ch 5- playdate

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Hwang Da-Eun's POV

  I went into the kitchen with them and we all sat together. I saw my husband walk in and smile at us then look at me confused. "I didn't know we'd be having a guest today?" He said. "Yup, we do, I figured since Jisung would be at his doctor's appointment she can be here with Hyunjin." I said, he nodded.

  After breakfast had ended, I said goodbye to Jisung and Chan-Yeol since they were getting ready to leave. "Eomma, what if they give me a shot!?" Jisung said scared and sounding like he was about to cry.

  "Don't worry, they won't! If they do, just think of how later on we'll be eating at McDonald's okay?" I said. He nodded and wiped his tears about. Jisung and Chan-Yeol left, which just left Hyunjin, Y/n and I there by the table.

  "You can go play if y'all want to okay?" I said. They both nodded and ran off to Hyunjin's play room. I smirked thinking of how soon it would just be all about us.

Yang Y/n's POV

  Hyunjin and I run into his playroom and we pull out the legos we had played with yesterday. "I'm almost done with mine!" Hyunjin said proudly. "Me too!" I smiled.

  "Do you have a lot of toys like me?" He asked me. "I'm not sure...maybe." I shrugged. "Do I have more than you?" He asked again. "I don't know...why are asking me?" "I'm just curious." He giggled a bit.

  "I think I have more legos though!" He said as he pointed to all his legos. "And I have a lot more stuffed animals!" I said laughing.

  We continued to build everything that was in front of us until it was a little later when Jisung and their dad had got back.

"HYUNJIN! I DIDN'T GET A SHOT!" Jisung came in and hugged his brother. "Get off me!" Hyunjin said trying to push Jisung away. Jisung let go then smiled at us both. "Can I play with y'all!"

"You can play with these." I saw Hyunjin give Jisung the building blocks. You know, the type that like a two year old would play with, not the actual legos but the 'safe' ones.

"No, I want those." Jisung said as he pointed to my legos. "Yeah Jisung here." I said as I was about to hand some of my legos to Jisung when Hyunjin stopped me. "No! Those are yours...he had some of his own." Hyunjin said as he got Jisung and sat him by his own legos.

"No fair!" "It is!" They started to argue a bit before Jisung gave up and threw the legos everywhere before storming out the room. Hyunjin got mad then sighed.

"It's okay! We can keep playing." I smiled at him and handed Hyunjin more lego pieces. "Yeah, but now I'm gonna be in trouble...he always gets me in trouble." He sighed. "It's didn't do anything." Hyunjin nodded and continued to build.

To his surprise, Jisung didn't come back in the room, neither did his mom to scold him. Hyunjin had sighed with relief knowing that Jisung didn't go to tattle on him.

A little while later in the afternoon, Hyunjin and I went to go eat a snack. After, we laughed and played and basically just had tons of fun with each other until we heard the doorbell ring.

"Aww!" Hyunjin said looking at me. "I don't want you to leave!" He then hugged me. "I don't want to go either!" I said hugging him back.

Hyunjin's mom came in the room and smiled at me. "Okay, Y/n is leaving now." She said as she looked at us. "Eomma! I don't want her to leave! Can she come to McDonald's with us?!" Hyunjin said smiling still hugging onto me.

"Sorry, but her Eomma is here for her already...maybe next time okay?" She said, we both nodded. I walked with Hyunjin to the main entrance then hugged my mom. "Eomma!" "Hi baby!" My mom smiled at me.

"Okay, let's go, I think Appa is making dinner for us." She smiled. I nodded and said bye to Hyunjin and his mom and left with my mom to my house.

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