Chapter 1: A seeker is born 1/2

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No one POV

Lord Casterwill: Before the history of the world began to be written, mankind faced evil of unimaginable power. In modern times, the missing Titans sleep, waiting for others to take over. A new generation of Seekers.

Venice prepartory academy Venice, Italy

Alex POV

Teacher: That's all you need to learn for the final test. Good luck and see you tomorrow.

That was all I heard at the end of my class. I left the school building for which my parents were paid. Studying in Venice is not cheap, but my family could afford such an expense, another factor of this situation are the people I meet.

???: Wait!


Alexander Sario: Ow. Where are you going, Lok?

Lok Lambert: I'm so sorry, Alex. I was try to catch Sophie.

Alexander Sario: You fell asleep in class, don't you.

Lok Lambert:Yep. (He rubs his neck nervously with his hand.)

Alexander Sario:(Air sigh) Okey, lets catch her. I was just focused on the classes, but working in three is more effective than in two.

Lok Lambert: Thank you, Alexander.

(two boys are running to catch up with the girl.)

Alexander Sario: Sophe, wait!

Sophie goes, unties the crossword puzzle.

Sophe Casterwill: Who are you two?

Alexander Sario: Sophe, we've been sitting on the same history bench for a year without them. It's me Alexander.

Lok Lambert: My name is Lok, i am sitting behind you

Sophie Casterwill: Oh my dear, I didn't notice you two.

Lok Lambert: We sit at the same bench in math and physics.

Alexander Sario: In short, this gentleman fell asleep during the lesson and he needs help, and I volunteered because there are three of them more than two.

Sophie Casterwill: Well it was honest. All in all, I can help you guys, since you are so honest.

Lok and Alexander's room

Lok Lambert: It's cleaner here than I left.

Alexander Sario: That's because, I cleaned up before I left.

Sophie Casterwill: This explains how Lok solved my crossword puzzle in 90 seconds. You're a terrible weirdo.

Alexander Sario: (laughs) That's right, Lok has a talent for puzzle solving.

Sophie, blow the strange statuette

Sophie Casterwill: Hey, what's that?

Lok Lambert: Don't touch that Sophie, it's my dad.

Lok runs up to her a bit too quickly, which causes him to fall into her and Sophie loses her balance and drops the statue.

Alexander Sario: Wait a minute, isn't that an amulet? (whisper to himself)

Lok Lambert: Hey, look at this.

Sophie Casterwill: I'm so sorry Lok, was that ... (sees the symbol on the journal and sucks in air in shock.)

Lok Lambert: What is that? Hey this is strange. (a faint green glow appears around Lok)

Sophie Casterwill: This drawing, I've seen it somewhere before. (open the journal)

Alexander Sario: These are sketches of Leonardo da Vinci.

Lok Lambert: What is this?

Alexander Sario: I don't know, but i know someone who can helps us. His name is Dante Vale, is a local expert on ancient works.

(A man in a suit suddenly burst through the window.)

Organization Agent 01: Augerfrost!

Lok Lambert: Who is that?

Alexander Sario: A problem, better be careful. (pulls Lok and Sophie by the collar to avoid being hit by the Seeker spell.)

(Two more people enter the room, a man with long brown hair and a woman with long brown hair and a ponytail.)

Organization Agent 01: Take a journal, use your power.

The woman and the man used Auggerfrost and Raypulse.

Alexander Sario: I really don't like that your friend broke the window in my dorm. Raypulse! (Alexander's spell hit the woman.)

Taking advantage of the three kids' opportunities, she escaped from the dormitory.

Lok Lambert: Alex, what the heck was that?

Alexander Sario: Escape first, questions later.

Sophie Casterwill: I agree.

(Time skip) still Alex POV

I, Lok and Sophie were separated, running across the rooftops from of three people in suits.

Alexander Sario: I don't like you three. Touchram.

To be continued...

Huntik: Secrets & Seekers x Male OC (1-26) VOL.1Where stories live. Discover now