.

  "Hey mom, hey Jisung." I smiled at them. "There you are, you and Jisung were hanging out huh?" She asked. I nodded then Jisung nodded hesitantly.

  "My bad, I forgot Hyunjin was looking for something in my closet, I wasn't paying attention when he came in..." Jisung chuckled slightly.

  "It's fine...Hyunjin, when you get the chance, I need you to get your head measured by our tailor, you're getting a new crown for your practice orientation next week." She said. I looked confused. "It's already next week?" I asked.

  "Yes, Jisung, you need to be fitted too, but I think your crown should still fit." Jisung nodded. "Okay, I'll let you boys be, but get it taken care of when you have the chance." She said as we both nodded and saw her leave.

  Jisung closed the door then looked at me. "You idiot! We almost got caught!" He whisper yelled and hit my arm. "Hey! At least we didn't!" I said as I went to close his balcony door.

"What took you so long anyways?" He asked me as he sat on his bed frustrated. "I was with Y/n...I was making sure she was okay." I said as I grabbed one of his pillows and threw it at him before sitting beside him.

He hit the pillow down then rolled his eyes. "I get you're in love, but you gotta think about how mom would freak out knowing you left and that we were keeping it a secret between us..." he said slightly annoyed.

"I know, I know...I'm sorry...but I wanted to also tell them that I'm fixing their cottage, buying them interior stuff, and I even gave them some money to help them out." I said as I smiled to myself a bit.

I looked at Jisung who reached over and hit the back of my head. "You dummy! What happens if mom finds out about all the money gone?!" He asked me.

"Ow! Don't worry...I'll be fine." I said as I rubbed the back of my head. "Okay, but if mom goes to the bank tomorrow, I'm not helping you cover for this one." He said.

"Okay, fine. I have an excuse anyways if all goes wrong." Jisung sighed then nodded. "Whatever..." he got up and walked over to his desk and took out his book.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. "Studying for my class..." he said as he looked up at me before looking back at his book.

  "Tsch, nerd." I said as I closed his book. "Hey!" He said. "Look...you know how you said if mom goes to the bank tomorrow, she'll 'find out' about the money?" I said.

  "Well, yeah she will...?" He said. "Well, while she's out, in the morning we can get our heads measured then I want to take you to meet her." I said as I smiled.

  "Really?! You want me to meet her?! Why?" He said confused while being slightly loud. "Shh!" I said as I covered his mouth. "I want you to meet her since mom and dad can't...I already met her brothers, she might as well meet mine."

  Jisung sighed and moved my hand away from his mouth. "Okay...but how are you gonna meet her? Isn't she not in her cottage?" He asked.

  "Yeah, she's at a hotel, meaning we will go visit her at her hotel." I smiled proudly. "Wait...I LEAVE THE CASTLE!?" I covered his mouth again. "SHUT UP! YOU'RE SO LOUD!" I said.

He moved my hand. "Sorry...but...what if we get caught?" He said. "Don't worry, if mom goes to the bank, dad will more than likely have another meeting, it'll just be us and our instructors. I can give them money to keep us from getting caught."

Jisung just looked at me and rolled his eyes. "If we get in trouble, I'm saying you dragged me into this mess..." "Deal." I said and we both shook hands.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧 | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now