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Yang Y/n's POV

  I got my clothes out, and I changed into a simple t-shirt and shorts. I placed the bear on the bed and looked at it while sighing. 'Where have I seen you before...' I thought to myself.

  A few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. "Y/n? Food is ready." Minho said. I went to the door and opened it. "Okay, thanks." Minho nodded and looked at me before turning around and walking away.

Minho POV

  When Y/n opened the door, I saw how skinny she was and how many bruises she had. It honestly, sickened me. Not in a rude way, but in a way that I felt bad for her...

  I went to the kitchen and looked at Chan. "She's coming..." Chan nodded. "You okay?" I nodded fast then turned to see if she was behind me.

  She wasn't behind me, and I whispered to Chan. "She looks bad...can she please stay with us forever?" Chan looked at me confused then sighed. "Maybe..."

Yang Y/n's POV

  I went to the kitchen where Minho and Chan were. I sat down at their little table and waited for the food to be served.

  I saw Chan looking at me with a sorrowful look before he looked away and cleared his throat. Minho sat down and was basically quiet.

  "...Did I do something...?" I asked them. They both shook their heads right away. " didn't." Minho said smiling a bit before he looked down.

  "You didn't...but maybe you should stay with us...forever Y/n..." Chan looked at me. "Oh, it's okay, I told Minho I would leave tomorrow..." I got cut off by Chan, "No, please...stay with us. It's safer here than anywhere else with anyone else who wants to find you and turn you in..."

  I nodded and took a sip of my water. Chan placed the ramen down and then sat down. We all started to eat, and it was quiet.

  "So...Y/n? Why do you have a lot of bruises...?" Chan asked. Minho nudged at his arm. "Why would you ask that dude...!?" He whispered yelled at him.

  "It's fine...he's just curious..." I looked at my arms and sighed before looking back at Chan. "I would get badly abused by Hansol...the guy that took me in and basically tortured me...he also starved me which is why I'm so skinny." I said eating my ramen.

  "Oh...I'm sorry that happened to you...and you said you're how old?" Chan asked. "I'm eleven today..." Chan frowned a bit. "You shouldn't have to go through that...I'm so sorry." I smiled a bit and shook my head. "It's okay, I'm just glad I escaped. I had been playing that escape for years now..." I said smiling with relief. "I'm finally free!"

  They both nodded before looking at each other. "Well, I'm fourteen and Minho is thirteen." He said smiling a bit. I nodded. "Do y'all's parents know I'm here?"

  They both looked at each other again then shook their head. "They can't do anything about it..." Minho said sipping his water.

  "We lost them several years ago...they went to a boat ride and there was a bad storm that came in...they both drowned..." Chan said looking down. "That was when I was ten and Minho was nine..."

  "Oh, I'm sorry I asked..." I said feeling bad. "It's okay, you didn't know." I nodded a bit, but still felt guilty inside.

  We continued to eat dinner and it was the best I've had in weeks, literally. We talked and got to know each other more. Minho and Chan were really sweet, and I knew they were willing to help me stay away from Hansol forever.

  After dinner was over, Minho stood up and smiled at me. "Wanna see something cool?" I nodded and stood up. "I'll meet you guys in a bit, ima clean up." Chan said gathering the dishes. We nodded and went outside.

  Minho and I walked a bit until we found a little creak. "This is where we usually come to get away from's super peaceful and it's nice to just hang out at." He smiled as he sat down.

  "It is pretty." I said sitting by him. He nodded and handed me a flower that was by the water. "Thanks..." I smiled and held the flower. It was nice to be outside again without getting hit or yelled at.

  Off in the distance, I saw this huge house, almost looked like a castle. Unless it really was?

  "What's that?" I pointed to the 'castle'. "Oh, that's a castle! It's not as close as it seems from here, but we have a good view of it from here. Like I said, we live on the outskirts of town, and happen to be by a castle." Minho smiled proudly.

  "That's cool." I said looking at the castle. It started to get darker and Chan had come with a little lamp. "Okay, it's getting late, let's go." He smiled. We got up and followed him back into the house.

  When we got inside, I thanked Chan and Minho once again before we said good night to each other and went into our rooms.

  'Thank God this is way better than where I was before.' I thought to myself as I started to drift off to sleep.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧 | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now