c h a p t e r 21

428 12 2

Hyunjin's POV

I saw her leave then I frowned a bit. "She's never played with legos? She would only clean?" I mumbled as I looked down at the water in the creak.

I looked at my watch and saw it was already five-forty five. I sighed then started to walk back to the castle.

When I got back, I climbed into Jisung's room and saw that he was sitting on his bed. "How'd it go?" He asked. "It wasn't bad...I found out that she's never played with legos before and that she cleaned when she was younger..." I said as I was still thinking about everything.

"Well, she probably grew up differently Hyunjin." Jisung said as he looked up at me. "Yeah, but she lives close by...she said she cleaned her house like her cottage. I don't know, I mean, would you want to clean when you were younger?" I asked him.

"Not really, I'd rather be playing. But what if like I said, she grew up differently?" He said. I sighed, "Your right, probably." I said.

"Besides, why do you care about that so much?" "Because it's not like you meet someone that has the same name as your best friend that died..." I looked at him.

"Look, there's a lot of people here that have the same name. They don't look alike, but they have the same name." Jisung said. "Now, you have to get back to your class, Mom pushed dinner back since you came to 'help' me." Jisung said as he pouted.

"I'm so hungry too." He whined. I nodded then looked at him. "Look, you'll eat in a bit...but you're right..." I sighed as I left his room.

I went into my class again and continued to learn. Honestly, I just spaced out for the entire thing. "Okay, I'll see you on Wednesday." My instructor said as he smiled at me before leaving.

I got up and walked out of my room then went to the kitchen since it was time to eat. I sat down by Jisung and saw my parents sit down too.

"How were your classes?" My mom asked us. "Good, I helped Jisung with his, then continued with mine." I said as I started to eat.

"Yup." Jisung said as he ate too. "That's good..." she smiled. I heard my parents go on and on to us about royalty stuff, but it didn't really interest me. Sure I need to actually be interested in it, because I'll run this castle someday, but right now, I just wanted to get to know Y/n more. Especially if we're the same age, I could use someone to talk to every now and then rather than my brother.

"Okay, if y'all are done y'all can be excused." My mom said. Jisung and I nodded and we got up. "Can I go out for a bit to the stores?" I asked. My mom looked at me in disbelief. "You actually want to go out?"

I nodded. "Well, I'm not going to go because I'm too tired from all of our meetings. Someone's gonna have to go with you." Jisung looked at me and smiled. "I'll come." He said.

"Okay, well can he come?" She looked at us and shook her head. "You need an adult. A guard even." She said.

"Dear, his seventeen and Jisung is fifteen. I think they'll be okay." My dad said to my mom. She sighed then nodded. "You're right...then fine. He can go, and you can go. Just please be careful, and don't let his clumsy self break anything." She said.

Jisung looked down a bit then I looked at my mom. "We won't." I put my arm around Jisung and we walked out of the castle.

Yang Y/n's POV

I ran to the cottage and saw that Chan and Minho had just walked in. "Crap!" I whisper shouted as I walked in through the back door.

"Hey...guys..." I smiled a bit at them. They sighed then waved. "Y/n..." Chan looked at me. "I know, I know...but Minho said if I promised him if I was okay..." I said looking at Minho.

"It's true, and are you okay?" He asked, I nodded. Chan sighed. "Fine, but be careful please..." "I know." I said.

"Well, there's some good news." Chan smiled. "What is it?" I asked. "I'm getting a raise in pay!" He said proudly. "Dude, that's awesome!" Minho said excitedly.

"Yup!" He said. "That's nice!" I said. "With the raise, we can upgrade our phones and Y/n can get one." Chan smiled.

"Really?!" I said happily. "Yes!" Minho said. "I get the money in two days, so once we do, then we'll figure it out."

"Thanks Chan!" I smiled and hugged him. Minho joined us in the hug too, smiling. I had never really had a phone since Minho and Chan were the only ones who did, since they needed it the most.

I was going to get one sooner, but the pipe broke for our water so we used the money to pay to fix that instead.

I had been waiting for a phone, and now I'm hopefully gonna get one! I just need to figure out how to use it properly though.

A little while later, we all ate dinner and then we all went into our rooms for the night. I was thinking about Hyunjin and how he had asked me about legos.

I looked at my bear once more then smiled a bit. 'I made a friend...'

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧 | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now