c h a p t e r 30

375 13 4

Jisung POV

  A Few Hours Earlier

  It was dinner time, and I was freaking out. Hyunjin wasn't back yet, and I had no idea where he was.

  "Jisung? Why are you wearing a jacket?" My mom asked looking at me. "I have it on because I'm sick and cold remember?" I said.

  "Oh, yes. Did you take medicine like I told you?" She asked. I nodded and started to eat. "Jisung. Manners, wait for your brother." She said glaring at me.

  I sighed and looked around. We waited for about thirty minutes, and he still hadn't come. My mom sighed and looked at me.

  "You can eat now." I nodded and started to eat. After I finished eating, I went into my room and looked to see if Hyunjin came.

  'OH SHOOT! WAHT IF HE DIED?! WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HIM!?' I thought to myself as I started to panic.

  'I CAN'T BE KING YET! IT'S HIS RESPONSIBILITY, NOT MINE!' I thought to myself as I panicked even more.

  I sighed and sat on my bed and just thought about everything that could've happened to Hyunjin. He still wasn't back, and it was getting later and later.

  When it was about seven at night, I was already about to call the cops myself. I couldn't stop thinking if something really did happen to him.

  About a few minutes later, I heard a yell. I looked around fast then went into the hallway by Hyunjin's door. "Why are you being so loud Hyunjin..." I mumbled to myself.

  I went back in my room and sighed in relief. 'Thank God he's not dead after all.' I smiled to myself a bit and watched some T.V.

  When I was done watching a show, I decided to text Hyunjin instead of walking all the way to his room even though it was next door.

Hey, are you back yet?

Hyunjin😐: Yeah, why?

How was it?

  He explained everything that happened and I started to freak out again. 'YOU IDIOT!!! YOU CAN'T DIE NOW! I'M TO YOUNG TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE!' I thought as I punched my bed and screamed in my pillow quietly.

  I sighed and took a deep breath in and let it out. 'Calm down, Jisung...' I thought as I typed the opposite of what I was feeling.

Oh, I'm sorry that happened...
do you need anything?

Hyunjin😐: Nah, gn


  I put my phone down and sighed. I don't think Hyunjin should go out anymore...he got seriously hurt, it's bad enough too if he gets caught...

Yang Y/n's POV

  It was the next morning, and I woke up to go do my routine. I had a hard time sleeping last night because I was still scared.

  I decided to turn on the T.V and what was on, surprised me.

BREAKING NEWS: Suspect accused of following a girl to her house, breaking in, and threatening to 'Kill Her', in prison for life.

Suspect's name is Hansol Choi, a 45 year old male.

  I turned to see that Minho woke up, then Chan soon after. "He's in jail...?" Chan asked. "Yes...for life." I smiled a bit.

  "That's good. He didn't deserve to breathe this fresh air." Minho snapped as he looked at the T.V, then me. "How did you sleep?" He asked me.

  "I couldn't really sleep...but I guess knowing he's in jail, I'll be able to now." He nodded then looked at Chan.

  "Are you going to work? I'm gonna stay here for today with Y/n." Minho said. Chan nodded, "I have to, but I'll be later, okay?" Chan said.

  Minho and I nodded. Chan got ready, said goodbye, then headed out the door.

  I was watching T.V when Hyunjin sent me a text.

Hyunjin: Hey Y/n, how
are you?

I smiled a bit to my phone then replied back.

Good, how about you?

Hyunjin: Eh, I'm okay,
still in pain.

Sorry...hope you feel better soon!
Maybe get checked?

Hyunjin: I wish, I have
to be here at the castle today...
if I go out, it's to see you

I blushed a bit at his statement. I saw Minho look over at me confused. "What?" He asked. "Nothing..." I said as I smiled to myself.

Hyunjin: Sorry if that sounded
weird, but can we meet up?
I want to talk to you about

Yeah, but what is it?

Hyunjin: Well, I wanted to
tell you in person, but I can
tell you here.


Hyunjin: I want to fix your cottage.

Wait, you what?!

I gasped as I couldn't believe to what I had just read. Minho looked at me. "Okay, what's going on?" He asked. "Hyunjin offered to fix our cottage." I smiled a bit at him.

"What?! But how?! It's gonna take lots of money to..." he looked down then sighed. "Tell him thank you, but no thank you." I nodded and texted Hyunjin back.

Thanks, but it's gonna cost a lot.

Hyunjin: Don't worry!
I don't mind! I'll talk to you
more about it...what hotel
are you staying at and what
room number?

Sky Hotel and room 213.

Hyunjin: Okay, cya soon!

I looked at Minho. "He's gonna come by, is that okay?" He nodded, "Yeah, I'm not Chan. I don't mind." He smiled at me.

Hyunjin's POV

I smiled at my phone and placed it down. I went into my closet and grabbed my money jar. I had been saving up forever to buy random and even useless things, but I thought to myself last night as to what I should use it for.

And that, was to fix Y/n's cottage.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧 | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now